Part 81

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Aston’s POV.

We were on our way to the airport, me, Marvin, JB, Oritse, JJ, Conor, Jackson and a few of my other friends. My phone went off, a text from Scarlett. ‘Ellie’s taking our phones for the week, have an amazing time beautiful, you deserve it, I love you, miss you already xx’. I smiled, and was about to reply. “Oh no you don’t, hand it over!” Oritse exclaimed. “What, why?!” I replied. “Rule number one of the stag do, no contact with the outside world.” Marvin chipped in. “Yep, so everyone hand them over.” JB added. “We’ve got an emergency number, just in case.” Marvin said quickly, seeing my face, he knew how much I worried these days!

We arrived at the airport around 20 minutes later. “Before we get out, you all have to wear the compulsory stag do t shirts.” Oritse smirked. “Oh good God.” I replied, dreading what god awful nickname would be on the back of mine. Oritse handed me my t shirt. “Juiceton.” I exclaimed.” Juiceton. You have got to be kidding, not Ashon, or Asty or Midget, bloody Juiceton!” “I told you, the revenge starts here!” Oritse scoffed. “I don’t get, it what’s so funny about Juiceton, juice? Someone explain?” JJ said slowly. “Someone wrote a fanfiction involving Aston, and let’s just say juice.” Marvin sniggered. “It’s not funny, it was vile! You’re never going to live that down are you?!” I exclaimed. “It is funny, and trust me, the fun has only just began!” Oritse said cheekily. “The paps are gonna have a field day with this one.” I muttered, pulling on the t shirt, then getting out of the car.

 “So, where are we going?” I asked, walking into the airport. “We’re going to Dubai for the week!” Marvin announced. “Fair play, that is pretty awesome!” I exclaimed, I couldn’t wait to get away, it was going to be one hell of a week!

Scarlett’s POV.

“So what now?” I asked, we’d just stepped off of the plane into sunny Florida after an 8 hour flight, we were all feeling pretty good! It was just after 4 in the afternoon in Florida, because of the time difference. “You’ll find out, very soon!” Ellie said, dragging her suitcase towards me. “If you’d like to follow me.” A man said, walking towards us. “I’m Adam and I’ll be your chauffer for the week!” He added. We all picked up our suitcases and followed. “Jeez, he’s hot.” Lauren hissed. “Aw, someone’s fallen for the driver and we’ve only been here 10 minutes!” I scoffed. “I was only saying!” She exclaimed, blushing. “If you want to leave your bags with me, they’ll be at the hotel when you get back.” Adam said, loading the mini bus which Ellie had hired for the week. “So wait, we aren’t going straight to the hotel?” I asked. “Nope, we’re just dropping off somewhere first!” Ellie exclaimed, the other girls laughed slightly. “So, everyone knows where we’re going?” I replied, narrowing my eyes. “Yep, pretty much!” Ellie laughed. “Ooh, here’s our ride!” She added before I could reply, pointing to a black range rover.

“How long are we gonna be in the car for?” I asked, I just wanted to get back to the hotel, to freshen up! “Not long it’s about an hour down the road from here.” Ellie said back. “So, do you know where the boys are off to?” I asked curiously. “Yep.” She said instantly. “Care to share?” I replied. “Oh no, we couldn’t possibly do that!” Rochelle smirked. “So everyone knows but me?” I said back. “Yeah, we had to, to make sure their plans didn’t collide with ours, all that I’m saying is that they’re not in the same country as us!” Ellie replied.

“Here we are!” Announced the driver some time later. We all climbed out of the car, I look around me. “We’re going skydiving?!” I exclaimed. “Yep, like I said, this is no ordinary hen do!” Ellie replied. “Now, I don’t know whether to be scared or excited.” I laughed. “Be excited, this is gonna be an amazing experience!” Ellie smiled. We walked towards the building, and checked in. We got changed into the outfits we had to wear to go skydiving. “God, I look so attractive right about now.” I muttered, looking at myself in the mirror. “Don’t worry, we all do!” Ellie exclaimed, taking my picture before I could move. “Don’t you dare show that to Aston!” I exclaimed, I looked awful. “I won’t.” She trilled, that meant she would. We all climbed into the helicopter, the height was astonishing, I was beginning to get scared! “So, who wants to go first?” One of the instructors asked. I looked out of the window and gulped, we were only halfway up. “Considering it’s Scarlett’s hen do, Scarlett should go first.” Ellie smirked. “Oh no, I ain’t jumping out of no plane first! Considering you arranged this, you should go first!” I  exclaimed. 

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