Part 49

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Scarlett’s POV.

“What a vile woman.” I shuddered as we sat down in the car. “What a vile couple.” Aston spat. “Whatever possessed them to think that we’d be up for something like that, I’ll never know, it’s seriously vile. I knew she was twisted, but that takes the piss.” “Ugh, I know, seriously though? Just why?” I replied. “I don’t know, but if either of them come near us, that’s it I’m calling the police.” Aston said back. “Call the police and tell them what?” I asked. “They’re drug addicts Scarl.” Aston said slowly. “What? How do you know?!” I exclaimed. “Didn’t you see the glazed look in their eyes? Sniffed a lot too, especially Danni.” Aston replied. “I didn’t tend to look into their eyes, or pay attention to them at all to be honest.” I replied, I was shocked. “Why don’t you phone the police on them now?” I added. “I can’t it would be too obvious, it’s not like we have much evidence anyway.” Aston answered. “Yeah I guess not. How do you know about the drugs thing anyway?” I asked. “When me and Danni were ‘dating’ or whatever you want to call it, well one day, we went out, all of us together, went back to mine, she went upstairs, and she was ages. I was downstairs with the boys, then I left them to go and look for her, walked into my bedroom, and I was her take a line of cocaine. Seriously Scarlett, it was horrific, how she could do that to herself, I’ll never know.” Aston replied slowly. “Is, is that when you finished it?” I asked back. “Yep, right there and then. I couldn’t deal with it.” He said bitterly. “I don’t blame you. It’s vile.” I replied. “Let’s not talk about her anymore, I want us to try and make the most of this time together.” Aston said. “Yeah, so do I.” I replied, knowing that we were going home the next day, and I’d see very little of him, it was just under a month until the tour started! 

The next day.

“Well, we’re back on British soil now!” Aston exclaimed as we stepped off the plane. “Yeah, nice to be home, I guess.” I sighed. “Don’t sound certain?” Aston asked. “I’m just not gonna see as much of you now, with the tour and everything.” I replied. “You will, I promise, we’ve done the majority of the rehearsals, we’ve still got to practise every day, just not for that long!” Aston answered. We walked through the airport, there were paps everywhere. It was weird being papped again, even though we’d only been away a few days, I’d gotten used to the paps not being on our trail constantly.

“Another trip to France ruined by Danni.” I sighed as we walked through the front door. “It was exactly ruined only that day. The rest of it was perfect.” Aston replied, putting his arms around me and kissing me gently on the forehead. “I guess not, I just wanted it all to be perfect.” I said back. “Don’t let her get you down, she’s not worth it.” He replied. “What is it with us going to France, and her coming back on the scene though?!” I exclaimed. “It’s like she stalks us!” “Trust me, she doesn’t, she knows where she’s not welcome. It must just be strange coincidence.” Aston said back. “Maybe we better avoid that area of Europe from now on.” I laughed weakly. “Things won’t be like that every time we go there.” Aston replied. “What are the odds of us going out there twice, and she’s out there, twice.” I answered. “I guess you got a point.” Aston replied. “My bet is, it won’t be long until she’s locked up or something.” “How can you say that?” I asked. “The drug scene, it’s dangerous, it won’t be long until she does something stupid, and she gets caught out.” Aston replied. I didn’t say anything back, I let the subject drop, I knew how much he hated talking about her, or anything to do with her for that matter.

“So, what are you gonna do with yourself tomorrow?” Aston asked as I climbed into bed. “Catch up with Ellie I guess.” I replied. “Why don’t you come down to the dance studio, once we’ve finished, we can all go out together, catch up or something?” Aston asked. “Yeah that’ll be nice.” I answered, smiling. “Y’ano, that break to Paris was the cutest thing anyone’s ever done for me!” Aston exclaimed. “Really?” I asked. “Yep, seriously! I didn’t want it to end!” Aston continued. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I replied, I was fed up of people saying I was sponging off Aston. I paid my own way the majority of the time, just people didn’t seem to see it like that…

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