Part 77

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Scarlett’s POV.

I got out of the car, and looked up at the tall building, I’d been here a few times before with Aston, but I was so nervous! “Good luck babe, we’ll be right here thinking of you.” Aston smiled, he was waiting in the car with Faith. I smiled my thanks, and walked towards the building, it was freezing! I walked into the building, and up the stairs, his office was on the top floor. “Hey, I have a meeting with Jack.” I said to the receptionist. “He’ll be ready in a few minutes, if you’d like to take a seat.” She replied, smiling. I smiled back, and sat down, this meeting could change my life! “Jack will see you now.” The receptionist called a few minutes later. I got up, shook my hair out and walked into his office. I knocked the door and walked in. “Scarlett, it’s nice to see you again.” Jack said warmly, shaking my hand. “It’s nice to see you again too.” I replied. “Thank you for this opportunity.” I added, sitting down. “It’s a pleasure.” He said back. “Did you bring the songs that you’ve written?” “I’ve brought a few, well the ones that I think are my best ones.” I replied, taking a CD out of my bag and handing them to Jack. “I’ll have a listen to them later, I’ve drawn up a contract if you’d like to read it. I’ve already showed it to your manager.” He said back, pulling out a few sheets of paper. I was with the same manager since I’d started my song writing. I read them over. It was a two album contract, with two singles being released from each, I’d have a lot of input on the writing too. “So, what do you think?” Jack asked after I’d finished reading. “It looks good, yeah.” I replied smiling. “So you’d be interested in signing then?” He asked. “Yes definitely!” I said back. “Excellent news, and if all goes well, after the two albums, we’ll look into signing you again, for a longer period of time.” Jack replied. “When would these albums be expected to be released?” I asked. “I was thinking around September time, with the first single being released in June.” He said back. “June?! I better get started then!” I exclaimed. “You can start recording and writing as of next week.” Jack answered. “Do I have a say on what the singles are going to be?” I asked. “Of course.” He replied. “I think I already know what I want the first one to be anyway.” I said quickly. He stared at me. “The one I sang at Aston’s birthday last year ‘It’s never a final goodbye’.” “I had a feeling you were going to say that, it’s the one Aston showed me, it’s a good choice.” Jack said back. “Now I need you to sign there, then we’re about done here.” I signed the paperwork, I couldn’t control my excitement! “There we are.” I said, handing him the paper. “It’s been a pleasure, Scarlett.” He replied, shaking my hand. “I’ll look forward to seeing you in the future!”

Aston’s POV.

I looked up, and saw Scarlett walking towards the car, she was smiling, that was always a good sign! “How did it go?” I asked as soon as she opened the door. “Amazing! They’ve offered me a two album contract, and I start recording next week!” Scarlett exclaimed. “That’s awesome news babe!” I replied. “I’m so happy for you.” “I owe it all to you really.” She said back. “You don’t owe me anything.” I said happily. “What’s the contract like then?” “Well, I’m writing the majority of it myself, the first single is going to be released in June and then the second in August along with the album!” Scarlett replied. “Wow, June, you better get a move on then!” I exclaimed. “I already know what my first single is gonna be anyway, the one I sang for you, at your birthday last year.” She said back. “Aw, that’s cute, it’s such a good song.” I replied. “Yep, it’s dedicated to you, obviously, so it’ll mean a lot to me when I perform it and stuff.” Scarlett answered. “Oh my god! This is so real now, I’m actually going to have my own album and single out, and I get to record a video, wow! I never thought this would happen!” She babbled. “It’s real, it’s the break you’ve been waiting for!” I exclaimed. “And you deserve every bit of the success you’re going to have!” “Where do you wanna go now?” I added. “Home, I wanna let the people who matter the most to me, know before anyone else!” Scarlett exclaimed. I was so happy that she was happy, her happiness meant everything to me! 

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