Part 36

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Scarlett’s POV. 

I woke up, having no clue what the time was to the smell of a roast dinner being cooked. Strange, I thought to myself, according to Aston yesterday, we didn’t have anything for a Christmas dinner yesterday, and now this. I got up, and walked down the stairs slowly. “Hey, I thought you said we didn’t have anything to make a Christmas dinner yesterday?” I laughed, walking into the kitchen where Ast was. “Yeah, we didn’t, but my parents kinda brought stuff up with them today.” He said gesturing towards the living room. I turned slowly towards the living room where his parents, Courtney and Conor were sitting, thank god his younger brothers weren’t there, that would have my situation a whole lot worse. “Bollocks.” I muttered. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “I’m shamed. The way I just came prancing down here, dressed in hardly anything, and your family have all seen me.” I said cringing. “Babe, I’m sure they didn’t see you.” Aston replied, smirking. “Ast…You and I both know full well that they saw me!” I exclaimed. “I’m going upstairs to get dressed before this gets any worse!” “Okay babe.” Aston said back, laughing as I ran back up the stairs. I shut the door tightly behind me. “Because going back down to face them all now isn’t going to be awkward at all.” I said to myself sarcastically. 

Aston’s POV. 

“So hasn’t Scarlett made an appearance today?” Mum asked, Scarlett had been upstairs getting changed for ages. “Mum, I know you all seen her when she came down like half an hour ago.” I replied. “Yeah, okay, we did.” Mum admitted slowly. “Just thought it would be best not to say anything. “Is she coming down today or?” Dad added. “I’ll call her now.” I sighed, getting up and walking to the bottom of the stairs. “Scarl?” I called. “Yeah Ast?” She shouted back. “You ready yet?” I shouted. “Yeah, I’ll be down now.” She replied.

5 minutes later and Scarlett walked down the stairs and sat next to me. “You look beautiful babe.” I said quietly, kissing her. “You too.” She replied. “Aw young love!” Conor mocked. “Shut up!” I exclaimed, elbowing him in the ribs. I looked back at Scarlett, her cheeks were flushed red. “Food should be ready now, everyone sit at the table, and I’ll plate it up!” My mother exclaimed suddenly. “I’ll come and help you.” Scarlett said quickly standing up and following my mum to the kitchen. I watched her as she walked away. “Ast?” Conor said, bringing me back. “Yeah?” I replied. “Just get married already!” He exclaimed. “What?” I replied. “Just get married already, you’re obviously meant for each other!” Conor answered. The corners of my mouth twitched into a smile, and I let out a quiet laugh. “What’s so funny?” Conor asked. “Nothing, nothing…” I replied, trailing off. I got up and walked to the dining room and sat down at the table. Mum and Scarlett brought out the food a few minutes later. We all sat down, and generally talked about how our Christmas day had been, although me and Scarlett left out the whole pizza thing, now that would have been awkward… “So, how are you parents?” Mum asked Scarlett. Scarlett froze for a few seconds. “Um, yeah they’re okay I guess, haven’t seen them in a while, hard to keep up these days.” She replied. “Good to hear, give my love to them when you see them.” Mum said back. “Yeah will do.” Scarlett answered, smiling weakly. “Me and your mum used to be so close.” My mother continued, innocently enough. “Might give her a ring sometime soon.” “So, mum what did you get for Christmas?” I asked quickly, changing the subject. Mum started reeling off a list of things she had for Christmas. I looked over to Scarlett quickly. “Thank you.” She mouthed. I shot her a weak smile. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

“I’ll take that.” I said quickly, taking the plate off Aston’s Dad. “I’ll take it myself, I don’t mind!” He replied. “No its fine, I like being kept occupied!” I answered, really just wanting to get out of the dining room to have a few moments by myself. I stacked a few plates on top of each other and walked out the kitchen. I put the plates down held onto the counter for a few minutes. “You okay?” Aston asked, walking into the kitchen, hugging me from behind. “Yeah, it just hits home every now and then, what’s happened with my parents, especially my dad.” I sighed. “Sorry about what my Mum said.” He replied quietly. “It’s not your fault, not her fault either, she doesn’t know about it.” I answered. “I can have a word with them if you like?” Aston suggested. “No, now isn’t the right time, it’s Christmas, well boxing day, everyone will find out when the time is right I guess.” I replied. “If you’re sure?” Aston asked. “Yeah I am, now come on, let’s get back into the Christmas spirit and go have some fun!” I exclaimed, dragging him back into the living room. 

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