Part 25

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Aston’s POV.

We had just pulled up outside the airport. “You ready then?” I asked Scarlett quietly, she looked out of the window cautiously. “You’ll be safe. Security will walk us right up to the VIP lounge.” I promised. We got out of the car, and walked into the airport, checked in and walked straight up to the VIP lounge, we had around 2 hours until our flight was due to take off. It was just after midnight, but it hadn’t stopped the paps, they were there once again wanting an exclusive of what happened. Of course, we said nothing. The airport was practically deserted inside. We were sitting in the VIP lounge, it was only me and Scarlett, It was deserted. “The tickets must have cost you a fortune!” Scarlett said, making conversation. “Nah, money is no object, your safety is more of a concern to me right now.” I replied quietly. “I’ll be back now, just going to the toilet.” I added, kissing her on the forehead. “Don’t be long!” She replied, I could hear the panicked edge to her voice. “I won’t be, I promise.” I said, reassuring her.

Scarlett’s POV.

I watched Ast walk away slowly, my heat started beating fast, a wave of paranoia swept over me, I was being watched again. I could feel it. I jumped at the sound of my phone going off. I read the text. “Just to let you know, running won’t solve your problems xo.” I stared at my phone. “Oh Aston, please come back.” I whispered, feeling helpless

“So, we meet again. After all this time.” Said a deep voice. I froze. It was Cal. I was alone. With him. “Why did you run from me? After all, we were perfect together, it’s a shame I’m going to have to do this, but you know, something’s have to be done.” He was standing behind me. I didn’t dare turn around. “It’s also a shame the police had to be involved… We could have sorted this out just by talking right?” He continued. “How did you get in here?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper. “Oh, I have my ways. Trust me I have my ways.” He chuckled. He walked around the sofa I was sitting on, so he was standing directly in front of me. He hadn’t changed one bit. He stared at me with his piercing ice blue eyes. He put his hand under the thin jacket he was wearing, and pulled something out. “It’s a shame I have to do this, but I can’t really see another way…” He said trailing off. My eyes went straight to the object he was holding. It was a knife. I gasped quickly, glancing over his shoulder. I could see Aston, standing there, shocked. I shook my head, trying to make him see sense, for him to stay there. I looked back at Cal, trying to think of a way to get out of this. “What if there is another way?” I blurted out. He had moved ever so slightly closer to me, the knife just a few inches away from me. I chose my words carefully. “What if, what if I want us to be to be together again?” I said slowly, knowing that this was what he would want to hear. “Oh, you’ve changed your tone.” He said suspiciously, the hand he was holding the knife in relaxed slightly. “Yeah, I mean seeing you again, it’s made me realise how much I’ve missed you.” I replied, not meaning it one bit. “If you mean that, then kiss me.” He said slyly. I stood up, and he bent over me, my lips quivered. He put one hand on my neck and the knife he was holding was just centimetres from head. He pressed his lips to mine, I could taste a mixture of alcohol and tobacco. It was vile. 

Aston’s POV.

I walked back from the toilet, and froze. I could see Scarlett struggling to get away from this man, I automatically assumed it was Cal. “Get your hands off her!” I yelled, moving closer to them. “Move one step closer, and she gets it. Right by here.” He Spat, pointing the knife to her neck. I hadn’t noticed it. I bit my lip, I didn’t know what to do. He gripped Scarlett’s arm. “Put this on, and put the hood up.” He said, handing her a black hoody. “And you. Stay there and don’t move.” He added, pointing the knife at me. I didn’t take my eyes off Scarlett. “I love you.” She mouthed, silent tears pouring violently from her eyes. She pulled the hoody on, and then she was gone. I collapsed to the floor, I didn’t know what to do, tears poured down my face. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“Keep your head down and stop crying. Act normal.” Call hissed, pulling me through the airport. I obeyed him, knowing the fact that if I didn’t it would be the end of me. We walked through the airport, it was deserted. Something had happened. We walked through the entrance, the place was surrounded by the police. “Put the weapon down and let go of the girl!” One of them yelled. “Never.” Cal said coolly. I felt a searing pain in the top of my right leg. I fell down. “Oh no Scarlet, no.” I heard Aston sob. “Aston I love you.” I whispered. Everything went black. 

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