Part 3

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7 years later (May 2011)

Scarlett’s POV.

“Come on Scarl! It will be fun!” Ellie nagged, she’d been nagging me all day to come out clubbing for weeks. “I don’t know, clubbing is really not my thing…” I replied. I’d been living in London with my flatmate Ellie for about 2 years, trying to make it as a singer/songwriter, I had already written for some very famous people! “Just this once, come on, I know someone who is going, he’ll be perfect for you!” Ellie exclaimed. She was forever trying to set me up with various different people. “Oh I don’t know, I’m not really the dating type.” I answered. “You’ve been single since like forever though!” Ellie answered. Not forever, I thought, tears pricking the back of my eyes. Yes, 7 years on, and I still missed him. I couldn’t even say his name. “HELLO? Earth to Scarlett!” Ellie said, waving her hand in front of my eyes. She knew everything about me, well everything apart from him. “Sorry, daydreaming.” I muttered blinking and shaking my head. “I suppose one night out won’t hurt, but I can’t be back too late, I have work in the morning.” “Awesome! Now let’s go and find you something to wear!” Ellie exclaimed triumphantly. 

“So, who you working with tomorrow?” Ellie asked, absentmindedly as she was curling my hair. “Erm, just some small boyband, JLS I think they’re called?” I replied, not really too sure who they were. “WHAT? No way?! Seriously?” Ellie exclaimed. “Yeah?” I replied casually, not realising the big fuss. “You do realise you’re working with the country’s biggest boyband of our generation?” Ellie replied. “Oh, I didn’t realise, boyband aren’t really my thing, I’m just working with them for experience.” I answered. “Didn’t you watch x factor back in 2008?” Ellie continued with the questioning. “Nope, shows like that are overrated.” I replied. “Scarlett! You’re unbelievable!” Laughed Ellie, she walked over to the iPod dock. “You better listen to this, to know what you’re working with! It’s their second number one hit, Everybody in Love!” We both went quiet and I turned my attention to the song blaring out from the speakers. I paid close attention to the lyrics. “Well what do you think?” Ellie asked smiling at me. “They’re actually pretty amazing!” I replied, the lyrics were creative I thought, and somewhat ironic. “I’d wait forever and a day for you.” They reminded me too much of Aston, they suited my situation perfectly. “What are they like as a group?” I asked curiously. “Well, the bond between them is amazing! You’d think they were brothers more than friends.” She replied. “Are they hot?” I asked. “Yes, incredibly. I think the short one will catch your eye!” She replied cheekily. “Aha, we’ll see.” I replied, knowing that the only person to catch my eye was Ast. “Let’s just say you’re incredibly lucky to be working with them!” Ellie said. 

We spent the night clubbing, it was SO not my thing, I had countless offers from all different kinds of boys, in all fairness some of them were genuinely nice, but the rest were obviously only after one thing, it made me cringe how desperate they were. It just made me miss him even more. We got in around 12ish and I went straight to bed, on the way I grabbed Ellie’s iPod and decided to listen to a bit of JLS’ first album considering I was working with them. I plugged my earphones in, and put it on shuffle, the first song “Only Tonight.” I closed my eyes and listened to the lyrics, once again, they suited my situation perfectly. “And tomorrow you’re gone, and we’re just a song I’m singing alone.” “Oh Aston, where are you?” I cried bitterly into my pillow.

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