Part 79

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 Scarlett’s POV.

“And that’s a wrap!” The director called. I smiled then sighed, I was absolutely exhausted! I’d just done a full days’ worth of filming for my first ever music video, it had been an amazing experience! I walked back to the dressing room to get changed. “Right, you. Go home pack, and get a good night sleep, busy week ahead.” Ellie said sternly. “Yes Mum.” I muttered. We were going away for a week for my hen do, or hen week, whatever. I had mixed feelings, I was looking forward to it, but I didn’t want to be away from Aston and Faith for that long. “I’m being serious.” She replied, rolling her eyes. “What am I supposed to back anyway? I have no idea where we’re going because you won’t tell me.” I said back. “The basics, and a mix of clothes.” Ellie replied instantly. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I sighed. “We’ll be there at 12, you better be ready.” She said back. “I will don’t worry about that.” I replied, walking out of the dressing room. Ellie could be really demanding when it came to plans she had made!

“Hey, Mummy’s home!” Aston exclaimed, walking towards the front door with Faith in his arms. I took Faith from him. “Someone’s missed me!” I commented. “As always babe, as always.” Aston replied, smiling. “How did filming go?” “Yeah it was good, such an experience!” I replied. “Aw, I remember our first video, can’t believe how quick time has gone though!” He exclaimed. “Aw little JLS!” I mocked. “Yeah you were cute back in the day.” “What you trying to say, I’m not cute anymore?” Aston laughed. “Yeah, you’ve let yourself go a bit…” I said slowly, knowing that was the complete opposite. “Someone’s getting a bit cheeky!” Aston exclaimed. “I’m not cheeky, I’m just quick!” I replied, pursing my lips. “How about we get this little one to bed, then we go to bed ourselves?” I suggested, packing was the last thing on my mind!

The next morning.

“Scarl, wake up!” Aston exclaimed, shaking me. “What? Why? What time is it?” I muttered. “11, Ellie will be here in an hour.” Aston replied. “Shit! Oh my god I need to pack!” I exclaimed, jumping out of bed. Aston sat in bed watching me as I aimlessly pulled things out of the wardrobe, throwing them into the suitcase. “Y’ano you’re hot when you’re panicking.” He smirked. “Now’s not the time.” I said quickly. “Just stating a fact babe.” Aston replied coolly. “I blame you for this Merrygold.” I muttered. “Me?! How’s this my fault?” He laughed. “Because you’re such a bad influence on me and all, y’ano distracting me like that last night.” I smirked. “Now I think we both know both well that was not my idea…” Aston replied, trailing off, pulling me back onto the bed. “How come you’re not worrying about packing then?” I asked, Aston was going away on his stag do, the same time as me for my hen do. “The boys said they have it all sorted…” Aston said wearily. “So you don’t know nothing either then?” I replied. “Nope, haven’t got a clue.” He said back. “Why did we agree to this again? Letting our best friends arrange our stag and hen do’s we must be mental!” I exclaimed. “It’s gonna be something to remember!” Aston laughed. “Anyway, back to the packing.” I said quickly, glancing at the clock, time was running out!

“Scarl, are you ready?” Ellie called from downstairs, she was early! “Yeah, I’ll be down now.” I replied, lugging the huge suitcase from our room. “You look as if you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards!” Ellie exclaimed as soon as she saw me. “I’ll sort myself out in the car.” I muttered. “You’ve only just finished packing haven’t you.” She sighed. “Um…” I replied. “You’re unbelievable Scarl!” Ellie said back. “Hey, leave me be! I’m young, happy and in love!” I grinned back. “I’ll take your suitcase to the car while you say goodbye.” She laughed, taking the case off me. “Jeez Scarl, what have you got in here, we’re only going for a week!” Ellie exclaimed. “Everything but the kitchen sink.” I replied, there was a hint of sarcasm in my voice. “Nah, I’m just well prepared.” “I can see!” She said back, walking out of the house. I turned to Aston, who had Faith in his arms. “I don’t wanna go.” I pouted. “Babe, you’ll have fun, trust me!” Aston replied. “I guess, but I’ll miss you both so much.” I said slowly, my eyes filling up. “Aw babe, come here.” Aston said softly, pulling me towards him, kissing me, gently at first, it then became more intense. “Scarl! We’re ready to leave!” Ellie exclaimed a few minutes later. “Way to ruin a moment Elle.” I muttered under my breath. “Right, Faith’s bag is in her room, that’s all she needs for the week, give your parents my regards!” I said quickly. Aston’s parents were minding Faith for the week. “I will, now go, have fun, and I’ll see you soon!” Aston exclaimed, kissing me quickly. I hugged them both, kissing Faith, then Aston. “Have fun too, be safe.” I said quietly. I could feel Ellie’s eyes boring into the back of my head, she was getting impatient. “I love you!” I exclaimed, walking towards the door, mentally preparing myself for the week ahead! 

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