Part 18

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“I better get going, didn’t tell Aston where I was.” I said quickly, standing up. “Yeah okay, I was gonna head for a shower anyway.” Oritse replied. I smiled at him and walked away. “Scarl?” He called quietly. “Yeah?” I said, turning my head. “Thanks for, well y’ano, what you said.” He said smiling. “No problem, anytime, thank you too.” I replied gratefully. He smiled back. 

I walked into our room to find Aston sitting on the balcony, his back to the door. “Hey.” I said quietly, sliding the door open. There was no response. “Are you going to answer me or?” I said weakly. I watched as his shoulders shuddered. “Ast? Are you crying?!” I exclaimed. His hand moved quickly to his face then back to his lap again. “Aston?” I said quietly, walking around and pulling up another chair so I was sitting directly opposite him. His eyes were red. “Aston what’s wrong babe? Please talk to me.” I said quietly, putting my hand on top of his. I stared at his face until he looked into my eyes. “I-I thought I lost you.” He whispered finally. “When you were gone this morning, I thought you’d gone for good.” “Oh Ast! I’d never leave you! You know that!” I said passionately. “You were gone when I got up, I thought you’d left me.” He said quietly. “I wasn’t going to get very far without my money or passport was i?” I teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “I’m not joking Scarl…” Aston trailed off. “Where were you anyway?” “Just down by the pool, talking to Reesh, I told him what happened last night, and he was telling me about, well basically about all he wants is someone to love.” I said quietly. “Oh, and I know, we’ve had that conversation many of times.” He replied weakly. I got up and sat on Aston’s lap, cuddling in to him. “I love you.” I murmured. “I love you too Scarl, and nothing will ever change that. She will never come between us.” He said back. I knew he was on about Danni.

Aston’s POV.

I held Scarlett close to me, running my fingers through her hair. “Has she sent you any more texts?” Scarlett asked quietly. “Nope, it’s only been the two that you read last night, I’m hoping she’s got the message not to come near us again.” I said back. Scarlett sighed, obviously relieved. I was about to say something, but Scarlett beat me to it. “Y’ano, I was just thinking about Reesh, I reckon he’d get on with Ellie, like really well if you get me?” She blurted out. “What are you suggesting? That we set them up on some sort of blind date?” I asked. “No, well not exactly! One day when we’re home we could go out together, like all of us, and Ellie could come, and just like take it from there I guess?” Scarlett replied. “Yeah, I guess it could work! I’d do anything to see Oritse happy!” I exclaimed. “I reckon they’d be cute together!” Scarlett smiled. “Yeah! Come on, let’s go do something, make the most of our last day before the hard work starts tomorrow.” I replied, the next 6 weeks were going to be full of promotion for Everybody in Love and our first album all over Europe! 

Scarlett’s POV.

We walked down by the poolside to find everybody else already there. I walked over to Rochelle and Chloe, leaving Ast with the boys. “So, how was your day yesterday?” Chloe asked as I sat down. “Yeah, it was..good.” I said hesitantly, trying to sound convincing, but they weren’t fooled. “Sure?” Asked Rochelle. “Honestly, the day was amazing, it’s just well, Aston took me for a meal and well this girl Danni was there, then she started acting all coy and flirty with Ast, then she text him and then…” I blurted out. The two girls looked at me in surprise. “What was she doing there?” Rochelle said. “She was with this man, he had to be at least double her age, and filthy rich.” I said bluntly. “But it was so obvious. She still loves Aston.” Rochelle and Chloe both responded the same way Oritse did. Telling me everything was going to be alright. Of course it was, I was overreacting.

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