Part 13

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Scarlett’s POV.

We boarded the plane, and everyone settled down for the flight, it was only going to last about an hour and a half, but I just couldn’t settle down. I cuddled into Aston, and closed my eyes for about 15 minutes, but it was no use, I couldn’t keep still. “Scarl, what’s wrong?” Aston whispered. “I can’t get comfy.” I replied, looking around the low-lit plane, everyone seemed to be sleeping or dozing, and then there was me. I leant back, and looked at Aston putting my hand on his cheek. He took my hand and pressed it gently to his lips. “I Love you princess.” He murmured. “I love you too.” I replied, closing my eyes, trying to get some rest for the next hour or so. 

“Babe, wake up.” Aston said gently shaking me. “Where are we?” I muttered, I must’ve falling asleep. “France babe.” Aston replied. “We’ve just landed.” I got up and walked off the plane, well, half walked, half Aston practically carrying me. The boys got the luggage and we were driven straight to the hotel, checked in and practically collapsed into bed. 

Aston’s POV.

I woke up the next morning and looked over to Scarlett, she was still sleeping and she looked so beautiful! I got out of bed and walked over to the balcony. We had the penthouse suite in a 5 star hotel on the outskirts of Paris. The view was stunning! I heard the balcony door slide open. “Morning babe.” Scarlett said cheerfully. “Morning gorgeous!” I replied. “Did I wake you?” “Nope!” She answered. “So, what’s the plan for the next few days?” “Well, we have a few days holiday, so we can do what we want, then we’re going around different parts of France promoting for first album and we’re releasing Everybody in love over here!” I replied. “Awesome! So what have you got planned for the next few days for us then?” She asked. “Ah, you’ll see babe, you’ll soon see!” I replied cheekily, keeping quiet what I had planned. “Aw! I hate surprises!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Aha I know! Something’s never change aye babe!” I said back. “Come on, let’s get ready for breakfast!” 

Two hours or so later and I was sitting down by the pool with the boys, the weather was beautiful! “You and Scarlett are perfect together mind.” Oritse said suddenly, random I thought. “I know, it feels so right, she’s actually perfect!” I replied, smiling. “I can see, y’ano, I was I had someone like her in my life.” He said quietly. “Reesh, she’s out there somewhere, you know that.” I said back. “I know, I know that, just seems like every girl I talk to is only interested in my money and status.” He said sadly. I was about to reply, when Scarlett came around the corner with Rochelle and Chloe, wearing a tiny pair of denim shorts and a blue bikini top. My mouth dropped open and I whistled. “Looking good babe!” I said. “Back atcha babe!” She said back, pulling up a sunbed next to mine. I laid down on the sunbed enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin, I dozed off, all of a sudden I found myself being picked up and thrown into the pool I surfaced and seen Scarlett laughing her head off. “Right! That’s it! If I’m being soaked, so are you!” I growled pulling myself out of the pool. “No! I just washed my hair!” Scarlett protested. “Tough! You shouldn’t have laughed at me!” I replied, grabbing her in my arms and jumping back into the pool. “Thanks Merrygold!” She spluttered. “Anytime babe!” I replied, kissing her quickly, then getting out of the pool. We spent the rest of the day by the pool, none of us actually had the energy to do something else.

Scarlett’s POV.

Later on, we went back to the room after having food. I walked into the bathroom and ran a bath, lighting candles. I climbed into the bath, and laid back. “Ast?” I called quietly. “Yeah babe?” he replied. “Can you bring me some champagne please?” I asked. 5 minutes later, he was in the bathroom, bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in his other, wearing just his boxers. He put the glass on the unit and poured the champagne handing the glass to me. I took a small sip and looked at Aston through my eyelashes. “Y’ano, this bath is pretty big…” I said, biting my lip. Aston raised his eyebrows, and needed no further invitation, he pulled off his boxers and climbed into the bath with me. “You’re so beautiful mind.” He said huskily, placing his legs either side of me. We spent the night making love, it was the perfect night. I loved the closeness between us. “Goodnight babe.” Aston whispered. “Can’t wait for tomorrow, it’s going to be perfect!” I just smiled and cuddled up to him, blissfully happy!

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