Part 54

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Aston’s POV.

“You all set to go then?” I asked Scarlett as she walked in from the bathroom. It was the opening night of our tour, in Liverpool, we were in the hotel, about to leave to go to the arena. “Yeah, I’m ready.” Scarlett said wearily. “You sure you’re okay? You haven’t sounded like yourself for a few days now?” I replied. “Yeah I’m fine, I just haven’t been sleeping properly.” She said back. “Do you wanna stay here and sleep then? And I’ll send someone to pick you up before the show starts?” I asked. “No, I’ll come now, I wanna spend as much time with you as I can!” Scarlett replied quickly.

Scarlett’s POV.

“Time for the meet and greet now.” The tour manager announced. “See you in a bit.” Aston said to me, kissing me. “I love you mind.” I replied, my voice sounded desperate. “I know you do?” Aston replied, obviously noting the desperation in my voice. “I know, but I love you, more than anything.” I said back. “I know babe, what’s brought this on? You know I love you too.” He replied. “Nothing, nothing. I’m just being stupid.” I said back. “What’s bothering you babe?” Aston asked. “Nothing, go and enjoy the meet and greet.” I answered. “I won’t enjoy it if I know there’s something wrong with you.” He replied. “There’s nothing wrong.” I sighed. “Now go, go and make your fans happy.” I added, practically pushing him away. “Okay, I’m going!” He laughed back, joining the boys. 

The boys left, and the girls were in deep conversation, I was in a world of my own. I really had to tell Aston something but how? When? How was I supposed to tell him? I didn’t know how he’d react. “Hello? Earth to Scarlett?” Ellie called, waving her hand in front of me. “What’s going on?” She added. “What you mean?” I asked, trying to sound innocent. “You haven’t been yourself for a few weeks, what’s up?” Ellie asked. “Nothing, really. It’s nothing, I just need to tell Aston something, but I don’t quite know how.” I replied. “Tell him what exactly?” She asked. “Nothing, it’s not a big deal.” I said back quietly. “You’re acting weird.” Ellie muttered, joining back in with Rochelle and Chloe’s conversation. I chose to ignore her, shrinking back into my own little world.

The boys came back around an hour later, and started preparing to go onstage, I wasn’t really paying much attention to the conversation that was going on. “Right, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you now, or what?” Aston asked quietly, sitting down next to me. “Now’s really not the right time.” I replied. “Why? We’re not doing anything.” Aston said back. “But you’re about to go onstage.” I said back, I was running out of time, quickly. “I don’t care Scarlett, yes this performance is important, as is every performance, but I need to know what’s bothering you, it’ll worry me otherwise.” Aston exclaimed. I didn’t reply. “Well?” Aston said a few minutes later. “I’ll tell you tonight.” I said back slowly. “Well at least give me a clue? Good or bad news?” Aston sighed. “Good, I think.” I replied. “ You think? Scarl, this is driving me mad!” Aston exclaimed. “Come on boys, 10 minutes until you’re on, starting positions please.” Someone announced. “Scarl, just tell me, please, quickly, whatever it is, I need to know.” Aston said, he was getting desperate. I was going to have to tell him. “Not here then.” I replied, looking around, all attention was on us, I didn’t want anyone else to know, not yet anyway. “Come here then.” Aston replied, walking towards a side room. “Where’s he going now?! We’re about to perform.” Oritse exclaimed as we walked away. 

“Right, now tell me what’s going on?!” Aston exclaimed, shutting the door behind us. I took a deep breath. “Now isn’t the right time, but I’ll tell you anyway.” I replied. “Go on Scarl, I haven’t got all day.” Aston said back, he was getting impatient. “I’m pregnant.” I said slowly. Aston was silent for a moment. “I’m pregnant.” I repeated. “Scarlett, babe, that’s fantastic, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I can’t tell you how happy I am, seriously Scarlett, wow!” Aston exclaimed. “I didn’t know how to tell you, like I didn’t know whether you’d think it was too soon or not.” I replied, the smile on both our faces was massive. “Of course it’s not, I’m going to be a Daddy!” Aston exclaimed, placing his hands gently on my still flat stomach. “How far are you gone?” “Only a month, early days yet.” I said back. “I’m so happy!” Aston exclaimed, he picked me up and kissed me. There was a quick knock on the door. “Ast, mate, you’re pushing it a bit now, come on!” Marv exclaimed. “I’ll be out now.” He said back. “Keep this between us for now?” I asked. “As it’s only early days?” “Yeah, I agree, we’ll tell people when the time’s right.” Aston agreed. “Now go on, go and smash it!” I exclaimed, letting go of Aston. “I always do!” He replied, walking out of the room. I watched him run down the corridor to catch the boys up. 

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