Part 35

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“I just can’t do it.” I sighed, sitting crossed-legged on the bed with my phone in front of me. “There’s no rush babe, you don’t even have to read it, you can just delete it.” Aston said softly. “No, I have to, I’ll worry about it otherwise.” I replied. I stared at the phone. What would the message say? An apology maybe? Or maybe more harsh words? Yeah the second option seemed more likely. I picked up my phone and opened the text. “No.” I whispered. “No, why, just why? Why the fuck would he do something like that? No. That’s just pathetic, what’s it achieved.” My voice was rising by the second. “Scarlett? What’s he done?” Aston asked, he sounded panicked. “Why would you do something like that though?” I yelled. “He’s not sane. I swear to God.” “Scarlett, babe talk to me, what’s he done?” Aston replied, shaking me. I didn’t answer, instead I turned my phone to him. “Are you actually serious?! I’m not just seeing things?” Aston exclaimed. “No Aston, it’s real. Our special place has been smashed to pieces.” I replied, my voice bitter. “Why would he do something like that?” Aston replied. “To get a message across to me that he’s serious. I’m just so frustrated. He’s basically just destroyed our childhood, the foundation stones of our relationship, I should be upset, all the memories, everything, destroyed. But I’m just so frustrated.” I exclaimed, angry tears rolling down my cheeks. “Why tonight of all nights though?” Aston asked quietly. “To ruin our Christmas even more I guess. Well you know what? That’s not going to happen. He’s destroyed the tree house, but the memories still live on through us, we’ll never forget them.” I said back, yes I was gutted inside, extremely gutted, but I still had Aston, still had all the memories, I was not letting my Dad win without a fight. I decided there and then that I would put everything my Dad had ever said, or what he had done that night behind me, and live my life the way I wanted to. With Aston. 

The next morning. 

Aston’s POV. 

“Merry Christmas beautiful.” I whispered, kissing Scarlett gently. “Happy Christmas babe.” She replied, opening her eyes. She really was beautiful. I smiled at her. “Why you smiling?” She asked quietly. “I’m just happy that I’ve got you.” I replied. “Cute you are.” She laughed quietly. “Come on, let’s get up, I wanna give you your presents!” I exclaimed. “I hope you haven’t bought me too much!” She replied. “No, I haven’t.” I smirked, not telling the truth one bit. “Tell me the truth Merrygold.” Scarlett answered. “Okay, I have, but only because you deserve it!” I exclaimed. “But I haven’t got you that much!” She replied. “I don’t want anyway, you’re better than any gift I could ever have.” I said back smiling. “Anyway, you know me, I’m a giver not a taker.” “You’re quick enough to take some things off me though.” She said cheekily, biting her lip. “Now that, that is an entirely different story.” I laughed back. 

5 minutes later, and we were walking downstairs. “Ast, seriously, are all of these for me?” Scarlett spluttered. “Yes, who else would they be for?” I laughed back. “Aston, you can hardly see the living room floor!” She exclaimed. “You’ve spoilt me!” “You’re worth it, trust me!” I replied. “Feel like I’ve hardly got you anything compared to all this though.” She said back, pouting. “Trust me, I don’t mind one little bit.” I answered. We spent the next 2 hours opening presents. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

“What’s for dinner then?” I asked sometime later. “Uh, I don’t actually know.” Aston replied. “So you’re telling me, its Christmas day, and we haven’t got a Christmas dinner?” I laughed back. “It kinda slipped my mind.” He said sheepishly. “What we gonna have then?” I asked. “I don’t actually know, maybe there’s a pizza or something in the freezer?” Aston said back. “Hmm classy, pizza on Christmas day.” I exclaimed. “It’ll do for a push?” He replied. “Yeah, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s make one from scratch.” I suggested. “No, no that’s not a good idea…” Aston replied slowly. “Come on, it’ll be fun!” I answered, pulling him into the kitchen. “This is not going to go well.” Aston sang behind me.

“You need to add more flour!” Aston exclaimed for the 10th time. “Ast, I’ve already put loads in!” I replied. “Yeah, but it needs more.” He grumbled. “I’ll add more flour to you if you’re not careful.” I muttered. “What was that babe?” Aston asked. “Nothing…” I replied. “You sure? Sounded an awful like a threat to cover me in flour for a second…” He said back. “But, I know you, you’re not one to carry out threats are you?” He said cheekily. “Wanna bet?” I smirked, turning around grabbing a handful of flour, throwing it in Aston’s direction. “Right, that’s it, it’s on!” He exclaimed. 

“Okay, truce!” I yelled 20 minutes later, there was flour everywhere. “It’s like our own winter wonderland!” Aston laughed. “Yeah, it’s all fun and games until we have to clean it up!” I exclaimed. “Look at the state on me though!” “Yeah, we could both use a shower.” Aston replied. “Yeah, let’s shower together, save water right?” I said cheekily. “You’re just using that as an excuse to get me upstairs right?” Aston said back. “Maybe…Don’t see you complaining though!” I giggled, running up the stairs, knowing he’d follow straight after! 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now