Part 85

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Scarlett’s POV.

We got back around four in the morning. After leaving the club with the pervy baseball player, we found one that suited us perfectly, very very far away from Jacob and his little minions. Honestly, as if he thought I was that easy, as if he’d actually think I’d risk losing everything, just to spend the night with him, what a creep!

“Scarl, visitor.” Ellie called. I sat up in bed, my head was pounding, I’d had far too much to drink than I’d actually planned, and now I was feeling it. “Hiya Scarl.” Taylor said, padding into my room, still dressed in her PJ. “Hey.” I muttered, lying back down. “Hung over?” She asked sympathetically, lying down next to me.” Yep, very. I got a bit carried away I guess,  I just wanted to forget I even talked to that idiot.” I shuddered, remembering the conversation I’d had with Jacob the night before. “He did seem quite dodgy.” Taylor admitted. “Yeah, tell me about it.” I sighed. “Anyway, have you heard from Lauren?” She asked. “Nope, why? Where is she?” I replied. “She copped off with Adam, she didn’t come back last night.” Taylor said quickly. “Oh, I don’t remember any of that at all, she was on the mini bus though, right?” I said back, my memory from leaving the first club onwards was pretty hazy, I just wished that I could forget the whole Jacob thing happened, but there wasn’t really much chance of that. “Yes, but she didn’t get off the bus, she went back to his, or wherever he’s saying, I’m worried, she won’t answer her phone or anything.” Taylor babbled. “I’m sure she’s fine, she’ll be back before you know it.” I said reassuringly. “I just wish she’d at least text me to let me know she’s okay.” She sighed. She was obviously worried for her sister. “Lauren will be back before you know it.” I said quickly. Before Taylor could reply, Ellie opened the door. “Uh, Scarl, something’s arrived for you.” Ellie said. “What is it?” I asked. “Uh, you better come here and see.” She said quickly. I pulled myself out of the bed, and padded into the other room. “Okay, who sent these?” I exclaimed, seeing a huge bunch of flowers. “The delivery guy didn’t say.” Ellie said back. I walked over, picking up a card that was attacked, reading it slowly.

‘Sorry for what I called you last night, I didn’t mean it, I was drunk, I’m always here if you change your mind, you’re so beautiful. Please have dinner with me before you go, ring me, please to confirm that you will. Jx’

I scoffed as I read it. “Jeez, I can’t decide if he’s verging on desperation, or just being pathetic!” I exclaimed, turning the card around for Ellie and Taylor. “He’s weird, what are you gonna do?” Taylor said quickly. “This.” I said, picking the flowers up and chucking them in the bin. “Scarl, you’re ruthless!” Taylor laughed. “I know, tell me about it! I don’t want any memory of him, none at all!” I exclaimed. There was a gentle knock on the door before anyone could say anything. I’ll get it.” I said, walking towards the door. “Hey Lauren.” I said smiling as I opened the door. “Laur?! Where have you been? Why haven’t you rung me? Or text me even?! I’ve been worried sick about you for the last few hours!” Taylor exclaimed. “Calm down, I’m fine, I’ve been with Adam…” She replied slowly. “You look terrible, what happened.” Taylor said back, her voice was slightly calmer. “Nothing, I’m hung over, I think we all are, and I didn’t exactly get much sleep.” She smirked. “Just don’t do it again, I was worried.” Taylor sighed. “Jeez sorry mum.” Lauren muttered. “I just worry about you, you are my little sister.” Taylor said quickly. “Okay, maybe I should have rung, I’m going in the shower now anyway.” Lauren said, walking away before Taylor could say anymore. “So, what’s the plan for today?” I asked. “Spa day, we could all do with it, some more than others.” Ellie replied, raising her eyebrows at me. “What?” I laughed back. “Have you looked in the mirror, you look rough. What happened to ‘I’m not going to drink that much, you don’t need drink to have a good time’ thing?” Ellie questioned. “I, er, I kinda forgot, I just wanted to forget about the whole Jacob thing I guess, anyway it’s my hen do, why not get drunk!” I exclaimed, trying to be bright just to hide the fact that I was extremely hung over. It didn’t exactly work… “Go in the shower, the sooner we get down to the spa the better!” She said quickly. Of course we weren’t going anywhere for the spa, obviously the hotel had one, it had everything!

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