Part 72

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Scarlett’s POV. 

It was about a week since I’d first seen my baby brother, Jayden. Now I was back with Aston, dropping off the baby clothes I’d promised Maddie. “Brace yourself, you won’t expect it, what it’s like inside.” I sighed as me and Aston walked towards the flats, armed with the baby clothes. “I think I will babe, you explained it enough.” Aston replied. “Trust me, you won’t.” I said quickly. We walked into the building and up the stairs in silence. I knocked the door. “Okay, you were right.” Aston whispered. I didn’t reply. Maddie opened the door slowly. Had it only been a week since I saw her last? She looked ten times worse since last week. “Baby clothes, as promised!” I exclaimed brightly, trying to get rid of the look of shock on my face. Maddie cracked a smile, and left the door open for us to come. “Ast just go, go find a decent flat, far away from here, just do something.” I hissed. “What? How am I supposed to do that?!” He exclaimed. “Keep your voice down, just go, ring people, sort something out Aston, please?” I practically begged. “Okay, on it. But what are you going to do here?” He asked. “I don’t know, I’ll think of something.” I said back. “And hurry!” I added.

I walked into the flat. “Where did Aston go?” Maddie asked. “Uh, he had a text from his management, they needed him for something, shouldn’t be too long!” I replied, not letting Maddie onto the plan, just in case things didn’t turn out as planned. “Hey little ‘un!” I exclaimed, picking Jayden up. “Haven’t you grown in the last week.” “Thanks for all the clothes, I didn’t expect all of these!” Maddie said gratefully. “You’re welcome.” I replied, smiling. I stayed for a while, helping Maddie sort out the clothes, we just talked, turned out we had a lot in common, which wasn’t surprising, considering she was just a few years older than me. “Are you sure you’re fine with helping me sort all this out?” Maddie asked. “Don’t you have to be anywhere?” “No, not at all, I’m here until Aston gets back anyway.” I replied, looking at the time, Aston had been gone about 2 hours, surely he couldn’t be gone much longer. 

Around 30 minutes later, my phone went off, a text from Aston. ‘All sorted, can move in this time next week, outside, ready when you are xx’. I smiled, instantly feeling better. I needed to find a way to get Maddie out of the flat and into the new one without letting on. I thought for a moment. “Fancy coming out for a meal with me and Aston next week?” I asked quickly. “I’d love to, but I can’t afford it.” Maddie replied sadly. “Our treat?” I added. “If you’re sure?” She said back. “Of course, you deserve it!” I exclaimed. “Thank you, it would be nice to socialise with people, y’ano, outside of the flat.” Maddie said weakly. “Anytime.” I replied. “I best get going now anyway, Aston’s outside, I’ll ring you in the week, and we’ll pick you up yeah?” I said, smiling. “Thanks for everything.” She said back. “You’re welcome, I’ll see myself out.” I replied. 

Aston’s POV. 

I sat in the car, waiting for Scarlett to come out. Scarlett had warned me about inside the building, but I can honestly say, I wasn’t expecting what I saw at all! “Thanks for doing that, looking for a flat and all.” Scarlett said, sitting down. “I understand now, what you meant about inside the building, Scarl, it was horrible.” I said quietly. “I know, thank god they’ll both be out of there soon, it’ll lift my conscience so much.” Scarlett said back. “It really makes you appreciate everything we have, doesn’t it.” I replied. “It does, so much.” Scarlett said quietly. “What’s the flat like anyway?” Scarlett asked. “It’s really nice, it’s quite big, fully furbished, so that’s another thing she won’t have to buy.” I replied quickly. We drove home in silence, no doubt we were both thinking about the same thing. 

“She really is beautiful though, isn’t she?” I said, gazing down Faith, she was fast asleep in her cot. Even now, nearly 2 months on, I still couldn’t believe she was ours. “She is, she’s made us so happy, hasn’t she?” Scarlett replied. “She has, remember we were talking about having another one?” I said. “Ast! That’s not gonna happen for a while! Not until Faith’s at least 2.” Scarlett laughed quietly. “Now, I didn’t say have another one, I simply meant practise, after all, practise does indeed make perfect!” I said cheekily, biting my lip. “That lip bite is gonna be the death of me Merrygold.” Scarlett replied. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” I whispered, picking her up and kissing her gently. 

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