Part 33

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2 weeks later. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“Come on, get dressed, I’m taking you out!” Aston said, throwing clothes at me. “No, I’d rather stay in bed, with you!” I protested. Me and Aston had practically spent the last 3 days in bed, catching up on lost time. “Babe, there’s plenty of time for that later, we haven’t left the house in the last week! Come on it’ll be fun.” He replied. “Fine, one last kiss then.” I said back, pulling him back onto the bed with me. “If you insist.” Aston replied cheekily. I kissed him slowly, running my hand down his chest and stomach, stopping at his belt. “We really need to go.” He said, moving my hand. “No, what we really need to do is stay right here.” I replied cheekily. “Have it your way then.” He grumbled. 

Two hours later, and we were still in bed. “I knew I’d win in the end.” I said cheekily. “You usually do!” Aston laughed. “Right, we’re actually going out now, so you better get ready!” “Where are we going anyway?” I asked, pulling on my clothes. “Winter Wonderland, in Hyde Park! After all, it’s only 5 days until Christmas, we’re running outta time!” He replied. “Is there ice skating there?” I asked. “Yep, that’s one of the reason we’re going!” Aston laughed. “But I can’t ice skate! I’ll fall over and the paps will get a photo of me flat out on the floor!” I complained. “Oh come on, it’ll be fun! Plus you had your own way earlier, so it’s my turn to get my own way now!” Aston replied. “Fine, but if I fall, and they get a picture of it, no more sex for you!” I smirked. “Ah, I won’t let that happen!” Aston chirped back. “We’ll soon see!” I sang, prancing out of the bedroom. 

Aston’s POV. 

“So, what exactly is happening over the next few days then?” Scarlett asked, we were in the car on our way to Winter Wonderland. “Well, we’re spending the day, and most of the night at Marvin’s, with the boys, Rochelle, Chloe and Ellie, then Christmas day, will be just you and me, then my parents are coming up on boxing day!” I replied. “What about your brothers and sister?” She asked. “Courtney and Conor are coming up, but my other brothers will be with our grandparents.” I replied. “This’ll be the first Christmas I’ve ever spent without my parents.” Scarlett sighed. “It’s not too late to invite them.” I replied, knowing it wasn’t the right thing to say, but not knowing what else to actually say. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen.” She laughed weakly. I shot her a quick smile. “At least I’m spending it with the man I love!” She replied, smiling. “And I’m spending mine with you.” I replied warmly.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, y’ano, without security?” Scarlett asked as we walked towards the park. “Yeah it’ll be fine! At the end of the day, we’re just normal people!” I exclaimed. “if you’re sure!” She replied. I knew where she was coming from though, we’d only been out of the car a few minutes, and we’d already been spotted. “Where first?” Scarlett asked, changing the subject. “Ice skating.” I replied, pulling her towards the ice skating rink. “Just don’t let me fall!” She exclaimed.

Scarlett’s POV. 

“Well that was a disaster!” I exclaimed, only one hour later, we were in the car, on our way back to the house. “Sorry babe, I guess security would have been a good idea.” Aston replied weakly. It hadn’t taken the fans long to figure out where we were, and doing anything else in the park would have been impossible. “Not your fault, at least I survived the ice skating, that was some sort of miracle that was!” I laughed. “Yeah, you need to start giving yourself more credit!” Aston replied. “Come on, let’s get home!” I said back, changing the subject, hating all the attention being on me. 

“Sorry tonight was ruined though.” Aston again said sometime later. “Babe, it’s not your fault at all!” I exclaimed. “I just wanted tonight to be special!” He sighed. “It was special! We got to spend quality time together! I thought it was cute, the whole idea of you taking me there anyway.” I replied smiling. We cuddled up closer in bed. “I’m so excited at the fact that this will be the first ever Christmas I’m spending with you!” I said suddenly. “Yeah me too.” Aston replied, smiling. “It’ll be perfect!” “Are you sure you just want it to be the two of us on Christmas day? After all, it is a family day?” I asked. “Yeah, I just want to spend the day with you, we need more quality time together.” He replied. I didn’t answer, I simply closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about the days ahead… 

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