Part 59

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Aston’s POV. 

It had been about 2 weeks since we’d returned from Marv’s first stag do. I was still miserable, I missed Scarlett more than ever. I had no social life whatsoever, only going out when I had to work, even then I tried not to make contact with people. Large sunglasses were increasingly becoming my best friend. I checked the date, Scarlett was about 3 months pregnant by now, it was killing me inside, not being near her, near our baby. The front door opened, and Marv walked in. Every day we weren’t working, Marv had come over, to check up on me. “You don’t need to check up on me all the time.” I sighed as he sat down. “Ast, mate, we’re worried about you, in the last few weeks, nothing’s changed, it’s gotten worse if anything.” Marv said quietly. “Things will get better in their own time.” I replied, my voice was emotionless. “What are you doing with yourself today then?” Marvin asked. “Y’ano, the usual.” I said back. “What’s the usual? Staying at home, crying?” Marvin replied. “Yep, you’ve got it in one.” I muttered. “Just come out with us, for a few hours, it’s better than moping around here.” He sighed. “Maybe I like moping around doing nothing.” I said back. “Look, sorry, I don’t mean to be like this, it just hurts.” I added, I was pushing everyone away. “It won’t always be like this Ast, trust me, it’ll get better I know it will.” Marvin replied. “I hope so, I really do, this is tearing me apart.” I said back quietly. 

We watched TV for a while, even though nothing much was said, I was glad of the company in a way. “I better get going now.” Marvin said eventually. “I’ll see you in the studio tomorrow I guess.” I sighed. “Yep, don’t forget.” Marv replied, walking towards the door. “Yeah I won’t.” I muttered. It wasn’t like I had something better to do. When Marvin left, I pulled out the photo of our baby, the scan. I needed to see Scarlett, to see both of them, I needed her back, badly. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

I stared aimlessly at the TV, just watching it for the sake of watching it. I hadn’t left the flat since the night I’d left Aston. I’d been ignoring the almost constant phone calls from Ellie, every day, she called less and less, even the home visits stopped slowly. I was stuck in a rut. It wasn’t healthy for me, certainly not healthy for the baby. I decided I needed to get out of the house, even if it was only for an hour or so. I got dressed, tied my hair up, and put on the biggest pair of sunglasses I owned. 

I walked down the street and breathed in the crisp spring air. It felt good to be outside again. “It’s Aston’s girlfriend!” I heard a girl whisper. Obviously the whole wearing sunglasses thing didn’t work. They approached me. “Can we have a picture?” One of them asked. “Yeah sure, why not.” I replied, confused as to why they wanted a picture with me, I wasn’t famous. I smiled for the camera. “So, how is Aston?” One of the girls asked. “Yeah he’s fine, busy working on the next album.” I replied, trying my best to smile. Obviously no one knew our situation. “Say hi to him for us.” The other girl added. “Yeah will do.” I said back as they walked away. I practically ran back to the flat, I couldn’t have a repeat of what just happened, it was too painful, I felt as if I was going to break any second now. I went straight to my bedroom, and curled up in the bed, not bothering to get changed, I feel asleep, even though it was only just after one in the afternoon.

“The baby, oh God, no please no, I can’t take it.” I exclaimed sitting right up. It was dark outside, I had no idea of the time, no idea where I was. I had excruciating stomach pains. I felt sick. I was convinced I was losing our baby. “Please baby, hang in there, please.” I sobbed walking to the bathroom. I was in a bad way, I was bleeding. I sat down on the bathroom floor, I felt as if I was going to pass out. I look my phone out of my pocket. There was only one person I could call, one person I needed. I had been a complete and utter idiot. I had been selfish. I selected Aston’s name on my phone. “Please Aston, please pick up.” I sobbed, he took ages to answer. “Aston please, please Aston come over, I’m a mess, I’m in a state I need you to come over right now, please babe, I miss you, I’m so sorry, sorry for everything, please come over.” I sobbed hysterically down the phone, not knowing whether he understood me… 

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