Part 39

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(10 days later)

Scarlett’s POV. 

It was now the 6th of January. My Nan was still unconscious. I hadn’t seen Aston for 10 days, it was almost getting unbearable. We had spent the New Year apart, but we spent New Year’s eve on Skype to each other, it was better than nothing I suppose, still I felt bad at the fact that he didn’t go out with the boys to celebrate, but instead stayed on the computer to me. I made my way to the hospital, I hadn’t seen or heard anything from my Dad since the night he burst into my Nan’s hospital room. 

“Oh, Granddad, you should really go home and rest.” I said walking into my Nan’s room, I looked at my Granddad, I was really worried about his condition, just as much as my Nans. “No, no I’m fine, sleeping here is just fine.” He replied slowly. “No, go home and rest for a few hours, trust me, you’ll feel better.” I said back. “I can’t leave her.” He answered. “I’ll be here, if anything happens, I’ll ring you straight away.” I replied. “Doctors have said her condition is improving, her breathing has become increasingly stronger, so it’s a good thing her condition isn’t deteriorating right?” “Yes, I guess you’re right, you will ring me as soon as anything happens right?” He asked. “Yes I promise, now go and get some rest.” I answered. Granddad smiled at me, and kissed my Nan gently.

I took my Nans hand and began talking to her about when I was younger, all the memories I could remember with her and the family. “You know Nan? You and Aston are the only ones who make me feel completely happy. You’re the only ones who have ever encouraged me with my singing, I’m gonna make a go of it for you.” I said softly. “It’s gonna be a hard road, but I’ll get there, I’ll make you proud of me, I promise!” I was quiet for a while. “You’ve got to get better Nan, I know you will, you’ll have Grandchildren to look forward to. You’ll be an excellent Great-Grandmother. And then when me and Aston get married, that’ll happen one day, just like you always said it would when we were kids? Do you remember that?” I asked, knowing I wouldn’t get a reply. “I remember when I was little and you used to sing ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ to me whenever I was upset?” I began singing the song my Nan had sung to me so many times. “I love you Nan.” I whispered once the song finished. I looked up, and there was a nurse standing at the door, she had tears rolling down her face. I gave her a weak smile. “Sorry to interrupt, I heard you singing down the corridor, your voice is beautiful. That moment I just witnessed, was beautiful. You obviously have a very strong bond.” She said quietly. “Yeah we do.” I replied smiling. “Tell me, before I go, your Aston Merrygold’s girlfriend right?” She asked. “Yeah, yeah I am.” I answered. “I thought so, you’ll make it big in life, I’m telling you.” She replied, before leaving, slowly closing the door behind her. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. 

“So where’s this beautiful boyfriend of yours then?” A weak voice croaked, bringing me out of my light sleep. “Nan?!” I exclaimed. “You’re awake?!” “Yes sweetheart.” She breathed. “oh Nan! You don’t know how happy I am to hear your voice again.” I cried. “Don’t cry, I’m here, nothing to cry about.” She replied. “Oh, I’m just so happy! Did you hear what I said? About Aston?” I asked. “Yes, every word of it, and I heard you singing. You’ve already done me proud.” She said weakly. “So where is he?” “Who?” I asked. “Aston, where is he?” Nan replied. “Oh, er, he’s working..” I said sheepishly. “Get him to come here once he’s finished, I want to see him again.” She replied quietly. “Okay, I gotta make a quick phone call, try and get some more rest.” I answered getting up slowly. 
“Mum?!” I exclaimed down the phone. “Scarlett what’s happened?!” She replied. “Nothing good news, Nan’s awake! She’s asking for Aston though?” I said back, quite confused. “Tell him to come down then?” Mum said back. “I can’t, after what Dad said.” I replied slowly. “Your father’s gone away for a while, it’s safe to bring Aston here again.” Mum answered. “Really?! Where’s he gone?” I asked. “I’ll tell you later, you get hold of Aston, and I’ll ring Granddad.” Mum said back. “Come as soon as you can yeah?” I replied. “I won’t be long, see you in a bit, bye.” She said back. I hung up and rang Aston. “Hey babe.” He said, answering straight away. “Aston!” I exclaimed back. “What’s happened?!” He asked. “It’s Nan, she’s awake! Aston she woke up!” I babbled. “Scarlett, that’s great news!” Aston replied. “Yeah it is, she’s asking for you, come down?” I said back. “What about your Dad?” He asked cautiously. “He’s gone away for a bit, oh Ast, just come down as soon as you can! I need to see you!” I said quickly. “I’ll be there as soon I can!” He promised. “Hurry please! I need to see you!” I exclaimed, we said our goodbyes and put the phone down. 

The only from here was up, everything was looking up, my family all had accepted Aston, with the exception of my Dad. My Nan was on the road to recovery, I was happy, and nothing would change that! 

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