Part 78

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Scarlett’s POV.

 “I love it!” I exclaimed, looking at the dress in the mirror. It was now the end of March, just under 6 weeks until me and Aston were getting married. I was in the in the bridal shop, with Ellie, my two cousins, my cousins little girl and Faith for the final fitting for my wedding dress, and their bridesmaids dresses. “I can’t wait to get married, I’m so excited!” I trilled, turning around to face the girls. “Oh my God, you all look stunning!” I exclaimed when I saw the girls in their dresses, of course, Chloe, my cousin’s daughter, had a different dress on, but she looked beautiful. “Aw Scarl! So do you, you’re going to make a beautiful bride!” Ellie gushed. I beamed back at her and walked back into the changing room, where the assistant helped me get changed. I was so excited to take my wedding dress home, it made everything seem so much more real! I also had to pick up the dress I’d had especially made for Faith up! “Come on, let’s go!” I exclaimed once I’d paid for the dresses. We were going back home, me and Aston had arranged a sort of get together for our family and close friends, so they’d get the chance to get to know each other before the wedding!

Aston’s POV.

I looked at the time, Scarlett was due home any minute, the house and garden was packed with our close friends and family. “Hurry up Scarl.” I muttered, I didn’t know who some of these people were! I couldn’t just burst out with it and ask them who they were. “Aston Merrygold! Never thought I’d see you again!” I voice exclaimed, slapping me on the back. I turned around and studied his face, I had no idea who he was. Damn. I wished Scarlett would hurry up. “Likewise.” I replied quickly, taking his hand which he had held out, I wouldn’t like to get on the wrong side of him, he was massive! “Now you look after my baby cousin okay.” He said back. Right, cousin. That narrowed it down a bit. “Of course I will, I love her more than anything.” I replied automatically. “If you don’t, you’ll have me to deal with.” He laughed, but there was a serious tone to his voice. “Anyway it was nice seeing you again.” He added, walking away. Thank god he’d gone, that was awkward. “Who was that then Ast?” Marv asked. “Uh, I have no idea.” I said sheepishly. “You make me laugh bruv.” He scoffed. “Better start learning who’s in her family.” Marv added, walking away.

A few minutes Scarlett walked through the front door, carrying a huge bag, which could only contain her wedding dress. “One wedding dress.” She said, prancing into the living room. “Ooh let’s see!” I exclaimed. “You’ve got no chance, you can carry it upstairs for me though!” She replied, handing it to me. “Jeez Scarl, there’s a weight on it.” I muttered, walking towards the stairs. “You’re telling me! I’m the one who has to wear it.” Scarlett said back, following me up the stairs. “So, I can’t even have a peek at the dress?” I asked, handing the dress back to Scarlett. “Nope.” She replied. “Not even a tiny little look?” I asked again. “No!” She exclaimed, laughing. “Wait until we get married, it’s not that long!” “I’m inpatient.” I said quickly. “Tell me about it.” Scarlett scoffed. “Did you get something for Faith to wear?” I asked. “Yep, picked it up today.” Scarlett answered. “Can I at least see that?” I replied. “Um, let me think. No.” She laughed. “Why?” I whined. “Because. Because it’ll be a nice surprise on our wedding day.” Scarlett said back. “I guess, I just can’t wait!” I exclaimed. “Less than 6 weeks now babe.” She said throwing her arms around me. “Less than 6 weeks until you’re a Merrygold.” I replied, smiling. “Hey, Scarl, tell me this, y’ano your cousin, the one who looks like a bouncer, what’s his name?” I asked. “Uh Matthew, why?” Scarlett replied. “I thought he was going to deck me.” I said seriously, Scarlett burst out laughing. “It’s not funny!” I exclaimed. “Sorry Ast, but it is, how come you thought that?” She managed to splutter. “The way he came over to me, he was dead serious and all.” I said back. “Sorry I would have found that funny!” Scarlett laughed. “It’s not funny.” I muttered. “Oh, trust me it is.” She trilled. “You find anything funny.” I muttered again. “I’m only messing.” Scarlett answered, kissing me. Realisation hit me, we had a house full of people downstairs. “Uh Scarl, kissing you is awesome and all, but shouldn’t we go back downstairs, considering we have a house full of people?” I laughed. “Yeah, I sorta forgot about that.” She replied. “Come on, let’s go!” I exclaimed, walking towards the door. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now