Part 32

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Scarlett’s POV.

“You get where I’m coming from though, don’t you?” I asked. It was the day after me and Aston had returned from Peterborough and I was spending the day with Ellie, shopping for Christmas presents. “Yeah, I guess I do, there was no need for them to say what they did, do you really think they won’t talk to you though?” She asked. “Well, they seemed pretty certain of it.” I replied. “Especially my dad, my mother will probably come around though I guess.” “They probably both will to be honest, it’s not like Aston’s done anything wrong!” Ellie exclaimed. “Yeah, try telling them that though…” I replied. “Something just doesn’t seem quite right though.” “How? What do you mean?” She asked. “I don’t think Mum meant what she said, I don’t know, like my dad put her up to it or something?” I replied slowly. “As we pulled off, she was looking out of the window, crying.” “Is it something that your dad would do?” Ellie said back. “Yeah, definitely, he’s over protective of me because I’m an only child, I guess. He still thinks of me as his little girl.” I replied. “Why don’t you ring your mother and ask then?” Ellie asked. “I don’t know, whether she meant it or not, I’m still hurt after what was said.” I shrugged. “Come on, we better get back to mine.” I added, changing the subject. We’d arranged to go out with Aston and the boys, Rochelle and Chloe for JB’s birthday which was the day after! 

Aston’s POV.

“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Oritse asked. “Couple of drinks here, out for a meal, then onto a club.” I replied. A few minutes later, Scarlett and Ellie walked through door. “Looks like you’ve had a very productive day!” I commented, seeing the amount of bags they had. “Yep! Got everything we needed, just!” She laughed back. “Oh, there’s a message on the answer machine for you.” I replied. “Oh, who’s it off?” Scarlett asked, putting the bags down, walking over to the handset. “I think you better listen to it upstairs.” I answered, fearing her reaction once she read it. “Not more bad news is it?” She said, turning towards me, her face dropped. “I think I’ll let you be the judge of that.” I replied. She walked upstairs and I followed her slowly. We both sat crossed legged on the bed. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad is this message?” Scarlett asked before listening to it. “I don’t know, it depends on how you feel.” I replied, having already listened to it. Without replying, she listened to the message. “Scarlett, I can’t stay long, it won’t be long until your dad is home, but sweetheart, I’m sorry about everything that I said, I didn’t mean it, it was your dad he put me up to it. Honestly Scarlett, he made me make the choice, he said he’d leave me if I stood by you. I should have chosen you, but your old enough now to make your own decisions, and I respect your choice. I’ll try and contact you when I can. Be safe sweetheart, I love you.” I watched her reaction. A single tear rolled down her cheek. “Don’t cry.” I breathed. “I’m not, I mean I am. But I’m not upset, that’s what I wanted to hear, that she respects my decision, that she understands that I’m old enough to make my own decisions.” She replied quietly. “I knew all along that it was my dad, not my mum.” “Do you still want to go out tonight?” I asked cautiously. “Of course! Come on, let’s get ready and make it a night to remember!” She exclaimed. 

Scarlett’s POV.

An hour or so later, and we were sitting in the restaurant. I found myself sitting in between Aston and Ellie. Aston was in deep conversation with the boys, so I turned to Ellie. “What did that message say?” Ellie asked quickly, before giving me a chance to speak. “Just my mother, saying sorry and basically my dad is stopping her from talking to me.” I replied quietly. “Scarlett, that’s horrible! He has no right to do that!” She exclaimed. “Keep your voice down.” I hissed, I didn’t want the attention to be drawn to us. “Sorry, but seriously though, he has no right.” Ellie replied. “That’s my dad for you at the end of the day.” I replied, shrugging. “Do you reckon you’ll really go the rest of your life without talking to your parents?” She continued with the questioning. “I don’t know to be honest, maybe my mum will manage to talk my dad around, maybe she won’t. He’s just stuck in his old stubborn ways!” I replied. “It’s just odd.” She added. “Yeah tell me about it.” I answered, turning towards Aston, not knowing where that conversation would have ended up. 

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