Part 50

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“So, how was Paris then?” Ellie asked. We were sitting at the kitchen table, while the boys were rehearsing having a catch up. “Yeah it was good, amazing in fact, well apart from the last day.” I replied slowly. “What happened?” She asked. I told her what Danni had ‘proposed’ to us in the bar, cringing as I spoke, it really was vile. “So, you’re telling me that Danni and Edmund asked you and Aston for a foursome.” Ellie spluttered back. “Elle, I swear, it’s not funny, it’s vile.” I snapped back. “Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. But they whole thing? It’s completely and utterly ridiculous!” She exclaimed. “It is, it’s disturbing if anything!” I replied. “So, what time are we meeting the boys at the dance studio?” Ellie asked, changing the subject. “Around 5, I think.” I replied, looking at the time, we had 4 long hours to kill. “Fancy going out for a few hours? For a bit of retail therapy?” Ellie asked. “Yeah, why not. Lemme lock up, then we’ll go.” I replied.

“Ready then?” I asked a few minutes later. “Yeah, let’s go!” Ellie replied. As she said that, the house phone rang. “I better get that.” I sighed, walking towards the phone. “You and Aston have got some serious explaining to do!” A voice shouted down the phone, without giving me a chance to say hello. “Uh what do you mean?” I asked, I recognised the voice. It was someone from the boys management. “Really Scarlett, I expected better from both of you, getting involved with foursomes and drugs, it’s fucking tacky. Not to mention both of your reputations, they’re gonna be completely trashed when this story comes out.” He exclaimed. “Woah. Hold up a minute. What story, what are you on about?” I said back, I was confused. “You know what story, you and Aston going back to Danni’s after the bar or whatever.” He spat back. “That, that is a load of bollocks. Danni asked us, we said no, a few other words were said and then we left. No foursome. Certainly no drugs. Nothing.” I replied. “Where’s all this come from then?” He snapped. “Her obviously, who else?” I answered. “I can’t get the story stopped. It’s coming out tomorrow. It’ll be all over the papers. You and Aston need to get your story across, I’m setting up an interview, you’ll give the facts, and talk about your engagement. Give them something else, and this’ll blow over.” He replied, he sounded calmer. “I don’t want to talk about our engagement, it’s private.” I sighed. “You’ve got to. It’ll help. They won’t talk about it so much, there’s no arguing with me Scarlett, you will listen to me. I’m going now, I’m getting calls left right and centre, you better tell Aston this. I’ll ring later with the details of the interview.” He said, hanging up straight away. I stared at Ellie in disbelief. “What did he say?” She asked. “Forget going shopping, we’re going to the dance studio. I said. “I’ll tell you in the car.” I added.

Aston’s POV.

“Okay, let’s go through the routine again, then we’ll take a break.” Leon said. “Good.” I muttered, I was exhausted. The music to So Many Girls started, when the door to the studio slammed open. “Aston, she’s done it. Just like I knew she would.” A voice exclaimed. It was Scarlett. “Done what?” I asked, as the music was turned off. “Sold her story.” She replied bitterly. “Scarlett, babe, what are you on about? I asked, I was confused. “Let’s go and talk somewhere else.” I added, completely aware that all eyes were on us. We walked into one of the side rooms, and I shut the door tight. “Right, what’s going on?” I asked again. “Danni. Someone from management rang. She’s sold her ‘story’ how we spent the night, foursomes, drugs the lot. I told him it’s a load of bollocks, but he’s insisting we do this interview to prove our innocence.” Scarlett said slowly. “I don’t believe this.” I said, putting my hands to my face. “This could ruin my career.” “How? It’s a load of lies!” She exclaimed. “I know that, but the media, they’ll only believe what they want to believe.” I replied slowly. “When’s the story coming out?” “Tomorrow.” Scarlett answered. “Why do we have to do an interview though? Why can’t I tweet something and it’ll be done with?” I asked. “To prove we get nothing to hide, I’m not complaining about the interview, just the fact that we have to talk about our engagement, apart from that, I think it’s a good idea.” She replied. “We’re not talking about our engagement.” I said quietly. “That’s what your management said, it’ll give the press something else to talk about.” Scarlett said back. “It’s private though.” I replied. “I don’t want it out in the open as much as you do, but if it gives the press something positive to talk about, rather than this pathetic excuse for a story, its better right?” Scarlett asked. “I guess you’ve got a point.” I replied. “So, what now?” “We carry on until normal, until the story comes out. Then all hell will break out.” Scarlett replied bitterly. She was right, the next few days were going to be hard.

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