Part 74

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Scarlett’s POV. 

It was now New Year’s eve and we were getting ready to go out to celebrate with the boys and their girlfriends! “Are you sure you don’t mind us going out, we can stay in with you if you like?” I asked my Mum again, pulling on my jacket, Mum, Nan and Granddad had come up for Christmas, staying for the New Year. “Of course we don’t, it’s nice to spend some time with Faith, we don’t see her that often, now go out, get drunk and have fun!” Mum laughed practically pushing us it of the door. “Okay, okay we’re going!” I exclaimed, grabbing Aston’s hand, pulling him towards the car that had just pulled up. We climbed in, we were the last to be picked up. 

“What a year 2012 has been!” Marvin exclaimed. “Tell me about it, it’s been eventful to say the least!” Aston replied. Everyone began talking about the year, I sat in silence, just thinking about it, it really had been eventful. Everything had happened. Everything from being propositioned for a foursome with Danni and her vile husband to having our first baby. It had actually been a year of highs and lows. The lowest point? The month of May, when me and Aston temporarily separated, it still hurt, thinking back to it. I shuddered. “Hello? Earth to Scarlett!” Aston said, staring at me. “Come on, we’re here!” “What, sorry.” I said shaking my head. “Scarl, you were miles away, what were you thinking about?!” Aston asked. “Oh, nothing really, just thinking about the past year I guess.” I shrugged. “I know this year hasn’t been easy, but we’ve got to put the bad parts behind us now, just focus on the future yeah?” Aston replied softly. “Yeah, yeah that’s what we gotta do, let’s hope the new year is kind to us ay?” I said back. “It will be babe, what else can we go through, there is nothing else!” Aston exclaimed, kissing me quickly. “Are you two coming or are you planning to stay in the taxi all night?” Oritse called. I smiled quickly. “Yeah bruv, we’ll be there now.” Aston called back. “Come on, let’s make tonight a night to forget!” He added, taking my hand.

It was about 10 minutes until midnight, the start of 2013, and I was pleasantly drunk. I hadn’t really had much to drink, but my alcohol intolerance levels had dropped since having Faith, I didn’t really drink much anyway. “Another drink?” Aston asked over the music. “Yeah, just water for me.” I replied, the thought of more alcohol made me feel sick. I walked over to Rochelle and Marvin. “Hey, have you seen Ellie?” I asked, I hadn’t seen my best friend for almost an hour. “No, I haven’t seen Oritse either as it goes.” Rochelle replied. “That’s weird, wonder where they got to.” I said back. “What’s weird?” Aston asked, handing me a glass of water. “Oritse and Ellie, haven’t seen them for a while.” I said back. “They’re probably dancing or something.” Aston shrugged. I checked the time, it was about 5 minutes until midnight. The music went quieter. “Just leave me alone Reesh, just stay away.” I heard Ellie shriek. They were now in sight. Everything went quiet. “Ellie, it was nothing, please babe, listen to me.” He pleaded. “Of course it wasn’t, just leave me alone.” She yelled taking her engagement ring off her finger, throwing it at Oritse, it caught him, just above his eyebrow. She ran out of the club. Everyone was silent. Oritse bent over to pick the ring up, before walking over to us slowly. “What’s happened?!” I asked, concerned for my best friend. Oritse opened his mouth to answer, but the one minute countdown to the New Year started. Everyone joined in, except for Oritse. 

“Happy New Year!” Everyone exclaimed, everyone started hugging each other. I pushed my concern about Ellie to one side, for Aston’s sake. I wanted to start this year off right, by being happy. “Happy New Year beautiful.” Aston exclaimed, kissing me. I jumped up, and wrapped my legs around him. “We’re getting married this year!” I said happily. “You’re finally going to be become Mrs Merrygold!” Aston replied smiling. “I can’t wait! Not long now.” I said back. Aston put me down, everyone was paired up, Oritse was standing on his own. “Go Ast, go and see him, I’ll go and find Ellie.” I said quickly. “But I wanna be with you.” He replied. “I want to be with you too, but I can’t stand seeing either of them like this, it won’t be long.” I said back. “I guess you’re right.” Aston answered, letting go of me. “Happy New Year bruv!” Aston said to Oritse, trying to sound cheerful. I walked slowly away from the group to go and find Ellie and to try and figure out what happened...

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