Part 58

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Aston’s POV.

“Come on Ast, cheer up, we’re supposed to be having fun!” JB exclaimed. We’d just arrived at the hotel in Vegas for the first part of Marv’s stag do. I was miserable. It had been just over a week since Scarlett had left. A week of hell. I hadn’t left the house, the boys practically had to drag me to the airport. “She’ll come around y’ano.” JB added. “I’m not too sure.” I sighed. No calls, no texts, no nothing. “Aston, I know you miss her, but please, just try and be happy, for Marvin’s sake, please just try.” JB said softly. “Fine, I’ll be happy, but I won’t mean it.” I replied, smiling sarcastically. All I wanted to do was go home, in my own bed, my own comfort, and cry some more. Pathetic. I’d scoffed to myself, I was a grown man, crying like a little girl, I loved her though, I still did, I’d never stop loving her. “Right, the drinking starts now!” Marv exclaimed, walking into the room, armed with drinks. I drank the can in seconds. Maybe it would help numb the pain. But I knew deep down, drink wasn’t the answer. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“Scarl, just open the door? Please?” Elle shouted again. She couldn’t unlock the door, I left the key in the lock, leaving her unable to open the door. “Go away.” I sobbed. I didn’t want to see anyone. “I’m not leaving until you open the door.” Ellie shouted back. “I’ll break it down if I have to.” Not that she would have actually done that, but I let her in anyway. “Scarl, you look terrible, please say you’ve been eating, you’ve got the baby to think about.” She exclaimed as soon as she saw me. “Yes I’ve been eating, I’m not that stupid.” I muttered back. I knew I looked terrible, I hadn’t moved from bed all week only when I had to. “Why did you leave him Scarl?” Ellie asked. “I had no choice, did you see the pictures?” I spat, I still felt bitter. “Scarlett, I was in the club that night, yes she kissed him, but he pushed her away, I swear nothing else happened.” She said back. “Oh and I suppose you knew about him going back to hers?” I said bitterly. “Yes, but Marv was there too, she was in a state.” Ellie replied. “I can’t do this anymore, I just can’t!” I exclaimed, walking around the room. “What do you mean?” Ellie asked. “This, us, me and Aston, I don’t know what to do, every time we’re happy, something always comes along and fucks it up. I can’t take it, is it so much to ask, just to be happy, just for a few months without something bad happening?” I sobbed. Ellie pulled me close to her, and played with my hair, the way my mother used to when I was younger. “Sh, Scarlett, calm down, I know things haven’t always been easy for you and Aston, but it will work out Scarlett, it always does, I promise you. You’re a strong, beautiful woman. You’ve got a gorgeous husband to be, and a beautiful little baby on the way, now ring Aston, right now, tell him how much you miss him.” Ellie said back, her words comforted me slightly. “It’s not that easy.” I sniffed. “What do you mean?” Ellie asked. “I feel hurt, I just do, I can’t shake the feeling that something else happened, it’s probably just my hormones because of the baby, but I think I need to be on my own for a while.” I said quietly. “What am I going to do with you?” Ellie laughed quietly. 

We sat in silence for a few hours, well Ellie was quiet, I just sobbed until my eyes were red, I had no tears left, Ellie continued comforting me. “Since the boys are away, me, Chloe and Rochelle are going away for a few days, maybe it would be good for you if you came?” Ellie said suddenly, breaking the silence between the two of us. “That’s not a good idea. I’d rather be here, by myself, I need to sort myself out, in my own time I guess.” I mumbled back, my eyes were slowly closing. “You’re gonna have to come out sometime.” Ellie replied. “I will in my own time.” I snapped back. “Suit yourself.” Ellie said back. “If you don’t mind, I want to be on my own now.” I said suddenly, gesturing towards the door. “If that’s what you want.” Ellie replied, getting up. “Look after yourself okay? Don’t do anything stupid.” She added walking towards the door. “I won’t.” I muttered. “Keep in contact okay?” Ellie added before opening the door. “Yeah I will.” I said back, knowing I wouldn’t. As soon as Ellie left, I was back in bed, crying. I was pushing everyone close to me away from me. I felt selfish. 

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