Part 56

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Scarlett’s POV.

“So, what have you been up to the last couple of months?” Nan asked a little while later. Aston started smirking, I elbowed him in the ribs. “Erm, just song writing really, and been with the boys on their tour.” I replied. “How’s the music going?” Granddad asked. “Not well really, I’m gonna focus on it more in the next few months.” I said back. “You’ll make something of yourself, I know you will. Anyway, what was Aston laughing at when I asked you what you’d been up to?” Nan replied suspiciously. “Thanks Nan, and I don’t know, you’re better off asking him.” I smirked back, looking at Aston, his face had dropped. That had him! “So, Aston, what’s so funny?” Nan asked him. “Uh, just remembered something funny that happened on tour.” Aston stuttered slowly. “Anyway, Scarlett, shall we go and do that thing now?” Aston said, turning the attention towards me. “Yeah come on then.” I replied, walking upstairs. 

I sat down on the bed, writing a short letter to my Grandparents, to thank them for everything they’ve done for me. “Thanks for turning that on me!” Aston exclaimed. “What you mean?” I asked innocently. “Getting your nan to ask me why I was laughing.” Aston replied. “Sorry, I thought it would be funny, you trying to think of an excuse.” I smirked. “Yeah, it was very funny.” Aston said back, rolling his eyes. I put the note, and the pictures of the ultrasound into the envelop. “All set to give to my grandparents!” I exclaimed. “Where did you get to?” asked my Nan as we walked down the stairs. “Er, we just had something to sort out.” I replied quickly. “I was just gonna make some food actually, do you want anything?” Nan asked. “Nah, not yet, wait, we have something to give to you.” I said quickly, handing my Nan the envelop. “What’s this for? It’s not my birthday or anything?” Nan said. “Open it, and find out.” I replied, smiling. Nan opened the envelop, and her and my Granddad stared at the content for a while. “Oh my, Scarlett, congratulations, both of you!” My Nan breathed, hugging us both. “You happy?” I asked. “Of course I am, this is fantastic!” Nan exclaimed. “As promised, you were the first person we have told!” I replied. “That means a lot.” Nan said quietly, tears in her eyes. “Congratulations both of you!” Granddad said. “When are you going to tell your mother?” He added. I hadn’t thought about it. “I don’t know, I want to ring, but I don’t know if my Dad is back on the scene, I guess I’ll just wait until she rings me.” I replied, I wanted nothing more than to tell my Mum, to have her happy for me, but not knowing the situation with my Dad put a stop to that. “Your Mum has stopped calling.” Nan replied quietly. “Come on, let’s not bring the mood down, let’s celebrate!” I exclaimed, changing the subject. 

The next day. 

I was sitting around the kitchen table with my grandparents, waiting for Aston to get ready to leave for the arena. “So, how far gone are you?” Nan asked. “Just over 9 weeks now! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to meet our little baby!” I gushed. “You’ll make excellent parents, I know it!” Granddad added. “You ready to go then?” Aston asked, walking into the kitchen. “Yep, let’s go!” I exclaimed. 

Aston’s POV.

“Meet and greets are one of the best parts of touring!” JB exclaimed as we walked back to the dressing room, we’d spent an hour or so meeting fans. I was in such a good mood, about to tell our news to everyone else, I couldn’t keep still! “Ast, what’s up with you today? You’ve been bouncing!” Oritse commented. “All will be revealed very soon.” I replied. “What are you going on about?” Marvin asked. “Like I said, you’ll find out very soon!” I laughed. “Weird boy.” Marv muttered. “Yep, that’s me!” I replied, giving him a cheesy grin.

We walked back into the dressing room, where our immediate family and girlfriends were sitting. “Can I have everyone’s attention for a minute?” I said. “Scarl, come here.” I added. “We’ve got all the people we love in one place, so we thought now would be a good chance to tell everyone our news.” I said. “Do you wanna tell them, or shall I?” I asked, turning to Scarlett. “You can.” She replied smiling. “Okay.” I said back, turning to my mother. “Mum, you’re going to be a grandmother. Yes, Scarlett is pregnant!” I proudly announced. “Oh my God! Congratulations!” Mum squeaked. “I told you!” Exclaimed Ellie, everyone said their congratulations. “Well done bruv!” Marv exclaimed. “A JLS baby on the way!” A few minutes later we had to get into our starting positions, there was such a good vibe right now, I knew tonight’s performance would be the best yet!

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