Part 53

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Scarlett’s POV. 

The last few weeks had difficult to say the least. The paps had followed us literally everywhere, but things had slowly started to return to normal, they began losing interest after the first week after they realised we weren’t saying anymore on the subject. It was now just one week until the boys were kicking off the 4th Dimension Tour in Liverpool, I swear I was more excited than the boys! I was sitting in the living room, flicking through a magazine, when Aston came bouncing into the living room. “Someone’s in a good mood today?!” I commented as he sat down next to me. “Yep, just had some news, found it quite funny actually.” Aston replied. “Care to share?” I asked. “I’ve just heard that Danni and Edmund have been denied access back into the UK.” Aston said back, trying to be serious, and failing. “What? Really? Why?” I spluttered back. “I don’t know the ins and outs, all I know is that they were arrested because they got caught with cocaine.” Aston replied. “They deserve whatever happens to them now, and more!” I said back. “Tell me about it!” Aston exclaimed. 

Aston’s POV.

“Okay, one last outfit change, then we’re done for the day!” Announced the stylist. “Thank God for that.” I muttered. Me and the boys were at a photo shoot, to go with an interview for a magazine. We had been hours. Over 20 outfit changes, in reality, they were hardly going to use any photos, I’d had enough! “This is so much effort.” I complained, pulling on the clothes that had been handed to me. “Just think, after this, a week until the tour starts, weeks of doing what we love!” Oritse replied. “Yeah, then after that, we’re going away for my stag do!” Added Marvin. “Yeah I guess, but seriously, why do they need so many photos?” I moaned. “Come on, stop moaning, after this we can all go out and celebrate!” JB exclaimed. “Fine.” I muttered, I was getting impatient! 

“Okay boys! That’s a wrap!” The photographer announced. Finally. We’d fetched our clothes for the night with us, saving us going back and getting changed, instead we could go straight to the club. “We’re meeting the girls there right?” I asked as we all climbed in. “Yeah, they’re on their way now, Rochelle just text me.” Replied Marv. “I can’t believe how quick the tour has come around!” Exclaimed JB. “I know, it only seemed like yesterday that we announced it.” Oritse added. “I can’t believe it starts in a week! It’s gonna be one to remember!” I replied. We got to the club around 20 minutes later, and walked straight in. We walked over to the girls, Scarlett had her back to me, I put my arms around her, and she jumped. “Ast! You scared me.” She exclaimed. “Sorry beautiful, can I get you a drink?” I asked, kissing her on the cheek. “Yeah, I’ll have a coke, thanks.” Scarlett replied. “Sure you don’t want anything stronger?” I asked. “No coke’s fine.” She answered. “Sure? Is everything okay?” I said back. “Yeah, just feeling a bit under the weather, think I’m coming down with a cold or something.” Scarlett replied hesitantly. “Okay babe.” I said, walking towards the bar. I was confused. If Scarlett was feeling ill, she wouldn’t have come out. I brushed it off, and ordered the drinks. 

Me and the boys returned a few minutes later, and sat around the table which the girls had found. We handed out the drinks. “Here’s to the 4th Dimension Tour!” Exclaimed Oritse, raising his glass. “To the 4th Dimension Tour!” Everyone chorused. Everyone started talking. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” I asked Scarlett quietly. “No, I’m fine, I want to stay and have fun, I just don’t feel up to drinking.” She replied. 

Scarlett’s POV.

We got home just after 3, and Aston was drunk, very drunk. “Come here.” He mumbled, trying to pick me up. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” I laughed. “You can’t even walk straight yourself, let alone pick me up!” “I was only trying to be romantic.” Aston said back, his words were slurred. “There’s plenty of time for that when you’re not drunk, come on, let’s go to bed.” I replied. I helped Aston walk up the stairs, it was quite funny actually, I tried to stop myself from laughing, he wouldn’t appreciate it. “Someone’s gonna be hanging in the morning.” I smirked. “What are you talking about? I’m not drunk, I’ve only had a few drinks.” Aston mumbled. “Pull the other one Ast, you’re hammered!” I laughed. I sat him down gently on the bed. “Kiss me.” Aston whispered. I kissed him gently. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’ll be back now.” I replied, knowing as I left the room, he’d be flat out on the bed, completely out of it. I walked back into our room a few minutes later, and I was right. “Typical Aston.” I laughed quietly, climbing into bed next to him. 

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