Part 4

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Scarlett’s POV

I arrived at the recording studio around 10, I was hoping to get there before the boys, but that didn’t happen. I walked up the two flights of stairs, pausing before opening the door into the studio. “I hope to God none of the lyrics are like the previous albums.” I muttered, remembering back to last night. I opened the door cautiously. “Hey.” I said, smiling, looking at the 3 boys smiling my way. “Hello, I’m Oritse, this is Marvin.” He said, pointing, and this is JB, we’re just waiting on…oh here he is!” Oritse said, turning his attention to the door.

Aston’s POV.

“Sorry I’m late! Traffic was bad!” I exclaimed, greeting Oritse, Marvin and JB. “So you’re gonna be working with us today?” I said, turning around to greet the girl, I gasped, there was something familiar about the girl, it couldn’t be her could it? No. I told myself don’t be silly. “Yes.” She replied, looking up, our eyes met for the briefest of seconds before she looked down, I saw her shake her head slowly, my eyes followed her as she walked slowly to her seat and sat down. It was like I was in some sort of a trance. “Shall we get on with the writing then?” JB asked, bringing me back to reality. “That’s what we’re here for!” The girl said smiling, “Which way do you guys like to write?” “Well, usually we write for about an hour or so in silence, then compare our ideas and lyrics!” Oritse replied. “Okay.” She replied quietly. Everyone took out a notepad and pencil and began writing. I found myself sitting opposite her, I stared at her for quite some time as she wrote. Why oh why had nobody said her name. She looked up from her notepad and caught my stare, I looked away quickly, but not quick enough to see the look of confusion on her face. I felt someone kicking my leg. “Bruv, what’s up?” Marv mumbled, glancing at the notepad, which contained very little writing. “I dunno, nothing, can we take a break?” I muttered back, my head was not in the right space to write. “Yeah, I was about to suggest that.” Oritse said, catching on to our conversation. “Meet back here in 30 minutes?” As soon as he said that, the girl practically flew out of her seat, and was gone. “Woah, what was all that about?!” JB said. “That wasn’t strange at all…” Added Marvin. “Anyway Ast, what’s going on with you, you’ve written bugger all!” “What’s that girls name?” I whispered. “Er, I didn’t think to ask, we should know though…” Replied Oritse sheepishly. “Why?” “I’m sure of it, it’’s…” I trailed off, not wanting to bring her up. “Aw Ast! Not this again! I thought you’d be over her by now!” JB said. I just looked around the room, all 3 boys staring at me, and shook my head. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“It’s him, I’m sure of it.” I said to myself, running down the stairs and outside the recording studio. “No, pull yourself together Scarl, it’s just some coincidence. Anyway, the Ast, I knew wanted to become a footballer…” I leant against the wall, fearing I would collapse at any second. “Stop being so pathetic!” I scolded myself. “You don’t even know his name.” I stayed outside for some time, trying to get my head back together. I walked up the stairs slowly, stopping outside the door. “Focus, you’ve got a job to do.” I muttered under my breath. “Sorry about that! Felt a bit ill!” I said, walking into the studio, avoiding all eye contact. “It’s fine! Hey, we’ve written this song, well only the first verse and the chorus, we aim to finish it by the end of the session, fancy listening to it, and we’ll all write collectively?” Oritse said. “Yeah, go for it!” I replied. The track was called Innocence. I closed my eyes and listened to the lyrics. Once again, the lyrics were so ironic to my situation. I shook my head, what was it with these boys relating to my life?! “What, don’t you like it?” Marvin asked, seeing my reaction. “No, I love it! I can relate to the lyrics!” I said, reassuringly. “Anyone got any ideas for lyrics for the next verse?” JB said. “Yeah, I do!” Oritse said, reading out his lyrics. “They don’t fit.” I thought to myself. “I’ve got some too.” Added the one member of the band whose name I didn’t know. He stared intently at me and started speaking without taking his eyes off me. “We made vows in the tree house…”. “Together, Forever.” I gasped..

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now