Part 20

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Scarlett’s POV.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night then.” Aston said softly. “Yeah I guess, still, even though it’s only one night, I’m still gonna miss you.” I replied. We were outside the apartment I shared with Ellie. Him and the boys were going to be up and down the country for the next day, promoting their single. “Come to mine around 8 tomorrow, and we’ll all go out celebrating, bring Ellie if you like?” Aston asked. “Yeah we’ll be there!” I replied quickly, kissing him on the lips. I pulled away, grabbing onto the handle to open the car door. “Scarl?” Aston said quickly, pulling my arm. “Yeah Ast?” I said. “I was just wondering, well… if you well y’ano…”He said, fumbling his words. “Spit it out Ast! We haven’t got all day!” I laughed. “Ok, ok! I was just wondering if you wanted to move in with me.” He blurted out. “But I understand if you think that it is too soon.” Aston added. I stared at him and smiled. “Yeah Ast! Of course I’ll move in with you!” I replied. “Now you better get going before you’re late meeting the boys.” “Awesome! Move in whenever you’re ready to. No pressure or anything.” Aston replied. “Bye babe.” I answered, kissing him again, opening the door and walking to mine and Ellie’s apartment. 

I unlocked the door to our apartment. “Hey.” I called. “Hey!” Ellie called back, coming out from her room to greet me. “How was it?” I had already briefly filled her in on what had happened, but not told her the full story. “Well…” I replied, walking towards the living room and sitting down. I told her everything, finishing with the Danni thing. “So, you’re telling me that when you got back to Aston’s last night, there was an envelope addressed to you, with a photo of you and Aston, but your face was missing?!” Ellie exclaimed. “Yeah, weird aye!” I replied. “God Scarl, that’s awfully strange, isn’t that how serial killers start out…” She replied, trailing off. “Elle! Don’t scare me like that! It’s bad enough as it is!” I exclaimed. “Sorry, it’s more than likely just some crazed fan… Anyway how are you and Aston?” She asked, changing the subject. “Yeah that’s what I thought, Aston didn’t seem too sure… And great thanks! He asked me to move in with him this morning!” I gushed. “Aw young love!” Ellie mocked. “Nah, I’m happy for you Scarl!” “Thanks! It means a lot!” I replied. “Tomorrow night, I’m going out with the boys and their friends for a celebration of their success, in Europe, and you’re invited!” “Ah thanks, it means a lot. But I don’t know, I won’t really know anyone there, I’ll be on my own.” She replied. “Aw come on! It’ll be fun! And you won’t be on your own, you’ll have me!” I answered. “Yeah I guess, why not then!” She said back. I smiled back, glad she agreed, I was planning on letting Ellie and Oritse ‘accidently’ bumping into each other, hoping they’d get along… 

The next day. 

“Well, that’s the last of my stuff then!” I exclaimed. Me and Ellie had spent the day and the previous night packing up all my stuff, it hadn’t been easy. I was planning on moving into Aston’s the following day. “Woah!” I exclaimed checking the time, it was 7:15pm, we needed to be at Aston’s, ready to go out at 8. “What’s wrong?” Ellie asked. “We need to be in Aston’s ready to leave to go out at 8! Grab something to wear, you can use my makeup which I left over Ast’s, we’ll have to get ready over there!” I babbled. Ellie did what I said, and I rang Aston, explaining what happened.

45 minutes later, and we were in Aston’s getting ready. “So, do you still fancy me in trackies?” I laughed, while putting on my makeup. “Of course, you look gorgeous in anything.” Aston exclaimed. I was about to reply, when I suddenly realised the outfit I had planned to wear was still on my bed at home. “Ah shit!” I exclaimed, slapping myself on the forehead. “I left my dress at home, do we have time to go get it?” “Well, we’re running late already…” Aston replied, about to say something else, when I interrupted him. “Ast! I can’t go out in my trackies!” I exclaimed. “Give me a chance to finish!” He laughed, walking towards his wardrobe. “Luckily, I got you something when we were in France, I was going to keep it for your birthday, but you can have it now.” He smiled at me, handing me a package. “Aw Ast! You shouldn’t have!” I replied, opening it, revealing a short black dress with the sides cut out, it must have cost a fortune! “It’s beautiful!” I exclaimed. Me and Ellie walked downstairs while Aston finished getting changed. “You look stunning!” I said to Ellie. She smiled her thanks back to me. “You all set to go then?” Aston asked, walking into the living room. “Yep!” I replied smiling, he looked beautiful. We walked towards the front door and my phone vibrated. I checked it, a text from an unknown number. Strange. I opened the text and my face and stomach dropped. “Scarl? What’s wrong babe?” Aston exclaimed. I just stared at the text. “Scarlett? What does the message say?” Aston whispered.

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