Part 23

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Aston’s POV.

I looked up from the laptop and sighed. It had been a long night, and now somehow, the media had caught on to parts of what happened, and there was a story circulating online. “What you reading?” Scarlett asked, suddenly behind me, I jumped. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you!” She added. “It’s okay, and there’s a story about us, how we left the club early and apparently rushed home, and then they’ve pictured the police coming to our house.” I replied. “Does it go into detail?” She asked. “Nah, not really, there’s pictures of us going into the club smiling, then us leaving the club looking serious, and the police pulling up outside, they’ve said its thought that we’ve been robbed or something.” I said bluntly, I let Scarlett read the article over my shoulder. I slammed the laptop shut before she could finish reading. “Ast! I was reading that!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Sorry, I’m just so pissed off! We can’t have one thing happen in our relationship without the paps know about it.” I replied bitterly. “Every single thing that happens, they’re there, everything, we don’t get a moment of peace even…” “Ast!” Scarlett said, interrupting me. “Just think, the paps know right? The story is gonna be in magazines, probably even in newspapers, everywhere!” “Yeah so?” I replied. “So, that means whoever is behind all the texts and everything, maybe, well maybe they’ll back off.” Scarlett exclaimed. “How can you say that?” I asked. “Well, the paps are probably gonna be on our case more than ever now right? Until we release a statement or something? So that person will probably back off now everyone knows, and knows that the police are involved. Do you get where I’m going with this?!” She replied. I thought for a moment, thinking about what she had just said. “Yeah, yeah so basically everyone knows, and that person won’t wanna get found out…” I said slowly. “Yeah! Exactly that!” She replied enthusiastically.

Scarlett’s POV.

An hour or so later, there was a knock on the door, in walked Marvin, JB, Oritse followed by Ellie, she looked as if she had been crying for a while. No one said anything. “Elle, what’s wrong?” I burst out, breaking the silence. “Scarlett, I am so, so sorry.” She whispered. “What? What are you sorry about?” I replied. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am.” She said, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Stop crying and tell me!” I snapped, feeling frustrated. “You better sit down.” Marvin said quietly. “It’s important what she needs to tell you.” Oritse added. Oh great, so everyone knew what this was about expect for me, I turned to Aston. “Do you know what this is about?” I asked, he shook his head in reply. I sat down next to Aston, Ellie took a deep breath. “About the texts you’ve been getting, I think I know who has been sending them to you, about a week before you came back someone came to our apartment, he said he was a childhood friend of yours? Cal he said his name was? Anyway, he asked me for your number, I know I should have asked you first, but he seemed so genuine, I gave it to him, he said that he bumped into you before you went away? Said you said that you’d have a catch up? But Scarl, I cannot tell you how sorry I am. Please don’t be mad at me.” Ellie babbled. I froze. Cal, the man I had not seen since I was 19. Cal. His name half scared me to death. Everything was silent. “Scarl? Please say something.” Ellie whispered. “Who’s Cal?” Aston asked, confused. “Please, please don’t ask me. Please, no, please just leave it.” I said, my voice breaking. “Scarlett? What did Cal do to you?” He said. “No, don’t say his name.” I cried. I began shaking. I was scared. “Scarlett, please babe. No one is going to hurt you.” Aston said softly, looking into my eyes. “Please just talk to me, I can help.” “No Aston, please don’t make me.” I sobbed. “What’s the big deal? Why can’t you just tell us?” Ellie said. “It can’t be that bad…” That was it. I flipped. “Can’t be that bad? I nearly lost my life because of him? Not that bad is it?” I shrieked, running up the stairs, into Aston’s room, falling to my knees behind the closed door. I was sobbing, I had never been so scared. The past few years I had managed to block it out, but now it was back… 

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