Part 40

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Aston’s POV.

I made my way through the different wards of the hospital, armed with flowers and a get well soon card. I was so glad Scarlett’s Nan was going to make a full recovery, she was one of the kindest people I had ever met in my life! I walked up another flight of stairs, they seemed endless. “Aston!” I heard a voice exclaim. I turned my head, and saw Scarlett running towards me, I dropped the bags I was holding, and walking towards her. She threw her arms around me. “I’ve missed you so much.” I breathed. “I’ve missed you so much too Aston, the last 10 days have been unbearable!” Scarlett replied. I looked at her, she looked drawn and absolutely shattered. “I know I look like shit, I’ve hardly slept.” She added. “There’s nothing wrong with the way you look, you look beautiful as always!” I replied. “You’re just saying that!” Scarlett laughed. “Come on, let’s go see my nan!” 

We walked down the wards. “How come your Nan asked for me?” I asked. “I don’t really know, she obviously likes you a lot, you were the first person she asked for.” Scarlett replied. “Really?” I exclaimed. “I haven’t seen her for years.” “I know, before she woke up, I was talking to my Granddad, he said that when Nan sees pictures of us together, it makes her happy, she loves you, she knows how good you are for me.” Scarlett said back. “She’s just in here.” Scarlett added, gesturing towards the door. She opened the door and we walked in. Scarlett’s mum and Granddad were sitting next to her bed. “It’s lovely to see you again!” Scarlett’s nan said weakly. “It’s lovely to see you too, Millie.” I replied, walking over to her, handing her the flowers and card. “Ever the gentleman.” She laughed weakly. I gave her a quick grin. “Do you mind if I talk to Scarlett and Aston alone?” Millie asked Scarlett’s mum and Granddad. “No go for it.” Her Granddad replied. “Hey Ast, I’m sorry for everything, you know with, with Mark.” Her Mum said quietly. “It’s okay, I understand.” I replied. She gave me a weak grin.

Me and Scarlett sat down, taking her mum and Granddads places. “It’s lovely to see you together again.” Millie said. “I’ve always told Scarlett that you’d be back together one day.” “I’m just glad she’s back in my life!” I replied. “So, what’s all this I hear about a wedding, and soon-to-be grandchildren?” She continued. I looked over to Scarlett, she had gone a bright shade of pink, I let out a weak laugh. “So are you going to answer me?” Millie continued questioning. “Nan, I was just speaking theoretically. Nothing’s actually happened yet.” Scarlett said, she was embarrassed. “Well, it better happen in the near future, I’m living on borrowed time here, I want to see the birth of my first great-grandchild, and the marriage of my only grandchild.” Millie replied. “It’ll happen, you will live to see it.” I replied. “You’re strong Millie, you’re not living on borrowed time at all.” I added. “Well, when you do decide to get married, I want to be the first to know.” She replied smiling. “You will be, trust me.” I said back. We talked to Scarlett’s nan for a little while longer, but you could see she was struggling, she wasn’t better yet, but she was recovering. “We better make a move.” Scarlett said a little while later. “You will come and see me tomorrow though, won’t you?” Mille asked. “Yes, of course, we’ll be here.” I answered. We said our goodbyes and make our way through the hospital, back to the hotel that Scarlett had been staying in. 

Scarlett’s POV.

I’m really gutted we missed New Year’s eve together.” I said sometime later. “It couldn’t be helped babe.” Aston replied. “It was important you stayed with your nan. I did have something big planned though, but you’ll find out about it soon enough.” “Oh, what was it? Tell me?” I asked. “Nope, you’ll find out soon enough, about what I’m planning anyway. I’m re-planning it.” He replied cheekily. “Aw that’s not fair! Come on, tell me!” I exclaimed. “Nope, you’ll find out soon.” He said back. I gave over, knowing no matter how much I asked him, he still wouldn’t tell me, I’d just have to live with the suspense! “So, you’ve been talking to your Nan about us getting married, and having children then?” Aston continued. “Yeah, well I didn’t actually think she’d heard me, she was still in a coma at the time, but she heard every word, sorry if you think it’s weird.” Scarlett babbled. “It’s not weird, it’s cute.” He smiled. “It made my Nan smile anyway.” I replied. “Anyway, I’m glad my family have accepted you.” I added, changing the subject, I didn’t want Aston to think I was being pushy about the whole getting married, having kids thing. “Yeah, me too, it means a lot, we can finally start living our lives together, happy, and not having to worry about a thing!” Aston exclaimed.

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