Part 21

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Aston’s POV. 

“Scarlett, show me the text.” I exclaimed shaking her. She slowly turned her phone to me. The text read “Just thought I’d tell you, that black dress you’re wearing makes you look like the little slag you are xo.” Woah! I was not expecting that. “Who’s it from?” I asked quietly. Scarlett snapped out of the little trance she was in. “I-I don’t know, an unknown number!” She exclaimed. “Danni maybe?” She added. I took the phone off Scarlett, took my phone out of my pocket, and compared the number with the number that I had received the texts from Danni on when we were in France. “No, the numbers are different.” I said weakly. “Come on, let’s go, we’re late as it is.” Scarlett said. “You think we’re going out after this has happened?!” I exclaimed. “No chance.” “Ast, come on, it’s ONE text it doesn’t mean anything whatsoever.” She replied, pulling my arm. “I don’t know Scarl, first the photo, and now this, it’s too strange…” I answered, trailing off. “Aston, tonight is a chance to celebrate, to forget about everything, a chance to be with all your friends, that doesn’t happen very often, please can we just go out tonight, forget about this, worry about it tomorrow.” Scarlett pleaded. I sighed, I was obviously losing this one. “Fine, but I am not letting you out of my sight.” I replied, the car pulling up to take us to the club.

Scarlett’s POV.

We climbed into the back of the car, the club was about 30 minutes away. I was nervous, I physically felt ill, the text I had completely startled me. I was putting on a brave front, I didn’t want Aston to see me fall to pieces, it was their big night, I didn’t want it to be ruined because of me. It had always been my way of thinking, I tried not to let people see my emotions, but recently that had become increasingly difficult. I looked over to Ellie, she hadn’t said a word since I had got the text, this wasn’t like her. “If you get one more text like that, we’re going straight to the police okay?” Aston whispered quietly. I nodded in reply. The car stopped, and we climbed out, I put on a fake smile, knowing there would be paps lurking. I stayed close to Aston’s side as we walked into the VIP area of the club, everyone else was already there, Aston introduced me to his friends and his younger brother Conor. We sat down, and I deliberately made Ellie sit in between me and Oritse. The evening passed quickly, I finally relaxed enough to enjoy myself. “I’m going to the toilet.” I shouted to Aston over the loud music. “I’ll walk you there.” Aston shouted back. “I’ll be fine.” I replied, breaking away before he could reply. I knew he was only trying to protect me. I walked into the toilets and sorted out my hair and re-applied my lipgloss. I stared into the mirror for a while, thinking about everything that had happened, the text, the picture, it did seem strange. I walked out of the bathroom slowly, and my phone vibrated, another text from the same number. I sighed and read the text. “Oh and I just thought I’d tell you, you’ll pay for what you’ve done to me xo.” I stared at the text in confusion. What the hell had I done?! “You alright babe?” A voice said suddenly, It was Aston, he was standing in front of me. I locked my phone suddenly, and shoved it in my bag. “Yeah, yeah fine.” I said quickly. “Who was the text from?” He asked suspiciously. “Oh, just my mother, asking how the trip was.” I lied, not wanting to ruin the night anymore. “Bit late ain’t it? It’s gone midnight?” He said back. “She must have sent it earlier and it only just came through, I have bad signal.” I replied weakly, trying to sound convincing. Aston looked directly into my eyes. “You sure?” He asked gently. He knew I wasn’t telling him the truth. We were alone in the corridor, the music was just a gentle hum. “Aston, Ast I’m scared…” I whispered. I showed him the text. “Pay for what though? What have you done?” Aston asked, he sounded just as confused as I was. “Right we’re going home.” Aston said, pulling me. “Ast, I’m ruining the night.” I replied. “Scarlett, I don’t care, there is obviously something strange going on. I didn’t reply, simply letting Aston lead me back to everyone else. 

Aston’s POV. 

Marvin was the first person I saw. “Marv, I need to get Scarlett outta here.” I shouted over the music. “Why?” He shouted back. “I-I can’t explain here, I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tell everyone Scarlett’s ill or something, that’s why we’ve gone.” I shouted back. Me and Scarlett left the club, the car was waiting for us. “We left Ellie.” Scarlett said suddenly. “Nah, she’ll be fine with Oritse.” I replied. “They were getting pretty close!” We made small talk until we got home. The car pulled up to the gates and we walked into the house. “I promise babe. This time tomorrow it’ll all be over.” I said, unlocking the door and walking in, locking the door behind me. “Ast?” Scarlett said weakly. “Yeah?” I replied. “We’re being watched…” She whispered.

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