Part 48

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Aston’s POV. 

We arrived at the bar, it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I was expecting some tacky nightclub. Thankfully, we arrived before Danni and Edmund. “One or two drinks and then we go, deal?” Scarlett said. “Deal. I don’t wanna be here anymore than you do babe, trust me.” I replied. Scarlett walked to the corner of the bar and sat down, while I ordered a couple of drinks. “I’d drink this before they get here, it might make the next hour or so more bearable.” I said, handing her a drink. “An hour? You said we were only staying for a couple of drinks!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Yeah we are, but we can’t exactly drink and leave can we?” I sighed. “I guess not.” Scarlett replied, downing her drink in one. “Now smile, they’re here.” I said weakly. They saw us, and walked over. They’d changed thank god. So at least that aspect of them was better, not much could be said about Danni’s face though, that was a different matter completely. “Now we have to celebrate, how does champagne sound to you?” Danni asked, sitting down. “Whatever you want.” I replied. “Oh waiter, 4 bottles of your finest champagne please!” Danni trilled. Her voice really went through me. 

The waiter fetched 4 bottles open, and Edmund popped it open, pouring 4 glasses. Handing one to me and one to Scarlett. “As it’s a sort of wedding celebration I’d like to make a quick speech.” Edmund said. Great. “I don’t know where to begin. Danni, who would have ever thought that someone as beautiful, elegant and graceful as you would have fallen for someone like me.” He said, pausing dramatically. “Today, when we became one, it made me the happiest I have ever been! I love you my darling!” He gushed. “You will be an excellent mother to our children!” He added, once again there was a dramatic pause. The thought of them ever reproducing was enough, I looked at Scarlett from the corner of my eye, her face was hilarious. “Danni, I am looking forward to spending my life with you!” He finished, kissing her. Honestly, I had never seen anything like it. “Aw, isn’t he cute!” Danni gushed. Beaming at me and Scarlett. “He’s such a charmer.” Scarlett managed to splutter. “I’d like to make a speech now!” Danni announced. I switched off. Nodding and smiling when I thought it was appropriate. She went on for ages. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

“Well I hope you two will be very happy together.” Aston announced as Danni eventually finished talking. “Thank you Aston, and I wish nothing but the best for you and Scarlett.” Danni replied, although I could hear the wistfulness in her voice, she was jealous of us. “Excuse me for a minute, just going to the bathroom.” Aston said, standing up. “Yeah, me too.” I added, not wanting to be left alone with the two of them. “Oh my God, talk about cringe!” I exclaimed as soon as we were out of sight. “Please say we don’t have to stay much longer?” I added. “We can’t exactly get up and leave can we?” Aston replied. “I guess not, try and make an excuse or something?” I asked. “I’ll try my best.” He said back. 

About 5 minutes later, we were back sitting opposite Danni and Edmund, they had poured us yet another glass of champagne. “Right, I’ll be right back.” Edmund said quietly. “Don’t forget to ask.” He said to Danni, tilting his head towards us. “I will do.” She replied quietly. I looked up curiously. “What do you want to ask us?” Aston asked, before I could say anything. “Well, me and Edmund were wondering, well after we’ve finished up here, would you like to come back to our hotel, for an exclusive party?” Danni asked, dropping her voice. “I’m not quite sure what you mean?” Aston replied. “I mean, a VERY exclusive party, involving just us four.” She answered, raising her eyebrows. “I really don’t get where you’re heading with this..” Aston said back. “Let me put it more simply, a party involving our bed, and alcohol.” She replied, biting her lip. “What? No, no way, how could you think that. You vile thing!” I exclaimed, throwing my drink over her. “Scarl?! Calm down.” Aston said. “Aston no. She just asked us for a foursome with her husband, how can you tell me to calm down?!” I replied, my voice raising by the second. “What? Now that, that is disgusting.” Aston exclaimed, finally realising what she was on about. The whole bar had gone silent. I prayed their English wasn’t too clever. “Come on, we’re going.” I said bluntly, pulling Aston to his feet. Edmund walked around the corner. Aston walked right up to him. “Don’t you and your precious wife EVER come near me and Scarlett again, how in God’s name could you think we’d be up for something like that, it’s vile.” Aston spat. Everyone stared. “Oh now, calm down, I’m sure we can sort this out over a quiet drink.” Edmund replied. “No, no I’m done, we’re going.” Aston exclaimed. “No, Aston don’t!” Danni screeched. “Oh by the way, Edmund, Danni’s only after you for your money.” I added, I couldn’t resist it. I felt violated. “Come on, we’re getting as far away from this place as possible!” Aston exclaimed. I felt the stares as we made our way through the bar. I held my head high, we had nothing to be ashamed of…

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