Part 45

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Aston’s POV. 

Danni continued to bang on about her wedding, not that I was paying attention. I looked at my watch. 40 minutes until the plane left. “So, I was just wondering, seeing as you’re going to be in Paris, would you like to be witnesses at our wedding, saving us asking total strangers, see we’re just having a small wedding, no family or friends.” Danni asked. I looked at her, then to Scarlett, who was slowly shaking her head. “Uh, yeah, sure I guess.” I replied. “Great! Be there 16th of February, here are the details.” Danni exclaimed, pulling a piece of paper from her bag. “Edmund, I want to look in the shops.” Danni demanded sharply. “Okay, anything for my Princess.” He replied, in a slightly accented voice. Danni took his arm and they walked out of sight. “Thank god that’s over!” I said, sighing dramatically. “Ast! Why the hell did you agree for us to go to her wedding?” Scarlett exclaimed. “Sorry babe, I couldn’t exactly say no to her face.” I replied sheepishly. “I guess not. I’m not gonna enjoy it one bit.” She replied. “I don’t expect you to. It’s not exactly going to be a barrel of laughs. I guess we show up for the service and go.” I sighed. “Wonder why they’re not inviting family.” I added “Probably because they don’t want anyone to know about them. It’s almost laughable the way they are together, it’s obvious she’s only after his money, and once he’s gone, it’ll all be left to her!” Scarlett laughed. “She still loves you y’ano.” Scarlett added. “I can tell, just by the way she looks at you.” “Nothing’s ever gonna happen.” I replied. “I’m yours, and I always will be.” “Glad to hear it! Scarlett said back, cuddling up closer to me.

Scarlett’s POV. 

“This place is beautiful!” I exclaimed. It was evening now, and we were sitting in the hotel room, looking out onto the view we had. “It sure is.” Aston agreed. “It must’ve cost you a fortune!” “It’s worth it though!” I replied. “Here’s to you, and your birthday!” I exclaimed, pouring more champagne. “And, here’s to us, a happily engaged couple, looking forward to a happy future together!” Aston added. We quickly finished off that bottle, and started a second. “It’s weird, that like we’re back in Paris again, but now we’re engaged.” I said a little while later. “What you mean babe?” Aston asked. “Well like, when we first got back together, then we came to Paris, for you to work, and now we’re back here, celebrating your birthday and our engagement.” I replied. “Yeah, I guess it is weird.” Aston replied slowly. “You don’t get it do you?” I laughed. “Yeah, well no, well I do, it’s just hard to explain.” Aston said back. “I’m just gonna shut up and pretend I didn’t say anything!” I laughed. “Or, you could shut up and kiss me?” Aston replied cheekily. “Now that, that is not a bad idea at all!” I answered. “Yeah, I’m full of good ideas me.” He said back. “You know what’s a better idea?” I asked. “Go on, fill me in?” Aston replied. “Well, I was thinking about testing out the bed?” I said back, biting my lip. “Now that, that is a very good idea!” Aston replied, picking me. “Now who’s the one with the good ideas?” I said cheekily as Aston put me down on the bed. “I’ve gotta give it to you, this is a good idea.” Aston replied, kissing me, it was that type of kiss that only leads to one thing! 

The next morning. 

“Happy Valentine’s Day beautiful!” Aston exclaimed, walking into the room with a bunch of red roses. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!” I replied. “When did you get these?” I asked as he handed the flowers to me. “I went when you were sleeping.” Aston replied. “Well they’re beautiful, thank you!” I exclaimed, kissing him. “Anytime!” Aston answered. “I also got you these.” He added, handing me a bag. Inside was a box of chocolates, and some gorgeous lingerie. “Yeah you can model that for me later!” Aston said cheekily. “If you’re lucky!” I replied. “I’m always lucky.” Aston bit back. “Yeah come to think of it you always are.” I laughed. “Anyway, you’ll get your presents tonight. I’ve booked us a table somewhere for tonight, then we’re going out, then you’ll get your last present when we get back here!” I exclaimed. “You don’t have to babe, this break is enough of a gift!” Aston replied. “No I want to, I want to treat you for a change, instead of it always being the other way around.” I replied. “You’re too perfect.” Aston said back. “Anyway, where are you taking me?” He added. “Nowhere special, but it’ll be nice just for the two of us to go out, just as and no one else!” I exclaimed. 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now