Part 89

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Scarlett’s POV.

I woke up dead on 9, I slept really well surprisingly. I pranced into Ellie’s room, with a bottle of champagne. “I’m getting married today!” I trilled. No reply. “Elle! Wake up!” I exclaimed, jumping on the bed, I was acting like a little kid again. “What? Why? What time is it?” She muttered, not opening her eyes. “Wake up! I’m getting married today, and it’s just gone 9.” I said, answering her questions. Ellie sat up, noticing the champagne bottle in my hand. “Bit early for that isn’t it?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. “Nope. I’m getting married!” I exclaimed again. “I gathered.” Ellie laughed. “Oh my God Elle, I’ve been looking forward to this day for like ever, and now it’s finally here, it’s actually happening, I’m marrying the man of my dreams in less than 5 hours!” I babbled. “I’m happy for you Scarl, I really am.” Ellie smiled. “I’m gonna go get Lauren and Taylor up.” I announced, walking out of the room.

“Today is going too fast already.” I sighed, looking at the time, it was already just gone 1, I was due to walk down the aisle at 2. “Just think, the faster today goes, the sooner you’ll be married.” Lauren said. “I know, but I’m so happy, I just don’t want today to end to be honest.” I replied. “Come on then, let’s get your makeup done.” Zoe, the makeup artist announced. She’d already done the bridesmaids makeup, they looked stunning! “What do you want your makeup like?” She asked. “As natural as possible.” I said back, smiling, everything seemed so much more real now! “All done!” Zoe said a while later, getting the mirror out. “No, I don’t want to see until I’m completely ready!” I exclaimed. “Sure, what if you don’t like it?” She said wearily. “I trust you! I know I’ll like it, you’ve done an amazing job on the girls, so I’m sure mine is perfect too.” I said back, smiling. Mum walked in a few minutes later, with Faith, she’d got her dressed for me. “Wow, you look gorgeous, both of you do!” I exclaimed, taking Faith off Mum. “So do you darling, I can’t believe it, look at you, you’re all grown up, my baby girl is getting married!” Mum said, her voice overwhelmed by emotion. “Oh Mum! Don’t cry, you’ll set me off too!” I exclaimed hugging her with my free arm. “Ready to put your dress on then?” Ellie called. “Oh my god girls! You look stunning!” I said, turning around, facing Ellie, Lauren, Taylor and my younger cousin. “Turn around, let me see!” “So, do we pass?” Ellie asked. “Of course you do! You all look beautiful, I wanna put mine on now!” I exclaimed, I was buzzing of excitement. I handed Faith back to Mum, and followed the girls into the other room to get my dress.

“All done, ready?” Ellie asked. “Yeah, no, yeah, I mean, I’m nervous.” I babbled. “That’s only natural, getting married is a big deal.” She said calmly. “No, I’m not nervous about that, I’m nervous about seeing myself…” I said slowly. “Scarl, trust me, you look beautiful!” Ellie exclaimed. “Come on, there’s a full length mirror in here.” She added, grabbing my arm. I stood in front of the mirror, and examined myself, my hair was glossy and curled to perfection, makeup was perfect, I loved my dress! “Can I just marry him already?!” I exclaimed, I was ready, more than ready! “10 minutes, and then we’ll start walking down.” Ellie laughed, knowing how impatient I was. I walked back into the room I was in before. “Wow, Scarlett, you look stunning!” Mum gasped. “Doesn’t Mummy look like a princess?” She added, handing Faith to me. I smiled at my daughter, she looked beautiful, she was starting to look like Aston more every single day! “I just want see Aston now.” I sighed, I couldn’t wait. The door opened, and my Nan and Granddad walked in, my Granddad was giving me away. “Oh my, Scarlett you look beautiful!” Nan said quietly, she was crying already. “I’m just so glad I’m here to see you on your wedding day.” “Oh Nan, don’t think like that!” I exclaimed. “You’re here, you’re healthy, that’s all that matters!” “I’m living on borrowed time sweetheart, I know that, but I’m just glad I’m here.” She said happily. I didn’t reply, I feared I’d breakdown. “You ready then Scarlett?” Granddad said softly. “Of course! More than ready!” I exclaimed, taking his arm.

We walked towards the room where the ceremony was taking place, my heart was beating so fast! We were outside the doors of the room, you could hear the guests talking, Aston was just a few metres away from me! Mum and Nan had already gone ahead, taking Faith with them. The doors were still shut, the girls lined up in front of me, Ellie first, my younger cousin, Lauren then Taylor. I stood behind them. “Are you sure about this now?” Granddad asked gently. “Of course, more than anything.” I smiled. Before he could reply, the doors opened the music started playing, it was sweet and gentle. The girls started walking forward, I thought I was going to collapse! “Now’s your time sweetheart! You look beautiful.” He whispered. I started walking forward, to start the next chapter of my life!

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