Part 8

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Aston’s POV. 

“Okay, I’m just gonna take a shower.” Scarlett said, prising herself away from me. “Want me to show you the way?” I replied cheekily, biting my lip. “I’m sure I can find my way Merrygold!” She laughed, walking around the bed and kissing me on the forehead. “Fine, suit yourself.” I grumbled. She laughed and walked slowly towards the bedroom door. Before opening it, she turned towards me and bit her lip. I stared back at her and watched her as she made her way down the hallway to the bathroom. God she really was beautiful! I forced myself to get out of bed and make us something to eat, it was 6pm and we hadn’t eaten since the night before, I was starving.

Scarlett’s POV.

I stepped out of the shower, quickly getting dried myself and pulled on the clothes I had borrowed from Aston. I walked out of the bathroom and stood on the top of the stairs. “What?! You’re kidding me?!” I heard Aston exclaim. I listened on as the person on the other side of the phone was talking. “This is a bit sudden isn’t it? Where has all this come from? ” He said sounding abrupt. My stomach dropped and all kind of thoughts were running through my head about what could have been said to Ast on the phone. I thought to myself, how should I play this? Should I walk downstairs and pretend I didn’t hear the conversation or ask about it. I made a snap decision to pretend I didn’t hear the conversation, I didn’t want Aston to think that I had been listening in to his conversation, although I couldn’t help but overhear it. I walked down the stairs and straight into Aston’s arms. “Miss me beautiful?” Aston asked smiling at me. “Yes very much handsome!” I replied, kissing him gently on the lips. I pulled away and studied his face, he looked happy enough, but I could see that whatever was said to him whilst I was in the shower was playing on his mind big time. 

Aston’s POV. 

I looked directly into Scarlett’s eyes and smiled, yes the smile was a cover up, I didn’t know how she would react when I told her what I’d just heard on the phone, but the smile was also genuine at the same time. She was really back in my life. “I made us food, considering we haven’t eaten since last night!” I said laughing. “Oh god! If your cooking is as horrendous as I remember it, this is going to be interesting!” Scarlett scoffed. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad!” I bit back laughing. “Anyway I made your favourite!” I pulled away from Scarlett, walked to the kitchen and came back with two bowls, handing one of them to her. “Aw Ast! You remembered!” Scarlett said, peering into the bowl. “Yep, how could I forget? Pasta covered in ketchup! It was the only thing I could cook!” I laughed. “Yeah only just! After I taught you!” Scarlett said. “Yeah okay! Stop abusing my cooking skills and eat it already!” I said. “Okay, okay!” She replied. “After all you can’t be good at everything.” I added smirking at her biting my lip. “Okay I get the picture!” She replied cheekily. We ate our food in silence for a few minutes, I was thinking about the best way to tell her about what my management had told me when they rang me, when she interrupted my thoughts. “I need to get going soon, I haven’t changed in like a day, I feel disgusting!” She exclaimed. My time was running out. “Yeah okay babe, I’ll take you back to the recording studio so you can get your car.” I replied absentmindedly, still in mid thought. “Thanks, your cooking skills have improved by the way!” She replied, picking the dishes up and taking them through to the kitchen. I watched as she walked away, I was going to have to tell her. “Scarl?” I called as she walked. “Yeah Ast?” She replied without turning around. “Management rang earlier, they, they’ve decided to move us to Europe for a few months, to try and crack the charts in France and stuff.” I said bluntly. I watched Scarlett’s reaction carefully, I heard a gasp, followed by the smashing of the bowls she was carrying…

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