Part 55

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“Y’ano, I still can’t believe this is happening!” Aston said quietly, placing his hand on my slightly swollen stomach. I was just over two months pregnant, you couldn’t tell yet. We were back in London, the tour was coming to an end, the boys had around 6 dates left to perform. “I know, it’s mad, but I’m so happy!” I exclaimed, the baby had brought me and Aston closer together, I didn’t know that was possible, but it had happened! I was booked in to have an ultrasound later that day, the both of us were so excited! It had been hard not telling anyone, but it had been worth it! 

Aston’s POV. 

“This scan is going to make it 10 times more real!” I said quietly. We were sitting in the waiting room, thankfully we were the only ones there, we didn’t want anyone in the public to find out just yet. “I know, I’m just a bit worried, everything will be okay, y’ano, with the baby?” Scarlett said, I could hear the worry in her voice. “Of course, everything will be fine!” I replied, trying to sound confident, of course I couldn’t guarantee it though. “Miss Greene?” The nurse called a few minutes later. We walked through to the room. “So how far gone are you roughly?” The nurse asked. “Around 9 weeks, if I’ve got the dates right.” Scarlett replied. “Early days then.” The nurse said back, smiling as she prepared the stuff for the scan. “Right, just lay back, and we can take a look at your baby.” She said a few minutes later. “I gotta admit, I’m nervous.” I laughed. “It’s only natural, but I’m sure everything will be fine!” The nurse said back. “Lift your top up for me, and we can take a look!” The nurse said to Scarlett. I took Scarlett’s hand. “There we are.” The nurse said, turning the screen towards us. “Oh my God.” Me and Scarlett whispered at the same time. We both had tears in our eyes. “Everything looks fine, the baby’s heartbeat is very strong, and you were right about being 9 weeks!” The nurse said, smiling at us. “That’s our baby.” I said quietly, truth be told, I was lost for words! 

“Well, that was something else!” I exclaimed as we sat down in the car. “You were right about it feeling 10 times more real, seriously!” Scarlett replied. “I was not expecting the baby to look like that, I mean not this early anyway, I thought it would just be a fuzzy image, but you can make out its head!” I babbled. “When shall we start telling everyone?” I added. “I promised I’d tell my Nan first, we could ask her and my Granddad up, if they came up today, they could stay for the show tomorrow?” Scarlett suggested. “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea, they can come up today, won’t take them long, tell them tonight?” I said back. “Yeah, what about your family?” She asked. “Well, tomorrow night, like all my close family is coming to the show, and the boys close family are too, we could tell everyone just before the show, so everyone finds out at the same time?” I suggested. “Yeah, let’s do that!” Scarlett replied. 

Scarlett’s POV.

Everything was arranged for my grandparents to come up, I was so excited about telling them, especially my Nan, I knew how happy it would make her! “This has happened at such a good moment!” Aston said, pulling me closer to him. “I’m happy it’s happened now.” I agreed. “So when did you actually get pregnant, like what date?” Aston asked. “If I’m right, either your birthday, or Valentine’s day.” I replied. “That’s cute.” Aston laughed back. “It is, I guess?” I replied. “No it is, like it happened on one of them dates, it is cute, trust me!” Aston replied. “How do you want to tell your grandparents?” Aston added. “Well I was thinking about putting the pictures from the scan in an envelope and giving it to my Nan to open, what do you think about that?” I asked. “Not gonna lie, that is a really cute idea!” Aston exclaimed. 

A few hours later, and my Nan and Granddad arrived. “You’re looking better!” I exclaimed as soon as I saw my Nan. “I feel it if I’m honest!” She replied, hugging me. “I’ve missed you both so much!” I said, hugging my Granddad. “We’ve missed you too sweetheart!” He replied. “Let me take your bags.” Aston said. “So, what’s with the invite up?” My Nan asked. We were sitting in the living room. “I’ve really missed you, but I’ve been away with the boys a lot, so I thought to make it up to you and ask you up for a few days.” I smiled, not wanting to reveal the real reason just quite yet…

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