part 86

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Scarlett’s POV.

“Ah, this is the life.” Chloe sighed. “I know, I could get used to this, it’s nice just to lie here, and not have a care in the world.” I said blissfully. We had spent the rest of the morning, and the majority of the afternoon in the spa, now we were outside, lying by the pool enjoying the sunshine! “I wonder what the boys have been up to the last few days.” I said curiously. “I have no idea.” Ellie said instantly. “Fair enough, no doubt they’ve been trying to embarrass Aston though.” I laughed.

“Scarlett? I’ve been looking all over for you.” A voice called desperately. I sat upright, and looked around me. It was Jacob! “What the hell are you doing here?!” I exclaimed. “I just had to see you again, I can’t get you out of my head.” Jacob babbled. “Back off Mr Baseball player, she’s getting married.” Ellie spat. “Elle, let me sort this out.” I hissed. “Jacob, just go please, now’s not the time, and here is definitely not the place.” I sighed, aware that the other guests were now staring curiously at us. “Did you get my flowers?” He asked, ignoring me. “Yes.” I said quickly. “And the note?” Jacob quizzed. “Yes.” I said again. “Then why didn’t you call?!” He exclaimed. “Because I had nothing to say, what is there to say?” I replied. “That you’ve changed your mind, that you want to go out with me, be with me.” He said desperately. “Jacob, no, that’s never going to happen. Ever.” I said firmly. “Please Scarlett, I can’t stop thinking about you.” He said, his voice had turned pitiful. “Just give over Jacob, listen to me, it’s not going to happen, just please go, there’s nothing else to say.” I replied. “Please, just one night, anything can change your mind.” He pleaded. “I’ve had enough of this.” I muttered. “Excuse me Miss Greene, is there a problem?” One of the hotel staff said, approaching us. “Yeah, him, he’s got no right to be here.” I snapped. “Oh, him, Jacob Miller?” He said, looking towards Jacob, recognising him straight away. “Yes.” I said quickly. “Sir, if you’d like to leave the premises.” He said. “I think I’d like to stay here.” Jacob said, without taking his eyes off me. “I don’t think that’s very wise, our guests word goes first, so please, leave.” He said calmly. Jacob didn’t move. “Do I need to get security?” He said. “No, I’m going.” Jacob snapped, staring at me as he walked away.

“Jeez that was weird, how did he find out I was staying here?!” I exclaimed as he walked away. “How did he find me?!” I guess it’s not hard to find out where you’re staying, we’ve been papped a few times.” Ellie said tactfully. “I guess, but it’s weird.” I said back, I was still freaked out about the whole situation. “Looks like you got a stalker Scarl!” Lauren said, trying not to laugh. “It’s not funny, it’s creepy, he really is stalking me.” I muttered. “It’ll stop when you get home.” Rochelle said confidently. “Hmm, it better, it’s just weird! I mean, is it so hard to take no for an answer?! Seriously, I’ve never known anyone so persistent, I’m getting married, he knows that, yet he still kept on!” I exclaimed. “Just forget about him Scarl, he’s not worth it, just enjoy the rest of the week!” Ellie said quickly.

Aston’s POV.

“Okay, where are we going?” I asked, we’d been in the mini bus for ages, over an hour and the boys still wouldn’t tell me. “Clubbing, again.” Marv said instantly. “Yes I know, but where are we going? Like what club?” I asked. “Oh, the club we’re going to, it’s a club, with a difference.” Oritse smirked. “Strip club.” I sighed, what else would it be?! “I said I didn’t want to go to one.” “Oh come on Ast, it’ll be a laugh!” JJ exclaimed. “Yeah for you, you’re single, you can look.” I muttered. “There’s no harm in looking.” Marvin laughed. “Yeah, but I dunno, I’ll feel bad.” I said quickly. “Aw Ast! What happened to the Aston I used to know.” JJ said quietly. “Nothing I’m still here, I’m just a little more grounded than before I guess.” I sighed. “You’ve changed.” He replied. “I haven’t changed.” I snapped. “I’ve just got more responsibilities than before, I’m a Dad, and I’m getting married, so of course I’m more grounded, I’m still me though.” There was an awkward silence, no one knew what to say. The mini bus pulled to a stop, we’d arrived, I got out first, not talking to anyone. “What did you have to upset him for.” Oritse hissed. “I’m only stating a fact.” JJ muttered. Everyone walked towards the club, I hung back. “Jay, have I really changed.” I said quietly to JB. “Not in a bad way Ast, not at all, you’ve become more mature when it comes to family, that’s all, it’s not a bad thing, not at all.” He said softly. “Really?” I said doubtfully. “I’d be honest with you if you had, you know that right? Now come on, let’s go have a good night!” JB exclaimed.  

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