Part 22

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Scarlett’s POV.

I turned around, Aston had frozen on the spot. “We’re being followed.” I repeated. “I know.” Aston said quickly. “We’re being followed by a black range rover.” I said, Aston finishing the sentence with me. “How do you know?!” I exclaimed. “It followed us all the way to the club…How do you know?” He asked. “I seen it follow us on the way home, it parked just a bit up from the house.” I replied weakly. “Aston, it’s the person who’s been texting me.” “You can’t be sure of that…” He said weakly. “Ast, it’s obvious, I get a text saying that says something about what I’m wearing, then a car follows to the club and back!” I exclaimed. “How could that person even see in our house, to see what you’re wearing? The drive is too long..” Aston replied, trailing off. “Bi-oculars? I suggested. Aston didn’t answer me, instead he walked upstairs, into one of the rooms that faced the street, I followed him. He looked out of the window. “It’s still there.” He said quietly. “I’m phoning the police. This is too strange.” “Aston, its gone one in the morning, they won’t come out now..” I said back. “They will Scarl, this is serious, I’m telling you.” Aston replied, taking his phone out of his pocket. I sighed, there was no use arguing. I walked towards Aston’s room, shutting the curtains as soon as I walked in, I shuddered at the thought of someone watching our every move. I got changed into the trackies I had on earlier. A few minutes later, Aston walked into the room. “They’re sending two officers over now, I explained the situation and how worried we were.” Aston explained softly. 

40 minutes later, we were sitting in the living room with two police officers, a friendly looking man in his early thirties and some hard-faced looking woman, I couldn’t put an age to her, 50 perhaps? I took an instant dislike to her as soon as she opened her mouth. “So, tell us how this all started?” She said abruptly. “Well, we came home from being away a few days ago, and there was a letter addressed to me, with a photo of me and Aston, but my face was cut out.” I replied quietly, about to go on. “Well your relationship is in the spotlight, you’ve got to accept you’ll get some hate mail.” She snorted. “Give the poor girl a chance to finish!” The male officer exclaimed. I turned to him weakly, and smiled and carried on. “I received these texts from an unknown number yesterday evening.” I said, showing the male officer. Not really giving a toss about the other one, I decided to pretend that she wasn’t there. “And you have no idea who these are off?” He asked. I shook my head. I went on to tell him about the range rover which both me and Aston had seen. Of course it would have driven off as soon as it saw the police car approaching. “Do you have any idea whatsoever who could be behind all of this?” He asked again. I thought for a minute. “D-Danni.” I stuttered, explaining what happened in France. “What do you think you could have done to make her act like this, assuming it is actually her?” The male officer asked. “I’m with Aston, she’s clearly in love with him.” I replied. I saw Aston shake his head. “She’s not in love with me.” He said quietly. “Aston, she is, It’s obvious, the way she looked at you, everything.” I replied. The police officers were both making notes. “Do you have any idea how this person got either of your numbers?” He asked. “No, I’m careful who I give my number to.” I replied. “Me too.” Aston seconded. “It looks as if you’ve got a stalker on your hands.” Concluded the officer. I rolled my eyes. Stating the obvious. Typical. “So, what are you going to do about it?” I asked. “I’m afraid there is nothing we can do.” The female officer said bluntly. “What you can’t even track the phone?” I replied. “It’ll take a lot of time and it’s extremely expensive, it’s not 100% efficient either.” She said, she sounded sarcastic. “Whatever the cost, I’ll pay, I can afford it!” I exclaimed Aston. “I bet you can.” She snorted. I scowled at her. I didn’t like her attitude one bit. “Look, if anything else happens, inform us straight away, any more leads the better.” The male officer chipped in. “And what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Live our lives constantly worrying? Looking over our shoulders to see who’s behind us?” Aston ranted. “Just step up your security and it’ll probably pass over.” He replied, getting up. “There’s nothing we can do now, really.” Aston showed them out.

“What a waste of time!” I exclaimed, curling up in bed, feeling vulnerable . “I’m sorry babe, I really am.” Aston said tiredly. “What are you sorry for?” I asked. “I said this would end tonight, and it hasn’t.” He replied. “Look, that’s not your fault. Maybe it’ll stop, whoever it is has obviously seen the police come here. They know the police are involved, maybe they’ll back off.” I replied. “I hope so babe, I really do.” Aston said quietly, pulling me closer to him… 

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