Part 84

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Scarlett’s POV.

We got into the club, and headed straight for the bar, well Ellie dragged us there. “Shots shots shots!” She exclaimed, handing us a shot glass each. “To Scarlett!” Ellie said, raising her arm. “I’ll get the next round in!” Rochelle said. The rest of us walked towards an empty table and sat around. We got drunk, quite quickly, some of us worse than others. One of the bar staff approached us after a while. “Two bottles of cristal champagne, from the boys, sitting over there.” He smiled, gesturing over his shoulders. We all looked up on queue. It was from the baseball player who’d called us outside, they were staring at us, grinning. I shrugged. “Give them our thanks.” I said quickly. “Of course.” He replied, walking away. “Drink up!” Ellie exclaimed, trying her best to pour out the glasses. “Hadn’t you better take it easy? We’ve got a long night ahead?” I said. “No, leave me be! I’m having fun.” She said back. I didn’t reply. I sipped the champagne, it tasted expensive. “I envy you Scarl, I really do.” Lauren sighed, the mood had dampened a bit. “It’ll happen one day, to you Lauren, trust me, the one is out there, you’ll find him soon enough, you’re young you’ve got your whole life ahead of you.” I said back. Realisation hit me. “Oh God, I love him, I really do.” I said, I was starting to get weepy. “I’ll be back now.” I said quickly, I was aiming to go to the bathroom, to compose myself, I didn’t want to cry in front of the girls, especially not tonight, not on my hen do! I walked into the bathroom, sorted my hair out, and reapplied my lip gloss, I felt 10 times better!

 I walked out, and made my way back to the girls, when someone stopped me. “So, did you like the champagne we sent over?” A voice said. I turned around, it was one of the baseball players, the one who was staring at me. “It was very kind of you, thank you.” I replied quickly. I felt uneasy at the way he was staring at me. “You’re welcome, anytime darling.” He drawled. “My name is Jacob by the way.” He added, holding out his hand. “Scarlett.” I said, taking his hand and shaking it. “You’re not from around here?” He asked curiously. “No, England.” I replied. “Oh, that’s a shame, maybe I’ll come to England one day, they seem to have beautiful women over there.” He said gazing at me. I refused to look him in the eye. “I really must get back to my friends.” I muttered. “Wait, stay, stay a minute, we’re only talking, nothing else.” Jacob said quickly, grabbing my arm. “So, you’re getting married then?” He asked. “Yeah I am.” I said slowly, as if it wasn’t obvious. “But, you don’t love your husband to be, you’re unhappy, am I right?” He asked. “No, no you’re not right, not at all, I’m unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him!” I exclaimed passionately. “Damn, a guy can’t catch a break can he?” Jacob sighed. “So, what does your husband do then, bet he’s not as athletic…” He trailed off, stretching, his top came up slightly, he had nothing on Aston! “Aston is part of Britain’s biggest boy band, JLS, and he’s athletic, in very good shape.” I said smugly. “Damn again! A singer and in good shape, I can’t win!” Jacob exclaimed sarcastically. “Well, it’s been nice talking to you Jacob, but I’ve really got to get back to my friends.” I said. “It’s been nice talking to you.” I added, walking away. “Wait, Scarlett wait, spend the night with me, I’ll make it a night to remember, then you’ll forget all about Ashton.” Jacob pleaded. “It’s Aston actually, and why would I do that?! Ruin my perfect relationship, just to be another notch on your bed post!” I exclaimed. “Please, please Scarlett, you’re beautiful, if you won’t spend the night with me, at least kiss me, just once, it’ll be the best kiss of your life, I promise.” He pleaded again. “No, no way, I’m in love with Aston!” I said. I looked at his face, he was angry, he was obviously not used to rejection, he probably had girls falling at his feet. “Goodbye Jacob.” I muttered, walking away.” Your loss anyway, you’re just a little whore, I could have any girl in this club, I can get anyone.” Jacob spat. “Yeah, anyone accept me.” I said under my breath, he didn’t hear me.

“Come on, let’s get out of here!” I exclaimed once I’d got back to the girls. “Why? We’re supposed to be staying here for the rest of the night.” Ellie said. “Yeah? And that idiot Jacob the baseball player just asked me to spend the night with him.” I shuddered. “Really?! What a creep!” Lauren spat. “He didn’t seem to understand the whole ‘I’m engaged to the man of my dreams thing’ come on, let’s go, far away from here!” I exclaimed, I could still feel him staring at me… 

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