Part 64

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Scarlett’s POV.

“Good morning!” I exclaimed, prancing down the stairs. “Morning, how come you’re so bright this hour of the morning?” Ellie grumbled. “Because, my beautiful husband-to-be is coming home today, and I’m happy happy happy!” I exclaimed sitting down next to her. Ellie had been staying with me since the boys had been away, under Aston’s request, he was still worried about what had happened with the baby back in May. I didn’t blame him for wanting someone here with me, I was just as worried as he was. We’d also got a lot of stuff sorted for the wedding! “But still, how can you be this bright this early?” Ellie repeated. “Because, like I said, I’m happy!” I replied. “Aren’t you happy to see Oritse?” “Yeah, no, oh I don’t know.” Ellie sighed. “What do you mean? I thought you and Oritse were fine, what’s happened?” I asked. “Nothing, everything, I just don’t know anymore.” She said back. “Why do you feel like this then?” I replied. “It just feels as if our relationship is going nowhere, like we’re stuck in the same rut, all the time.” Ellie muttered. “Things won’t be like that forever, I guess he’s just busy with work.” I said back. “See the thing is, when he took me away a few weeks ago, I honestly thought he was going to propose to me, then boom, nothing, yes the holiday was romantic, but still, I honestly thought things were going to change.” Ellie said quickly. “It’ll happen in time, trust me. It did with Aston, I mean, he had the engagement ring for months before he asked me, he was just waiting for the right moment, and when he asked me, it was truly the right moment, maybe that’s what Oritse is doing.” I replied, not knowing what to say. “I doubt it, I really do.” Ellie sighed. “Things will change, trust me.” I said back, I was at a loss. “It’s just I look at you and Aston, I’m not going to lie, I’m jealous, I really am, I want what you have, you always seem so in love, I am happy for you, but it hurts.” Ellie said, blushing. “It hasn’t been an easy journey for us, you know that yourself, all what we’ve been through, that’s what’s made our love for each other so strong.” I replied quietly. “I know that, I just wish me and Oritse could have the same bond as you and Aston…” She said back, trailing off. “I’m going in the shower anyway.” Ellie added, before I could reply. 

I stood on my tiptoes, looking out for Aston, their plane had just landed, and I was buzzing! “Hurry up!” I exclaimed, straining to see him, there was no sign yet. “Scarl, shut up, everyone’s staring!” Ellie hissed. “I don’t care, I’m happy, and in love!” I laughed. Okay, maybe I did need to calm down a bit, people probably thought I was delirious! “What am I going to do with you?” Ellie sighed. “I could hear you at the other side of the airport!” A familiar voice laughed from behind me. “Aston!” I shrieked, turning around, throwing my arms around him. “I missed you so much!” I exclaimed. “I missed you too! I was only gone a few days.” Aston laughed. “A few days too many.” I replied. “Come on, let’s get out of here and get home, got something for you!” Aston exclaimed, noticing the crowd around us. 

“Woah, someone’s gone a bit baby mad since I’ve been away!” Aston exclaimed, walking into the living room. “Yeah, I kinda got a bit carried away, buying baby clothes.” I replied sheepishly. “You’ve bought boy clothes, and girl clothes?” Aston laughed. “Yep, well we don’t know for certain whether our baby is a boy or girl, so I bought both! Besides, they’ll always come in handy, we’re not just having one baby.” I replied. “And who says we’re having more than one?” Aston smirked. “Me!” I exclaimed, knowing Aston wanted a big family, just as much as I did. “And what if all the children we have are girls? Or vice versa? They’re all boys?” Aston asked. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep trying until we have one of each!” I replied. “It could take a while, but don’t worry!” I laughed. “What about a bit of practise now then? After all, practise makes perfect!” Aston replied, biting his lip. “I feel unattractive though.” I pouted, I’d been feeling like this since my bump started to show. “But you look beautiful, trust me babe.” Aston whispered. “I don’t feel it though.” I mumbled. “Anyway there’s something else that only I can do for you, and only you.” I added, pulling him towards the stairs. “Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse!” Aston exclaimed cheekily. 

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