Part 30

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Aston’s POV. 

“What?” Scarlett said, her voice sounded empty. I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me, this was not going to be pleasant. “What do you mean by that?” She asked again. The room was silent for a while. “What you dad means, in the last 7 or so months we’ve haven’t seen you. You don’t even ring anymore. You don’t tell us anything, we always have to find it out from someone else or online, you only talk to us when we ring you.” Her mother said. “I-I did try.” Scarlett stammered back. “When? You never called, or came to visit.” Her dad replied. “I did ring, whenever I had the chance. I’m here now, that’s what counts isn’t it?” She whispered back. “Scarlett, you didn’t even ring that time you got stabbed, in fact no one did, we found that out online.” Her mother added. “I was in a coma. How was I supposed to ring?” She answered, I could her the confusion in her voice. “Well, there was nothing stopping your boyfriend from ringing now was there.” Her dad said, glaring at me. “I would have tried to contact you, but I didn’t have your number.” I said quietly. “Look, Scarlett is trying her…” “Look, you stay out of this, this is nothing to do with you.” Her dad shouted. I looked back, confused at the fact that he had practically addressed me, and now I was being told to shut up. “Me and your dad would like to talk to you alone.” Scarlett’s mother added. “I’ll be outside.” I muttered, walking off slowly. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

I watched as Aston walked from the living room and out the front door, slamming it shut behind him. “Well there was no need for that attitude.” Dad muttered. I chose to ignore him. “Look, I’m here now, that’s the main thing isn’t it?” I said, repeating myself. Neither of them replied. “Look I’m sorry for not ringing or anything, and I know now that I should have made more of an effort…” I continued, feeling like a child again. I opened my mouth to speak again, but I was interrupted. “We want you to stop seeing Aston.” Mum said quickly. “What? No. I don’t think so.” I exclaimed, not quite believing what I was hearing. “You will stop seeing him.” Dad added. “No, I don’t think so, that’s not happening, who are you to say who I should and shouldn’t have a relationship with.” I replied slowly. “We’re your parents.” Mum answered. “Yes I know that, and when I was younger, yes maybe you did have a say in who I should be with. But now, you don’t. I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions.” I said coolly. “You might be an adult, but we still have a say in your life.” Dad replied, raising his voice. “No, no you don’t. I will not break it off with Aston.” I whispered. “You can’t make me.” “Yes we can we’re your parents. You are not to see him anymore!” My dad shouted. “Look Scarlett, we’re just doing this to protect you.” Mum said, her voice softening a little. “Protect me from what exactly?” I said, confused. “From him. From the media, everything. He’s been nothing but bad luck.” She replied. “Yeah, if you look at it this way, it’s his fault you got stabbed in the first place.” Dad continued. “He really isn’t good for you.” “Don’t you ever say that. It was not Aston’s fault I got stabbed, nothing to do with him. Don’t you ever blame him for that.” I snapped. “This is for you own benefit.” My dad said. “You are not seeing him, you can move back home with us, away from him.” “I’m staying with Aston.” I replied. “If you’re going to be like that, then we can’t stand by you.” My dad replied. “And what exactly do you mean by that?” I asked. “It means, if you continue to see Aston, we can’t keep in contact with you.” He said back. I stood still for a moment, trying to take everything in that had just been said. “So, basically, you mean that if I continue to see Aston, you’re going to disown me.” I said slowly. “Well, I wouldn’t put it like that, we’re not disowning you.” Mum replied. “Mum, I’m not stupid, that’s basically what you just said.” I answered. “No, we’re not disowning you. You’re going against our will.” She said. “So until you stop seeing Aston, we can’t talk.” “That’s just pathetic. Seriously, I’m an adult, I have the choice to see who I want to see, I can’t, and I won’t break it off with Aston.” I exclaimed. “Well, you know what’s going to happen now, it’s goodbye until you say goodbye to Aston.” My dad said bluntly. “Mum, Dad, just grow up. Can’t you see how happy I am with him? Happiness is what matters most.” I replied, walking towards the front door. “Where are you going now?” My mother asked. “Back to London, with Aston.” I said back. “Please Scarlett, it doesn’t have to be like this, you can live without him.” Mum replied, her voice was getting desperate. “You got on fine without him, after he left.” “No, no mum I didn’t you don’t know half of it.” I replied, tears pricking the back of my eyes. I opened the door slowly. “I guess this is goodbye then.” My voice was dry. “Scarlett, no please don’t go!” My mother exclaimed. “It’s too late for that now!” I replied bitterly, walking out of the door, slamming it shut behind me, but not before hearing my dad mutter “She’ll be back before you know it.” I walked slowly down the road, until I was out of sight of the house. I sat down on the edge of the pavement, and sobbed bitterly. 

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