Part 61

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Aston’s POV. 

“Yes Mum, everything’s fine now.” I said wearily. It was just after 10 in the morning, and me and Scarlett were still in the hospital, Scarlett was sleeping, it hadn’t been long since the nurse had checked on her and the baby. Thankfully everything was still okay! “Promise you’ll ring me straight away if anything else happens, and not let me find out from someone else?” Mum asked. “Of course, it was just one mad rush, that’s why we didn’t tell anyone.” I sighed. There had been an article published online, about our dash to the hospital, news about the pregnancy and the scare had been leaked, thanks to someone in the waiting room, overhearing our situation. “You’ll be the first to know.” I replied. “I do worry about you, you know. All three of you.” Mum said back. “I know you do, I’ll speak to you later okay?!” I promised, before putting the phone down. 

“Oh, you’re still here.” Scarlett said, sounding shocked, opening her eyes. “Of course, where else would I be?” I asked. “I don’t know, I thought, maybe, that you might have left me, after all, I did leave you.” She mumbled. “Scarlett, I promise you I’m not going anywhere!” I exclaimed. “How can you still love me though, after what I did to you, I didn’t trust you, and I should have.” Scarlett said quietly. “That’s in the past Scarl, it doesn’t matter now, what matters now is the future.” I said slowly. “I’m selfish.” She said simply. “Scarlett, you’re not, forget what’s happened. I have.” I sighed. There was a pause. “Who were you talking to on the phone?” Scarlett said eventually. Thank God she changed the subject! “Mum, there’s a story about this online, someone saw us last night.” I replied slowly. “What, so they know everything?!” She exclaimed. “No, not everything, not about the last few weeks, just about the baby.” I said back. “That’s all we need now, the paps on our backs, what if the worst happens, what if something goes wrong, y’ano, with the baby.” Scarlett babbled. “Everything will be fine, I’ve asked everyone to respect our privacy at this time.” I said back. Scarlett had a point though, I was worried about the baby, a lot, especially after what had happened. Before Scarlett could reply, there was a knock on the door, the nurse walked in. “We’ll just check how things are, once more, then we can let you go.” The nurse said gently. “If you want to follow me?” I helped Scarlett off the bed, and we walked hand in hand down the corridor. 

Scarlett’s POV.

“Yep, everything is still looking fine!” The nurse announced. I breathed a sigh of the relief. “You’re 14 weeks now, so in a few weeks, we’ll be able to find out the sex!” “When should we come for the next scan?” I asked. “Well, I think we’d like to see you a little more often than usual, just as a precaution, so every 4 weeks.” The nurse replied. We left the hospital soon after.

“Home.” I said quietly, as we walked through the front door, breathing in the oh-so scent. Why did I ever leave in the first place? I sat down on the sofa, and Aston fetched me a drink. “So, the nurse said we can find out the sex in a few weeks, what do you think we should do?” Aston asked. “I don’t know, I’d like to wait, I think, to keep it a surprise.” I replied. “Really? It’s not like you, you hate surprises!” Aston said back. “I know, thought it would be nice to wait!” I said back. “What about you?” “I don’t mind, whatever you want to do, I will love our baby all the same, whether it’s a boy or a girl.” Aston replied smiling. “What do you reckon the baby will be?” I asked. “A girl, very strong feeling it’s a girl.” Aston said straight away. “Care to explain that strong feeling?” I said curiously. “I don’t know, it’s like our relationship, we’ve fought a lot to be where we are today, especially you, you’re a fighter, I think the baby’s a girl, because it’s a fighter, just like you, it takes after you in that aspect. We’ve had to have a lot of faith to get where we are today.” Aston explained. “That’s fair. Faith. I like that.” I said quickly. “Faith it is then.” Aston said quietly, knowing what I meant. “Baby Faith.” I whispered, placing my hands on my stomach. “What if it’s a boy.” I added. “Trust me babe, she’s a girl, I know it.” Aston replied. “Sure about the name?” “Yeah, definitely, it fits the situation perfectly, this, us it was meant to be.” I answered. “I have faith in our little family.” Aston said, laughing weakly. “Cute you are!” I replied. I was more than happy right now, content. Things were back to the way they were supposed to be! 

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