Part 66

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Aston’s POV. 

I debated about whether leaving Scarlett laying there, as much as I wanted to see our baby, she looked so helpless. “Go Aston, I’ll be fine.” She smiled weakly. “I’m proud of you.” I said, kissing her gently on the forehead. I followed the nurse. “Here you are, here’s your beautiful baby.” Another nurse said, turning around. I froze on the spot, my mouth dropped open. “Do you want to hold her?” She asked. I nodded my head, not trusting myself to speak. “It’s a girl, she’s a girl. My little girl.” I breathed, holding out my arms. I looked down at the baby in my arms. She was perfect. Blue eyes, like her mother, a mop of dark hair, and tan skin. “Hello little un’.” I said quietly, kissing her forehead gently, breathing in her scent. “Is it okay if I take her over to Scarlett?” I asked. “Sure, she’s your baby.” The nurse replied. I walked back to Scarlett, carrying the baby carefully in my arms. She was so delicate. “Scarlett, she’s perfect.” I breathed. “Let me see.” Scarlett said weakly. I lowered my arms, allowing Scarlett to see her. “She’s beautiful.” Scarlett whispered. “Do you want to hold her?” I asked. “Let me come around a bit first, I’m still too weak.” Scarlett said back. “Do you have any idea what you’re going to call her?” The nurse asked. “Faith.” Me and Scarlett said at the same time. “It seems like you have it all sorted!” She replied. “Yep we do, Faith means a lot to us, we have a reason behind the name.” I said, smiling, everything was going to be alright now, wasn’t it? 

Scarlett’s POV. 

I woke up to a weak cry. It was the baby. Everything seemed 10 times more real now, truth be told, I couldn’t remember much from the operating theatre. “Can I hold her now?” I asked Aston, he was sitting in the chair next to me, with Faith in his arms. “Of course you can.” He said gently, passing her over to me. She was lighter than I expected, but of course, she was born a month early. I was gutted I missed the few first hours of her life though. I smiled weakly. “I can’t get over how beautiful she is.” I said quietly. “She is.” Aston agreed. “Ast?” I asked. “Yeah babe?” He replied. “Have you actually told anyone, y’ano, that we now have a baby?” I asked quietly. “Um, no, I kinda got caught up, with staring at the baby and all.” He said sheepishly. “Maybe we better do that now then.” I replied, laughing weakly. “That’s probably a good idea.” Aston agreed. “Take the baby, put her in the cot, well ring the people who matter the most, and get them to spread the news?” I suggested. I rang my Nan first, as I promised I would, she was ecstatic for us! I debated about ringing my mother, I still didn’t know the situation with my Dad, so instead, got my Nan to tell her. Aston had rung his family, and the boys, but couldn’t get hold of Oritse. “I’ll ring Ellie instead?” I said quickly. She took ages to answer. “Scarlett, guess what, I have the best news ever, Oritse proposed to me last night, oh my God, I can’t believe it, I’m so happy!” Ellie babbled down the phone. “I’m so happy for you!” I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. “Can you believe it? It was dead romantic.” She replied, launching into a full account of what had happened. “So, what was your reason for phoning?” She asked eventually. “I’ve had the baby, it’s a girl.” I replied happily. “Oh my god! Congratulations Scarlett! You should have said sooner! Instead of me babbling on!” Ellie exclaimed. “I would if I could have gotten a word in edgeways.” I laughed back. “I’m coming straight down to see you!” She announced, before hanging up. “Well, that was an eventful conversation.” I laughed weakly. “Why, what did she say?” Aston asked. “Oritse proposed to her last night, seriously, she’s never sounded so happy!” I replied. “Well, it’s been a very good week for JLS then!” Aston laughed. “A proposal and a baby!” “Aw, it’s so cute thought. Aw!” I replied, I was getting emotional.

“Now all of our family and friends know, we should go about telling your fans?” I suggested. “How should we do that?” Aston replied. “Tweet a photo, of all 3 of us.” I answered, get one of the nurses to take it?” “Sure you want a photo of her online?” Aston asked. “Yes, there’s going to be one sooner or later, the amount we get papped, so I’d rather they found out from us, besides, I want to show her off, she’s beautiful!” I exclaimed. We got a nurse to take the photo of us. And Aston tweeted it with the caption “My perfect little family.” I felt happier than I ever had felt before, everything was perfect! 

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