Part 24

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Scarlett’s POV.

I remained on the bedroom floor for a long time, I don’t know how long it was. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer. “Babe.” Aston said, sighing. “Can I come in?” I didn’t answer him, I moved from the door, and sat on the edge of the bed. A few minutes later Aston walked in, sitting down next to me, putting his arms around me. “Everyone’s gone.” He said quietly, I didn’t answer him, we just sat in silence. “What did he do to you Scarlett?” Aston asked eventually. “I don’t know where to start.” I whispered. “The beginning? Just tell me what Cal’s done to you Scarlett.” He replied quietly. I shuddered when he said his name. “He.” I replied, I couldn’t say his name. “He’s my ex. I got with him about a year and a half after you left. I didn’t want to be with him, but I thought, y’ano that it might help me get over you. It was fine at first, but then, after a few months, things changed. He changed. He used to constantly call me, check up on me, he got jealous, he turned violent towards me, I was scared of him. Then I ended it and, and then…” I spoke slowly, tears trickled down my face. “Then what happened babe?” Aston asked. “Then..then, he, and he, Ast, I can’t.” I sobbed. “Just take your time.” He replied quietly. We sat in silence for a few minutes, I took a deep breath. “He came over to my house, when I was still living with my parents, they were out. I was in my room, the door opened and he was there, he had a knife Ast. He cornered me, I couldn’t escape. He kept saying these things to me, threatening me, he said things like if he killed me, no one would ever know, he kept lunging the knife at me, then my parents came home, he heard them and left. Aston I came so close to losing my life that day.” I sobbed. “What did your parents say?” Aston asked, I could hear the anger in his voice. “They came up to my room, I was crying, I just told them we had things to sort out.” I whispered back. “Why didn’t you tell them?” He replied. “He said, he said if I told anyone, he’d know, he’d come back for me.” I replied, my voice breaking. “I moved to London just three days after that happened, just to get away from him, just to keep myself and my parents safe. I haven’t seen him since. But now he’s found me again.” “He won’t touch you. Ever.” Aston replied. “If I ever get my hands on that sick bastard…” “Ast, stay away from him, he’s dangerous.” I said quietly. 

Aston’s POV.

“We’re getting outta here, until he’s caught.” I replied bitterly. “Where are we gonna go? How can he be caught? It’s been years?” She replied quietly. “I don’t know, somewhere far away from here. He will get caught. Prosecuted. Put away. He’s scum!” I spat, I took my phone out of my pocket, phoning the police. “They’re sending the officer over that was here last night.” I said a few minutes later. “The male one.” I added. “Ast, once he’s been, let’s get as far away from here as possible!” Scarlett exclaimed. “Dubai, let’s go there!” I said suddenly. “What about the single? It’s literally out in 2 days.” Scarlett said, bringing me back to reality. “Your safety is more of a concern to me at the minute. The boys will understand.” I replied quietly. “Just stay here babe, I’m gonna make some arrangements for the next few days. 

Scarlett’s POV.

I laid on the bed for around 20 minutes, listening to Aston on the phone. We were leaving for Dubai the same night, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The police officer arrived shortly after. “So, you know who’s been sending you the messages?” He asked. “Yeah.” I replied, launching into the full story, I told him everything. “You’ve been through a lot.” He said, sympathetically. “We’re going to have to do a lot of inquiries, but I’m not sure what we can do yet, we can certainly get a restraining order against him.” He continued about talking about getting a warrant for Cal’s arrest. He left shortly after that. “This’ll be over soon babe.” Aston said quietly. “Come on, let’s pack some stuff, the sooner we’re out of here the better.” “How long are we going to be away for?” I asked. “I don’t know.” He replied simply. “A week, maybe a month. Who knows?” “I need to ring Ellie. I need to let her know I’m not mad.” I replied. “How can you not be bad? She’s brought him back into your life?” Aston asked, sounding shocked. “I know, but the thing is, how many other girls, apart from me has he threatened or hurt? The sooner he’s locked up, the better!” I said back. “Men like him are vile.” Aston agreed. We walked back up the stairs, packing our stuff slowly, although I didn’t have much, all my stuff was in boxes back at the apartment. I didn’t know what was going to happen over the next few weeks. 

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