Part 38

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Aston’s POV. 

I breathed slowly while the phone was ringing, trying to slow my heart rate down, it was ringing for ages before someone answered. “Hello, Peterborough City Hospital.” Said a cheerful unfamiliar voice. I froze. Why had Scarlett given me the number to a hospital? “Hello, is there anyone there?” Asked the voice. I couldn’t talk. “Hello?” The woman said again. “H-hello.” I choked back. “Hello Sir, how can I help you today?” She asked. “I need to speak to Scarlett Greene please.” I said weakly. “Okay, I’ll go and get her for you now, who’s speaking?” She asked. “Aston.” I replied quietly. “Okay Aston, I’ll get her for you now.” She said back. 

I waited for about 10 minutes. “Aston?!” A voice exclaimed from the other end of the line. “Scarlett! Babe, what’s happened, are you okay? I’ve been ringing you for ages?! What’s happened? Why are you in hospital?!” I babbled back. “Oh Aston, everything’s gone wrong.” She sobbed. “Babe, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?!” I replied, my voice breaking. “No Aston, I’m not hurt. It-it’s my Nan, she had a heart attack, they don’t know how bad it was, or whether she’ll pull through, but it doesn’t look good.” She sobbed. The sound of her voice was heart breaking. “Oh my God, Scarlett babe, I’m so sorry! I’ll be there in a couple of hours!” I said helplessly, I really didn’t know what to say. “No, you can’t come, my Dad will be here soon, you can’t.” She replied quietly. “I’ll feel helpless stuck here.” I whispered. “I know, I need you to be here with me, but I just can’t deal with anymore shit from my dad.” Scarlett answered. “I understand Scarl, I’ll miss you so much. How long will you be gone?” I asked. “A week, maybe two…” She replied. “Where are you staying?” I asked. “Hotel, not too far from the hospital.” Scarlett said back. “Okay, now’s not the time to talk, ring me when you can yeah?” I said quietly. “Yeah I will, I love you.” She replied. “I love you too beautiful.” I answered. 

Scarlett’s POV. 

I put the phone down, and walked wearily back to my Nan’s room. I walked into my room, my Granddad was sitting one side of the bed, I sat the other side. “She’ll get better soon, I know she will.” He said, shaking. “She’s strong. We’ve just got to believe she’ll get better.” I replied, I was at a loss for words. We sat in silence for a while, I spent the time thinking. My thoughts were sharply cut short. “What are you doing here?” My dad said furiously bursting into the room. “Keep your voice down, this is a hospital.” I hissed. “I’m here visiting my Nan, like I’m entitled to.” “No you are not, go. Now.” He bit back. “Yes I am, Nan’s not the one who disowned me now is she?” I replied, trying to keep calm. “Look, neither of you need this now, and here isn’t the place to sort out your differences.” My Granddad chipped in. My dad stared at me. “I’m here to visit my mother-in-law. So she better get out.” He said a few minutes later. “I’m not going anywhere.” I said quietly. “She’s my Nan, she’s blood related to me. Your only related to her by name, I’ve got more than a right than you have.” “She’s got a point Mark.” My mother said quietly, I hadn’t realised she was behind my dad. “Come on, let’s go home, we’ll come back later.” “Okay.” My dad said, giving over. He turned to me. “If I catch sight of your precious boyfriend anywhere near this hospital, I will play hell with the both of you. I mean it.” He said to me. My mum pulled him away. “When did things between you and your dad turn out like that?” My Granddad asked quietly. “It’s a long story.” I sighed. “Well we’ve got plenty of time.” He replied, smiling weakly. “Yeah we have.” I replied, launching in to the whole story. 

“I guess he’s just annoyed I chose Aston over him.” I finished. “Darling, you made the right choice, anyone can see it. Every time your Nan seen a picture of the both of you together, she’d smile like never before, I’d stand by your choice, and I know she would too.” Granddad said. “Wow, thank you, it really means a lot for me to hear that.” I said back. “Anytime sweetheart, why don’t you go and get some rest? We’ll both be here in the morning.” He replied softly. “I can’t, I won’t forgive myself if something happened..” I said slowly. “I promise you, she’s not going anywhere.” Granddad answered. I sat still for a minute, thinking. “Okay, you’re right, I guess.” I replied, standing up. I leant over and kissed my nan on the forehead. “I love you.” I whispered. I hugged my Granddad, and made my way through the wards and into the car. As I walked through the wards, I could feel the stares from visitors, and I heard the whispers. “Is that Aston Merrygold’s girlfriend?” “I wonder why she’s here alone.” By that stage I knew the paps would know, there would be some sort of story pretty soon…

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