Part 67

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“So, let’s see her then!” My Nan exclaimed, walking into the room. My Nan, Granddad and Mother were the last of our visitors. The boys, Ellie and the majority of Aston’s close family had all visited at various times throughout the day. The hospital room was plastered in various different shades of pink, from all the congratulations cards, balloons and presents for Faith. “Here she is.” I said back, showing Faith off proudly to my Grandparents and Mum. “Oh my, she’s absolutely beautiful.” Nan gushed. “Can I hold her?” “Yeah, go for it.” I replied, handing her over to my Nan. “What have you called her?” Mum asked. “We decided on Faith.” Aston replied, smiling. “Yeah, it means a lot to us that name does.” I added. “Well it’s a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.” Granddad smiled. 

Everything was silent for a while. “Does, does Dad know?” I asked quietly. “No he doesn’t sweetheart.” Mum replied. “Where is he these days anyway?” I asked, truthfully, I missed my Dad, but I still hadn’t forgiven him. Everyone’s faces dropped, and they all looked down. “What, what’s happened, is he okay?” I babbled, my voice was panicked. “Nothing’s happened, he’s fine.” Mum sighed. “What’s with the strange reaction then?” I asked. “There’s nothing wrong with your Dad, but he’s gone away, for a while.” Mum replied. “What again? Why?” I said back. “I told him to go away, to sort himself out.” She said. “Mum, I’m old enough, stop beating around the bush and tell me what’s happened.” I replied, I was getting fed up. “You’ve got a half-brother.” Mum blurted out. “What? Since when?! I didn’t know you were pregnant!” I exclaimed. “No, it’s your Dad, when he went away, last year, after everything that happened, well he was in a bad place, he turned to drink, he cheated, got a woman pregnant, she turned up at the house, last month, with a new born baby in her arms.” Mum said quietly. “And you didn’t think to tell me?!” I replied. “I couldn’t find a way Scarl, you had enough on your plate, I didn’t want to affect you, or the baby.” She babbled. “So you’re telling me, I have a half-brother, just a few weeks older than our baby.” I said back, I was in shock. “Yep, sorry it had to come out this way.” Mum mumbled. “Have you forgiven Dad?” I asked. “That’s why he’s gone away, to give us both a bit of time...” Mum trailed off. “I don’t know if I can forgive him, I just don’t know, now is not the time, my emotions are all over the place.” I said quietly. “I understand that.” Mum replied. They stayed for a little while longer, making small talk. 

Aston’s POV. 

“Well that’s a turn out for the books!” Scarlett exclaimed. “All my life, when I was younger, I longed for a brother or sister, and now? I don’t know what to make of it.” “I gotta admit, I wasn’t expecting that if I’m honest.” I replied. “It’s weird though.” She sighed. “Are you gonna make contact with your dad, so you can see your brother?” I asked cautiously. “I don’t know, I really don’t. I’m happy with my life now, I don’t want him to hurt me again, he’s hurt my mother by cheating on her, he’s hurt me, I don’t want him to hurt our daughter.” Scarlett replied. “I’ve already decided, he’s not having anything to do with Faith until he changes, but I really can’t see that happening.” “That’s fair enough, I don’t want her getting hurt, it was bad enough what he did to you, I couldn’t take it if he hurt Faith in the same way.” I said back, looking over to Faith, she looked so small and vulnerable. “We still haven’t given her a middle name.” Scarlett said, changing the subject, obviously not wanting to talk about this anymore, I didn’t blame her. “I know, I was thinking about that too, we need something that means something to us, but fits with Faith.” I said smiling. “Well, I was messing around with my Nans name, my mum’s name or your mum’s name?” Scarlett suggested. “So either Faith Millie Merrygold, Faith Elizabeth Merrygold, or Faith Siobhan Merrygold?” I said. “Yeah, I quite like Faith Elizabeth, I don’t know, it has a cute ring to it.” Scarlett replied. “Faith Elizabeth Merrygold it is then!” I exclaimed. “You sure, you can have a say in it too, like choosing a different name?” Scarlett asked. “No, Faith Elizabeth is perfect, it’s such a pretty name, which means a lot to us too!” I said back. “Faith Elizabeth Merrygold.” Scarlett said happily, looking down at our baby in her arms. 

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