Part 42

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Aston’s POV. 

The car had just dropped us off at my favourite club, outside, it was actually deserted. “Is it actually open?” I asked Scarlett. “Yeah, there’s a bouncer on the door.” She replied sheepishly, looking up from her phone, she had been preoccupied with it for most of the journey. “What’s so interesting that you have to be on your phone?” I added. “Um, Ellie’s asking for advice on something.” Scarlett replied, her voice was uncertain. “Sure something’s not up?” I said suspiciously. “No, nothing, everything’s fine!” She exclaimed. “Come on, let’s get out of the car.” Scarlett added before I could reply. “Quiet night huh?” I commented as we walked towards the club. “It’ll probably liven up later.” The bouncer replied. “Go on in!” We walked down the stairs into the club. “There’s no music?” I said. “Power cut?” Scarlett suggested. “Babe there’s lights on.” I laughed. “Now tell me what’s going on!” “I really don’t know!” She exclaimed, pulling me towards the doors.

“Surprise!” Everyone exclaimed as we walked through the doors. All the lights came on, revealing a highly decorated club, covered in banners and extremely embarrassing photos of me! “Happy Birthday for tomorrow babe!” Scarlett exclaimed, kissing me before I could reply. “When did you organise this?!” I managed to get in. “Earlier, that’s why I went out, we were all setting this up!” She replied. “I can’t believe you did it without me finding out!” I answered. “It wasn’t easy!” Scarlett laughed. “Thanks though, it’s cute. I’m really sorry about the way I acted earlier.” I added, now feeling very guilty. “Don’t worry, it’s all forgotten about.” She replied, smiling. We walking around, saying hello to everyone, everyone I loved was there! We spend the next 2 hours or so dancing and having a couple of drinks. “So, you had no idea at all that we were planning this?” Marvin asked. “I had my suspicions that something would happen, but seriously, I didn’t expect this!” I replied. 

The music went off, and everyone went quiet. I turned around, facing the small stage where Oritse, JB and Marvin we’re standing. Marvin took the microphone. “Thanks everyone for coming, and keeping tonight a secret, it couldn’t have been easy!” He exclaimed. “Anyway, we’d like to start with a short slideshow of photos of Aston!” Oritse added, taking the microphone of Marv. “Oh no.” I groaned. “This is where I get the first part of my revenge!” Oritse laughed. The slideshow lasted for about 5 minutes, it’s fair to say I was shamed. The majority of the photos were embarrassing! Everyone aw’ed at the photos of me and Scarlett though. “We’d like to thank Scarlett for providing the photos!” JB announced once it finished. “Thanks babe.” I groaned. “Where did you find them?” “Let’s just say, I had a lot of time on my hands when you were working!” Scarlett laughed. “Well, we were going to continue and embarrass Aston more, but we’ll save it for whenever your stag do is!” Oritse smirked. “Anyway, Scarlett’s got her own surprise!” Marvin announced. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You’ll soon see.” Scarlett replied, letting go of my hand, walking towards the stage. Scarlett took the microphone off Oritse, and the boys walked off the stage and stood next to me. “Well, I don’t know how many of you actually know this, but I’m a trying singing/song writer.” Scarlett said nervously. “Anyway, I wrote this song for Aston, it’s probably gonna sound dead cheesy now, but still. It’s called ‘It’s never a final goodbye’. She started singing, and I just stared at her in awe. The song was beautiful, her voice was beautiful. My eyes filled up, I tried to hold the tears in, but a single tear escaped and rolled down my face. “Ast, are you crying?!” Marvin hissed. “There’s something I need to do.” I replied, ignoring the question, making my way towards the stage as the song finished. “That was beautiful.” I said quietly, knowing she’d hear me. “Thanks babe, glad you like it!” She replied, going to walk off the stage. “No, wait, stay there.” I said, walking onto the stage. “There’s something I gotta do.” “Aston, what’s going on?” Scarlett asked. I took the microphone off her. “I just want to start by thanking everyone for coming, I wasn’t expecting this at all!” I exclaimed, then I turned to Scarlett. “I especially want to thank you, Scarlett. Not just for tonight, but for everything, it means the world to me and more, just you being in my life.” I paused for a moment. “You make my life complete, each and every day, we’ve been through a lot in the last few months, but we’ve got through it, it’s made us stronger, I can’t live without you. That time when we had to live without each other, I couldn’t, I need you just as much as you need me.” I paused again, looking into her eyes. “Scarlett, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?” I asked pulling a ring box out of my pocket bending down on one knee. There was a collective gasp from everyone in the audience, including Scarlett. “Yes, yes Aston, I will marry you.” Scarlett replied. I took the ring out of the box, and placed it gently onto her finger. I put my hand to her cheek and kissed her. “I love you.” She breathed. “I love you too, more than you will ever know.” I whispered back. 

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