Part 88

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Scarlett’s POV.

“I’m getting married tomorrow!” I trilled as Ellie climbed into the car. We were on our way to Kensington palace, the place where me and Aston were getting married, I was so excited. “I know, you’ve text me 5 times this morning telling me!” Ellie laughed. “Sorry, I just can’t wait! I’ve waited for the moment for a very long time.” I gushed. “I know, I know!” Ellie replied. “Come on, let’s go!” I exclaimed, I was getting impatient, I just couldn’t wait to get to the place where we were getting married! We were going to the venue the night before, spending the night there, just our close friends, the boys and our families.

“Oh my God! It’s nicer than I remember!” I exclaimed as we walked along the corridor, it was stunning inside. I walked into the room that I would be spending the night in, and put my suitcase down, Aston followed. “Oh no you don’t.” I laughed as he sat down. “What do you mean?” Aston said back, sounding confused. “You’re not spending the night with me.” I replied. “Why’s that?” He asked. “It’s tradition, that the bride and groom spend the night before the wedding apart.” I announced. “But I wanted to spend one last night with you before we become married.” Aston pouted. “Babe, it’s tradition, anyway, let’s just remember last night, that was the last night we’d spend together before we were married, and it was incredible.” I replied, lowering my voice. “It was special.” Aston said back quietly. “Anyway, where has this stuff about tradition come from, we’re not exactly the most traditional couple.” “I know, we’re not.” I admitted. “But starting from now, we will be.” “Do you reckon we’ll change much, like the way we are together when we’re married?” Aston asked. “No, nothing will change it’ll bring us closer together if anything, the only think that I hope that changes is our luck, I just couldn’t bare it if anything else bad happened, what else can happen, we’ve been through it all!” I exclaimed. “We have, but we’ve made it this fair.” Aston said smiling. “We have, I’m just glad I’ve got you, we’re starting this marriage once, without a care in the world, I’m not gonna worry about Cal, Jacob, my Dad, Danni and Edmund anymore, all that matters now, is me, you and Faith!” I exclaimed. “I couldn’t agree more!” Aston replied. “Now let’s get ready, we’re having food soon.”

“I guess this is where I say goodnight then.” Aston said softly, we were standing outside my room. “It is.” I sighed. “It’s a shame it has to be like this, I was hoping that you’d invite me in.” He replied cheekily. “You’ve got no chance! Tradition remember!” I laughed. “Yeah I guess, it’ll make tomorrow even more special.” Aston smiled. “It will!” I exclaimed. Aston pulled me towards him, and kissed me, gentle at first, then desperately, as if he wouldn’t see me again. “What’s with the urgency in the kiss?” I asked a few minutes later. “Nothing, just making the most of it considering that’s all I’m getting.” He laughed quietly. “I love you mind.” I said quickly. “I know you do, I love you too, I better go to my room, then it’s getting late, big day tomorrow!” Aston exclaimed. “I know I can’t wait.” I smiled. “Goodnight beautiful, see you tomorrow.” He said back, turning around and walking down the corridor. I watched him walk away. “I’ll be the one in white!” I called loudly, probably waking whoever was sleeping up. Aston turned around, flashed me his biggest smile, then carried on walking.

I walked into my room, I was too buzzed to sleep, I looked at the time, it was just gone 11, I was getting up at 9 to get ready. I sat down and sighed, this was going to be a long night. There was a gentle knock on the door, and in walked Ellie. “Mind if I come in?” She asked. “You’re already in.” I laughed quietly. “I just wanna talk for a bit, if that’s okay?” Ellie replied. “Yeah go for it, what’s up?” I asked. “Nothing, nothing’s the matter really, just a bit of advice I guess.” She shrugged. “What do you wanna say to me?” I asked again. “Just don’t mess this up Scarl, I mean I know you won’t, but seriously, you’ve got to make this work, nothing can go wrong, whatever it takes, you have to make this work.” Ellie babbled, her voice was almost desperate. “What do you mean, of course I’ll make it work?” I replied, confused by her words. “I know that, just I couldn’t bare it if it didn’t, you’re like the perfect couple, if you can’t work, then there’s not much hope for the rest of us.” She said slowly. “Elle, me and Aston, we’re stronger than ever, of course it’s going to work.” I replied confidently. “Yeah I guess, I’m just in a soppy mood I guess, probably the drink.” Ellie said back. “It is the drink more than likely, you better get some sleep, long day ahead tomorrow!” I exclaimed. “Yeah, night Scarl, see you in the morning.” Ellie said quietly, hugging me as she got up. “Night Elle.” I said as she walked away. I laid down and closed my eyes, filled with anticipation and excitement about the day ahead, I couldn’t wait to become Mrs Merrygold!  

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