Part 27

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Scarlett’s POV. 

“I’m so glad I was here when you woke up!” Exclaimed Aston. “I wouldn’t have forgiven myself I was.” “You’re here now, that’s the main thing.” I whispered, opening my eyes and looking at Aston, he was dressed in a suit and tie. I looked away, and looked down at myself, I was laying in the hospital bed, dressed in a long, blue dress, still attached to all the wires. Strange. “Ast? Why are we dressed like this?” I asked. “Aston’s gone. He’s left you.” I heard and oh-so familiar voice say. I looked over to where Aston was sitting, just a few seconds ago. He was gone. And in his place was Cal. “What?! How did you get here? Where’s Aston?!” I sobbed. “Like I said, he’s gone. I’m here, don’t worry, you have me!” He said laughing. “I thought you were in prison?” I said weakly. “Nah, he was just saying that to make you feel better, but I’ve been right here all along, now I’m going to finish you off once and for all!” He said bitterly, pulling the same knife out of his pocket. He stood up and climbed on top of me, aiming the knife at my chest. I was powerless. “Bye Scarlett, it’s been nice knowing you.” He chuckled. I screamed. 

“Scarl? Scarlett. Wake up. Scarlett, it’s fine, you’re having a nightmare.” It was Ellie, shaking me violently. “What? Where I am?” I exclaimed. “In the hospital babe.” Ellie replied softly. It took me a while to come around. “Cal was here.” I whispered. “No he wasn’t Scarl, you were having a nightmare, I promise you, you are safe here.” She said back. “Oh Elle, it was horrible, he was here, with a knife, instead of Aston.” I babbled, not making sense. “How long have I been asleep?” I added. “Well three days. Then you woke up when Ast was here, do you remember that?” She asked. I nodded my head. “Then you fell back to sleep, after telling Aston to go home, that was this time yesterday.” She continued. “Aston is coming back to see you later, he’s been constantly texting me to make sure that you are okay.” “Please don’t tell Aston about the nightmare, he’ll only beat himself up about it.” I said quietly. “You’ve got my word.” She promised. We sat in silence for a while. “I’m seeing Oritse!” Ellie blurted out suddenly. “Woah, really? That’s awesome!” I said, trying my best to sound enthusiastic. “Yep, we spent the night together, nothing happened, well not in that respect, I was too upset over you, but he was comforting me, and then, it just went from there.” She said quickly, blushing as she spoke. “Aw I’m so happy for you! You deserve to be happy, both of you!” I said, smiling. She was about to reply, when the doctor walked in. “Ah, so you’re awake again?” He said. “Yep.” I replied. “When can I go home?” I added. “Well, I’d like to keep you in, just for two more days, just to make sure.” He replied. “How are you feeling?” “Pretty sore I guess.” I said quietly. “You’re lucky, the wound wasn’t that deep, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.” He replied. I thought for a minute, thinking about what he had said, tears pricking the back of my eyes. “You know, if the blade had been a few centimetres over, well who knows.” He continued to speak. “Okay, I think you’ve said enough now!” Exclaimed Ellie. “Sorry, my view is honesty is the best policy.” He said. “Anyway, just get plenty of rest.” He added, before walking out of the room. “Wow! What a wanker her is!” She exclaimed. “Yeah I guess, but I suppose I owe it to him, he did save my life.” I replied weakly. “Yeah, but still there was no need for him to say that.” Ellie said. We talked for a bit, I was suddenly feeling a lot better. “So, how’s the boys single going?” I asked. “Well, the midweek charts were yesterday, and it was number one then, so it’s looking good for Sunday!” She replied cheerfully. I smiled back, relieved that what had happened a few days ago hadn’t ruined their chances for another number one.

Sometime later, Aston arrived back at the hospital, he looked so much better! “Glad to see you looking better!” I exclaimed as soon as he walked in. “I can say the same thing about you!” He added. “Well I guess I’ll leave you both to it!” Ellie said, walking out the door. “Any news from the doctor?” Aston asked. I filled him in about what the doctor had said. “Oh, and he said I can go home on Saturday all being well!” I finished with. “Ah thank god!” He exclaimed. “I’ve got a little surprise for you when you get home too!” “You’re too cute, you know that. But I hate surprises!” I grumbled. “Well you’ll love this one! Trust me!” He replied. “Now get some more sleep, you’ll feel better if you do.” I smiled back at him, and closed my eyes, it wasn’t long before I drifted off again. 

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