Part 76

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Scarlett’s POV.

It was now the end of January, Aston was with the boys, promoting their latest single, I was at home with Faith, getting ready to go out and meet Ellie to get some more things sorted for the wedding! I had just finished getting changed when the phone rang. I walked over, checking the number, it was JLS’ record label. “Hello?” I said. “Hey, this is Scarlett right?” The voice said back. “Yeah it is, Aston’s not here right now, I’ll tell him you called?” I answered. “I’ve not rang to speak to Aston, I’ve rang to talk to you.” He replied. “Oh, what have I done?” I asked, confused to why they would want to talk to me. “Nothing, well when Aston was here last, he left us a video of you singing, and we think you’ve got real potential.” He said back. “Wow, thank you.” I replied, I was still confused as to where this was heading. “Well, we were thinking we’d like to sign you, how about you come down tomorrow, for a meeting and we’ll discuss this further?” He continued. I was speechless. “Scarlett, are you still there?” He asked. “Yes, yes sorry.” I stuttered. “I’m free at 3 in the afternoon, if you want to come then?” He replied. “Yeah, that’s fine I’ll be there!” I said back. “Great, see you there then.” He answered. “One last thing, I know you’re a song writer, but do you write songs for yourself?” “Yeah I do.” I said quickly. “Great, bring them with you, I would like to listen to them.” He said hanging up. I stared at the phone in disbelief, had that actually just happened?! I took my phone out of my pocket, to ring my Nan, to tell her, I thought she should be the first to know. I stopped suddenly in my tracks, it would be better to wait until a deal had actually been confirmed. I’d just keep this between me and Aston for now. A few minutes later, Ellie was at the door. “You ready to leave then?” She asked, walking in. “Yep, come on, let’s go!” I replied, I was bouncing. “What’s wrong with you today?” Ellie laughed. “What? Nothing, just generally in a good mood.” I replied. “Sure?” She asked. “Yep, I’m fine, come on, we have wedding planning to do!” I exclaimed. “You’re weird.” Ellie muttered, walking out the front door after me. I smiled to myself, if only she knew!

Aston’s POV.

I got home from work at around 6, it had been an eventful day to say the least! I sat on the sofa, waiting for Scarlett to come home. She arrived home with Faith around 30 minutes later. “I see you’ve had a very productive day, sorting out stuff for the wedding.” I commented, helping her in with all the bags. “Yeah, we kinda got a bit distracted, but we did get some stuff sorted for the wedding.” She laughed back. “I can see!” I replied. “I’ll put Faith to bed, if you wanna put all this away?” I added. “Yeah, I’ll make a start on food too.” She said back.

Faith went out like a light. “Food’s on.” Scarlett announced, walking into the living room, sitting on my lap. “So, when were you thinking of telling me that you gave your record label a video of me singing?” She asked suspiciously. Scarlett caught me off guard. “Uh, I didn’t want to say anything, y’ano, just in case things didn’t go right or something.” I replied. “What’s happened anyway?” “They rang me earlier, they’re interested in signing me!” Scarlett replied. “Oh my god! That’s awesome!” I exclaimed. “I know, I can’t believe it! He asked me to go down for a meeting tomorrow, to sort everything out.” She said back. “You’re going to make it, I just know it.” I said quickly. “Thank you though, you didn’t have to do that.” Scarlett said quietly. “You’re welcome, I know how much it meant to you, you deserve it, you’ve worked so hard.” I said back. “I haven’t really though.” She replied. “Not with the singing anyway.” “The song writing aspect of it, you really have tried.” I answered. “I guess, but if this all goes right, it just seems too easy, like it’s just been handed to me on a plate, you see all the trying singers, who fail, no matter how hard they try, and then there’s me.” Scarlett said, her voice was uncertain. “You do deserve it Scarl, you really do, the songs you write are amazing for a start, and your voice, it’s just incredible!” I exclaimed. “It means a lot, what you’re saying, I’m just thankful I have you, I just want everything to work out for the best.” She said quickly. “It will, this year is going to be kind to us, we’ve been through enough.” I replied, we really had been through a lot in the last year or so, it had been tough on times, but it had been worth it! 

We made vows in the tree house, together, Forever.Where stories live. Discover now