Part 14

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Aston’s POV. 

“Scarlett, wake up babe.” I said, shaking Scarlett gently. “What?” She replied sleepily. “I wanna sleep, it’s too early.” “Come on babe, I’m taking you out for the day, remember?” I said, laughing quietly. “Where are we going?” She mumbled back. “Now, that would be telling, you’ll have to wait and see!” I said. “Okay, I’m getting up.” Scarlett replied, stretching and yawning. “What do I need to wear? Considering you won’t tell me where you’re taking me?” She asked curiously. I thought for a minute. “Uh, just casual I guess, shorts and a top! Fancy clothes will come for where I’m taking you tomorrow!” I replied cheekily. 

40 minutes later and we were both ready. “So, how are you actually planning on getting us to wherever we’re going?” Scarlett asked curiously. “Rented a car for the time we’re out here!” I replied. “You’ve got it all planned out haven’t you!” She laughed back. “Yep I have!” I exclaimed grabbing her hand. “Come on, let’s go!” We walked out of the room and into the reception of the hotel, bumping into Oritse and JB on the way. “Have fun today guys!” Jaybes said. “Yeah have a wicked time! You’ll love it!” Oritse added. “So, everyone knows where Ast is taking me today, and I don’t?” Scarlett asked. “Yep, Aston couldn’t stop talking about the plans he’s made!” Laughed JB. “Aw! No fair, I hate secrets! Can we go now?” She said impatiently. “Yes, we’re going!” I laughed.

Scarlett’s POV.

We’d been driving for about an hour now, and I still had no idea where Aston was taking me, if truth be told, I hadn’t really been paying attention to the road signs, so I was still completely clueless. “10 minutes and we’ll be there!” Aston announced. I looked out of the window, and in the distance, I could see an iconic pink castle, that’s when it hit me. “You’re taking me to Disney Land?” I exclaimed loudly. “I’ve always wanted to go!” “Yep! And I know, I remember when we were kids and we always talked about going when we both turned 18, I know I’m 6 years late, but here we are!” Aston replied, smiling. “Aw, Ast you remembered! Why you so cute Merrygold?” I asked. “Of course I remembered!” He said back. A few minutes later and we were queuing to get in. We walked through the gates and I felt like a kid again! I found it so cute how Aston remembered this after so many years! “What do you wanna go on first?” Aston asked. “Space Mountain!” I replied instantly. 

A few hours later after going on various different rides, we walked towards Sleeping Beauty’s castle, and climbed all the way to the top. “Told you I’d bring you to a castle one day Princess!” Aston said. I smiled as he said my childhood nickname. “Yep, You be the prince and I’ll be the Princess, it’s a love story baby just say yes..” I sang in a cheesy voice. Aston laughed, and kissed me passionately. All of a sudden, there was a huge flash of light. “What was that?!” I exclaimed. “A journalist. Followed us all the way here.” Aston said angrily. “I had my suspicions, I thought I seen one, but I just brushed it off.” “Really? He followed us all the way here?” I asked shocked. “Yep, some of them really do try and push their luck!” Aston replied bitterly. “They’ll do anything to get a story!” “Try not to let it get to you!” I said, “Come on, let’s enjoy the rest of our day!” We spent the rest of the going on the different rides, but my favourite part of the day had to be watching the night time parade. I cuddled up to Aston as we watched it, although at one point, there was some extremely shocking music, and Aston stood up and started dancing, loads of people around us stared, and I just sat there and laughed, he looked so cute bless him.

Sometime later, we were cuddled up in bed for the night. “Thanks for today Ast, it was amazing!” I said quietly. “Glad you enjoyed babe! Can’t wait for tomorrow, you’ll love it!” He replied. I pulled myself closer to Aston, and closed my eyes, thinking of the times me and Aston had spent together! 

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