Part 69

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Aston’s POV.

“Got a good feeling about this album!” I exclaimed, getting out of the car. We’d just done a full day’s worth of promotion for our album, and it had gone down a storm, everyone seemed to love it. The boys had come back for a quick drink, I opened the door, it was unlocked, it was unusual, Scarlett never left the door unlocked when she was in the house on her own. There was an eerie silence in the house, I didn’t like it. “Scarl, where are you?” I called. No reply. “Ast?” Marv said quietly, pointing to the smashed cup. “This is too weird.” I muttered, walking straight to stairs. “You better let me in now.” A voice sneered. I didn’t recognise it. The boys followed me. I walked up the stairs, and turned. Scarlett’s Dad was trying to open the door of Faith’s room, using all his strength. “Get away from the door.” I spat. “Ooh look who it is.” He sneered coyly. “Get away from the door, and get out of this house, and never come back.” I repeated myself. “And you’re gonna make me is it?” He laughed. “I’d like to see you try.” I walked towards him. “Ast, be careful.” Marv mumbled, pulling me back. “N’aw, don’t wanna see your precious ikkle band member get hurt is it?” Her Dad mocked. That did it. “Get. Out. NOW.” I shouted. I walked towards him, throwing my arms about. He was too strong, he had me against the wall in a matter of seconds. “Any last words?” He sneered. “Stay away from my family.” I spat. I tried pushing him away, but it was no use, I was struggling. “Get off him.” Oritse shouted, I felt the weight being pulled away from me, the boys had him. “Get off me, I’ll have all yous done for assault.” He spat. “Oh yeah, I think we can prove that’s not the case, the house is covered in security cameras.” JB exclaimed. I smirked, this was the last we’d see of him, I was sure. The boys half carried, half dragged him down the stairs. “Get out and stay out you piece of scum!” Oritse exclaimed. “Don’t you even think about showing your face around here again!” Marvin added. It was over. I breathed a sigh of relief. I stood still for a few minutes, just calming myself down.

“Scarl, he’s gone, open the door babe.” I said quietly. She didn’t answer. “He’s gone now, I promise, no one’s going to hurt you. The house is safe, it’s just me and the boys here.” A few minutes passed before she opened the door. “Scarl, what happened to your lip?” I exclaimed. She was covered in blood. “He elbowed me when I had his arm, then that happened.” She whispered, pointing to her lip. “Aston, I was so scared, I thought he was going to take the baby, I was petrified.” “It’s all over now babe, he won’t come here again.” I said softly, pulling her towards me.

Scarlett’s POV. 

“And there was me, thinking of forgiving him.” I scoffed. Aston had helped me clean up my lip; it had swollen to at least double its normal size. We were sitting in the living room, Ellie had come around, Marvin, Oritse and JB watched our security tapes back, they couldn’t believe what he had done. “Why would you ever think of doing that though?” Ellie asked, confused. “Because of the fact that I have a half-brother. I hope to God my Dad doesn’t see him much, he doesn’t deserve a father like him.” I spat. “Have you heard anything about this half-brother of yours?” She added. “Mum showed me a picture, handsome little boy he is.” I said wearily. As I said that, my phone went off. It was Mum. I told her everything. “I feared this would happen, I’m not taking him back, not after that.” Mum replied, once I’d explained everything. “You don’t have to, because of me.” I said back. I knew my mum still loved him. “It’s not just that Scarl, it’s the fact that he cheated on me. I know I shouldn’t, but I still speak to the woman he cheated on me with on times, she needs a lot of help, she had no idea he was married, he lied to her, telling her that they’d make a go of it, that he’d be with her, then he left her, on her own, pregnant, hardly a penny to her name.” Mum said back. “That must be hard.” I answered. “It is, it’s not exactly the easiest thing in the world, but I guess we have something in common, we’ve both been hurt by your father.” She said. “He’s not my father, not anymore.” I replied, I’d disowned him, threating my baby, that was it, he was no father of mine. “I better go anyway Mum, I have stuff to sort out, I’ll ring you soon okay?” I promised, putting the phone down…

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