Part 75

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Scarlett’s POV.

I walked out of the club, looking for Ellie, the streets were busy with people wishing each other Happy New Year. I walked up the road from the club, Ellie was sitting on the wall alone, her face streaked with mascara. “What’s happened Elle?” I asked quietly. I went to the toilet, like an hour ago, I had Oritse’s phone, and it went off, someone left a voicemail message.” She said quickly. “What’s wrong with that?” I said back. “She left a message ‘Happy New Year beautiful, ring me when you can.’ The number was withheld.” Ellie said bitterly. “It could have been the wrong number?” I suggested. “Oh I don’t know. He’s been secretive recently, he’s always on her phone, what if he’s cheating on me Scarl? I couldn’t take it.” Ellie sobbed. “I’m sure he’s not, he probably has a reasonable explanation for it?” I replied, not knowing what else to say. “I just don’t know.” Ellie replied. There was silence. 

Oritse and Aston walked towards us slowly. “Stay away from me Reesh, I can’t talk, not now.” Ellie said bluntly. “Just give him a chance Ellie.” I said quietly. “You’ve got one minute.” Ellie said bitterly. “Do you want us to go?” Aston asked. “No. It’s fine.” She said back. “Go on then, explain yourself.” Me and Aston stood awkwardly next to each other. “That number, I swear, I’ve listened to the voicemail, I have no idea who she is.” Oritse said. “And how do I know you’re not lying?” Ellie bit back. “Because I’d be honest with you if I knew who it was, we keep no secrets.” He replied. “And why recently have you become so secretive then? Always on your phone then?” Ellie snapped. “I can’t tell you.” Oritse sighed. “So, you have something to hide then!” She cried. “No, it’s not like that, yeah I mean it is, but…” Oritse trailed off. “Who is she Reesh, just spit it out.” Ellie said bitterly. “Elle, trust me it’s not like that, it’ll ruin the surprise if I tell you.” He said quickly. “How do I know you’re not just saying that.” She snapped. “Fine, I was planning something for Valentine’s day, I know it’s a while away, I wanted to surprise you, not let on to anything at all, but now any chance of that has been ruined.” Oritse exclaimed. “Oritse I’m sorry.” Ellie said quickly. “I’ve ruined everything now.” “No you haven’t, come here.” He said softly, pulling Ellie towards him. “This belongs to you.” He added, pulling the ring back out of his pocket, putting it gently back onto her finger. “Everything’s back to the way it should be.” I said smiling. “It was just a small lovers tiff.” “The alcohol probably didn’t help either.” Aston added. “Come on, let’s go back in!” “I think I just want to go home.” Ellie said quietly. “If that’s what you want, I’ll see you soon.” I replied hugging her. “Hope the new year is kind to you babe.” “You too Scarl, you deserve to be happy, especially after everything that’s happened.” Ellie replied softly. I smiled back, and walked back towards the club with Aston. 

Aston’s POV.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of doors banging, my head was pounding. “Good morning!” Scarlett said brightly. “How come you’re not hung over?” I muttered. “Drank a lot of water.” She said back. “Fair enough.” I replied, closing my eyes. “Have you seen to Faith this morning, I haven’t heard her?” I asked a few minutes later. “Mum has her, I’ve already been down, she’s fine.” Scarlett replied. Scarlett cuddled up closer to me, and we fell back to sleep in each other’s arms. 

I woke up around 2 hours later, feeling considerably better. Scarlett was still asleep. I pulled away gently from here, I turned and kissed her, running my fingers through her hair. “Feeling better now?” She asked quietly, opening her eyes. “Yes, much much better.” I murmured. I kissed her again, harder. “Ast, no we can’t.” She laughed quietly, knowing what was on my mind. “And why’s that?” I asked cheekily. “Because of the fact my Mum and grandparents are downstairs, they’ll hear us!” Scarlett replied. “They won’t.” I said quickly, tracing her lips with my finger. I kissed her again. “Ast, we really can’t.” Scarlett laughed again. “Fine.” I said, pretending to strop. “Aw come on Ast, don’t be like that!” Scarlett exclaimed. “I’m not being like anything.” I replied, turning my head away from her. “We can, later?” Scarlett asked. “I might not want to later, I was just thinking of making your New Year’s day very special.” I said back, she was weakening. “If they hear us, you’re dead, you know that?” Scarlett bit back. “They won’t I promise.” I smirked. I pushed Scarlett gently back onto the bed. “You’re going to be the death of me!” Scarlett exclaimed, that seemed to be her favourite line recently. “And how’s that?” I asked, kissing her before she replied. “Because I always let you get your own way!” She replied. “Nah, you don’t let me, I’m just very good at persuading people, I always get my own way.” I said smugly.

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